King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Saviour and Shepherd He is. He w ants th e boys and girls and the big folks who love Him to tell others. Peo­ ple who have no shepherd will get into trouble and lost, like th e little sheep, bu t the sheep had a shephefd who car­ ried it back to th e fold; ;b u t if it had had no shepherd it would have died. So Jesus knows th e people who do not have Him as th eir Shepherd will die and be lost forever. As we are th in k ­ ing how dreadful not to know Jesus and feel and know His love, and of being lost forever, we are going to find some of these lost sheep and tell them

of our Good Shepherd. Teach memory verse. Closing Prayer. BLACKBOARD SKETCHES By Ern Hansell June 12th, MAKING THE WORLD CHRISTIAN Is. 11:1-10, Acts 1:6-9. I. Is. 11:1-10 When Christ reigns up­ on this earth, Explain th at some day Christ will come to this earth to live and reign. DRAW “One day tie 's com­ ing.” II. Acts 1:6-9 The work of the be­ liever till He comes. Explain this pas­ sage of scripture, DRAW World sinking in sin, and the cross keeping the world from a complete destruction, Explain th a t Christ is the only hope of th e world. Conclusion: Christ is liable to come •at any time. May He find His children faithful when He comes.

JUNE 19, 1921 MAKING THE SOCIAL ORDER CHRISTIAN Golden Text: Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my b rethren, ye have done it unto me. Mat. 25:40. I l ESSON t e x t Lu. 4:16-21; Mat. 25:34-40. (Read Ac. 2:37-47; 8:4-8.)

25:34) .T h en ‘ shall the King say to them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, in h erit the king­ dom prepared for you from the foun ­ dation of the world: (35) F o r I w as an hungred, an d ye gave me m eat: I was thirsty, an d ye gave me d rin k ; I was a stranger, an d ye took me In; (36) Naked, an d ye clothed me; I w as sick, . an d ye visited me: I w as in prison, an d ye cam e unto me. (37) T h en shall th e rig h teo u s an sw er him , saying, L ord, when saw w e thee an hungred, an d fed th ee; \ or th irsty , ~and gave ~ th ee d rin k ? (38) W hen saw w e thee a stranger, an d took thee in ? or naked, an d clothed th ee? (39) Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, an d cam e u n to th ee? (40) A nd th e K ing shall an sw er an d say u n to th em , V erily I say u n to you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of th e le a s t of th ese m y b reth ren , ye h av e done it (did it) unto me. Luke givilig us th e story of Jesu s’ home­ going to Nazareth, and the second fropi

(16) A nd he cam e to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and, as his custom was, he w en t into the synagogue on the sabbath day, an d stood up for to read . (17) A nd th e re w as delivered u n to him the book of the prophet E saias. A nd w h en h e h ad opened the book, he found the place where It w as w ritten, (18) The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, b ecau se he h a th anointed me to preach th e gospel to the poor; he h a th sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to p reach deliv er­ an ce to the captives, an d recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, (19) T o p reach the acceptable year of the Lord. (20) And he closed the book, an d h e gaVe it ag ain (it b ack ) to th e m in ister, and sat down. A nd th e eyes of all th em th a t w ere in th e . synagogue were fastened on himr (21) A nd he began to sa y u n to them , T h is d ay is this scripture fulfilled In your ears. (Mat. Two passages of Scripture bave been assigned for this lesson,— th e first from

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