King's Business - 1921-06

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DR. FRANK A. KELLER, Superintendent

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stantly realize God’s presence and bless­ ing. As you th ink of these young men and pray for them, please try to really feel the great sacrifices they, are making, and ask God to more than make up to them for it all. He will surely answer your prayers as He has done so con­ stantly in the past. A few weeks ago Mr. Hwang wrote me about the blessing God was giving in the district where they were working. Among other cases he mentioned three brothers by the name of Peng, one of them 72 years of age, another 68, and a younger brother. They seemed much interested and so Mr. Hwang repeated his call. He gave a Bible to each of the brothers and they began studying God’s Word . These men had been vegetarians for many years, but as they studied the Bibles they were convicted of sin, and became convinced th a t vegetarianism had no cleansing or saving power, but rath er deceived and injured those who were devoted to it; ano the three brothers broke away from the vegetarianism , accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and testified to the peace th a t had come into their hearts. An­ other case was a Mr. Li (pronounced Lee)', one of a band of sixteen pilgrims who had been going to Nanyoh regularly for th e past six years. They were glad when Mr. Hwang called on them, and Mr. Li said th a t they had received copies of the Scriptures from our workers at Nan­ yoh, they had been studying them, and through this study he and one of his brothers had been brought to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The missionary in charge of the field in which Band No. 5 has been working for the past few months has only re­ cently returned to China from furlough and last Sunday he was in Changsha hav-


F YOU could only have seen the face of Mr. F. S. Hwang this af­ ternoon when he came into my office and spoke th e words quoted above, you would realize how genuine and deep is the gratitude of his heart. Mr.

Hwang is one of our workers in Band No. 5, he is a grand preacher and a most suc­ cessful personal worker. It always does one good to have him come around. About two years ago Mr. Hwang had a terrible fight with th at awful enemy of young men in China, tuberculosis. Mr. Hwang was one of our best workers and we felt th at for him to be taken would be a real trag ­ edy. How we did pray for him! His own h eart was full of courage and hope, his faith laid hold on God, and God graci­ ously spared him to us and to the work. If you could look at him now you would not think that he had ever been ill, a fine ruddy specimen of vigorous young man­ hood. God has given him a bright, well educated wife, an earnest Christian who seems in every way suited to be a real spiritual companion and helper. And yet, Mr. Hwang is willing to leave his wife and home for months a t a time in order to go out into the unevangelized places and tell men and women about Je­ sus, willing and mighty to save. And this is true not only of Mr. Hwang but of the 117 devoted men now out in the Biola Evangelistic Bands, many of them so far away th a t they can get home to their families only once in the year for a comparatively short vacation. And yet they love the work. Like Mr. Hwang their h earts are full of joy as they con­

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