King's Business - 1921-06

Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province, China

We take pleasure in showing to our King’s Business family this month pictures of each of the nine Biola Evangelistic Bands (117 men in all). Each Band occupies one of the nine boats, receiving Bible instruction in the morning, the afternoon being spent in visiting the native homes and distributing Gospel tracts,

portionettes and posters. The number of homes thus visited from October 1, 1919 to July 15, 1920, were 187,247, won­ derful conversions having taken place in many of them. Dr. Keller is shown in the center of Band No. 9. We are also giving you a picture of the delegates which attended the Autumn Bible School last fall. This Bible School and Conference is held every autumn at the foot of the sacred mountain of Nanyoh which is visited every year by tens of thou­ sands of pilgrims, affording a wonderful opportunity for the preaching of the Gospel. Many .of the students rise long before dawn in order to reach the early pilgrims. The sketch on the same page gives an outline of the proposed buildings for the Hunan Bible Institute at Changsha.

This combination of Bible training and colpor.tage work is recognized by the missionaries there as one of the most efficient in all China, for the training of workers and the carrying out of the commission of our Lord to give the Gospel to every creature. A most interesting letter from Dr. Keller follows. We covet your earnest prayers and hearty co-operation for this most blessed work.

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