King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S ing come here for the annual meeting of his mission. On meeting me he called out: “Keller, I want to have a word w ith you. The work of your band of evangelists in our district is simply wonderful. I am amazed and delighted with the results of God’s blessing on th eir work. I never had an opportunity to really observe this work before, but now th a t I have seen what it is and what is accomplished through it I feel th a t I must have a band in my district next year.” THE KING’S BUSINESS for February has ju st come in this evening and re­ minds me of my promise to tell you something about Mr. Tan, leader of our new Band No. 9. Humanly speaking, everything depends on the Chinese lead­ ers of these bands. They must be men of tact, of patience, of real ability in a business way, men of prayer, and men who really know God and His Word. They must be men, too, who are con­ scious of a definite call from God to this work, and who are fully yielded to Him for it. We praise God th a t He has given us a number of ju s t such men. A mis­ sionary w rote me recently: “We are so happy to have one of th e Biola Evan­ gelistic Bands in our field, and are so g ratefu l for the leader, Mr. Ih, he is such a man of p rayer.” Well, Mr. Tan is ju st such a man, well educated and trained and yet so humble, and wholly given up to th is work. F o r several years he served as assistant leader in Band No. 3, and when the opportunity came to organize Band No. 9 he was asked to assume th e lead­ ership of this band. Two years ago a missionary came to us a t Nanyoh and asked if we could supply him w ith an evangelist. I told him th a t he might feel free to talk with any of the men and if he found one who suited him he might give him a call. If th e man ac­ cepted the call and went with him it would be perfectly agreeable to us. Af­ ter some days of observation and con­ versation with the men he chose Mr. Tan

and gave him a call, but Mr. Tan prompt­ ly and positively declined it. He said th a t God had definitely called him to this work and th a t he could not leave it vol­ untarily. About a year later another mis­ sionary came to me and said th a t his m is­ sion needed a specially able and strong man for an important post and asked if we could supply them with such a man. I gave him photographs of several men, told him all I knew about them, and told him th a t if he considered any of them suitable I would put him in touch with the man and try to arrange an in ter­ view. This missionary also chose Mr. Tan. It happened th a t Mr. Tan had ju st ar­ rived in Changsha for his summer vaca­ tion and I gave his address to the m is­ sionary and told him th a t he m ight call on Mr. Tan, and th a t if after a personal interview with him he still felt like ex­ tending a call he m ight do so. The m is­ sionary made the visit and gave a call to Mr| Tan, but never reported the re­ sult to me. To accept th e call would mean a position of no little influence, settled work in a place where h e could have his family with him, a larger sal­ ary than we could offer him and with it all a work th a t was ju st as definitely a work for God as his v ork in th e bands. A couple of weeks later I m et Mr. Tan and asked him, “Did M r.— —call on you, and did he ask you to serve his mission as evangelist?” When he replied in the affirmative I asked him, “What did "you say to him?” Mr. Tan ju st looked at me and sm iled; for some tim e he did not say a word, but th a t smile was as good as a long speech; I will not soon forget it. But finally he said to me w hat he had said to the other m issionary a year be­ fore: “God has called me to the work of the Biola Evangelistic Bands, and ju st as long as He wants me in th is work I am unwilling to consider calls to any other work.” Mr. Tan, with Band No. 9, a band or­ ganized after much earnest and united

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