King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Russian Bible and Evangelization Soci­ ety has also centers of evangelistic work in Poland, Finland, and Czecho-Slovakia, and other places. Field of 250,000,000 people including 9,000,000 Jews. The Society is also reaching th e Jew with the Gospel. P ray for these millions of precious souls. These fields are white unto th e harvest. The advertisement of th is Society appears on front inside cover, kindly read it thoughtfully and THE CALL ’Twas in the quiet hour of prayer Before my F ath er’s throne, As w ith my Lord I tarried there, And we were all alone; I laid my life down a t His feet, My all He gladly tool^ And then He pointed far beyond And bade me tu rn and look; I saw a field before my eyes, That stretched o’er land and sea, I saw a world of human souls Bound for eternity. It seemed the day was almost spent, F ast fading into night, I wondered where th e reapers were, F o r lo, the fields were white. A call for helpers filled the air And echoed in my ear, And as I looked and listened thus My Lord drew very near. I tu rned to Him and asked Him, “Lord, What wilt Thou have me do? He pointed to the field once more, And softly whispered, “Go.” Katheryn Finchey, 1916. UNDERTAKERS WANTED- Have you ever read “The Ancient Mariner,” in which dead men are sail­ ing a ship? I have lived to see it done. I have seen a dead man in the pulpit, a dead man as a deacon, a dead man handing the plate, and dead men sitting to hear.—Spurgeon.

The w riter would advise every m inister and Christian worker to secure Wilson’s Index and begin its use at once. It will last a lifetime and grow more valuable every day. It is made by The Wilson Index Co., E ast Haddam, Conn. Don’t D isappoint People “Fine sermon, wasn’t it?” asked one of Farm er P ete’s boarders, referring to a scholarly discourse w ith which th e Mead- owville meeting-house congregation had been favored th at morning by a city preacher. “Mebbe,” returned Farm er Peter. “Why,” persisted the hoarder, “that man knows more about the Bible, and has made a deeper study of Biblical history and geography, than almost any other m inister in this country.” “Has he, now?” inquired Farm er Peter mildly. “Well, then, I reckon the trouble must’ve been, w ith me. You see, I calc- ’lated I sh’d hear somethin’ about the way to heaven, an’ I only learned the way from Jerusalem to Jericho.” —Presbyterian. SOUL WINNING IN RUSSIA There are in Russia over_ 100 evangel­ ists and preachers who are today desti­ tu te and in desperate need. We must provide help at once for these men in th eir distress. Through the war and revolution these Russian preachers have been tried and refined, tested and prov­ ed. They are prepared for work there as men sent from this country would not he; they know the language thoroughly, they are acquainted with the people and their ways-of life. In them th ere is a powerful nucleus for the work of evangelizing Russia. If we do not- help these men now, the loss will he inestimable. This is one of the g reatest opportunities ever given to Christian people for th e evangelization of Russia. The door is open to us whereby we are sending help to Russia for the evan­ gelization of the distressed country. T h e1

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