King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S you first, and a fte r th a t, in y.our Lord’.” P leasing Jesu s By H elping O thers. Matt. 25:34-40. Memory Verse.— “ Inasmuch as ya did it unto one of my b reth ren , even these least, ye did it unto me.” Matt. 25:40. Approach.— Clara, we are so glad to see you back w ith us th is morning, and we missed you la st Sunday. Jessie, will you tell us about th e shepherd and how he cares for BEGINNERS his sheep? I am AND PRIMARY sure C lara is glad Mabel L. M errill you listened so well la st week so you could tell her. Now Jesus th e good Shepherd w ants us all to love Him, and He does w ant the boys and girls to love Him and learn of H is g reat love while th e y 'a r e boys and girls. L et us say our verse th a t we have learned. “ Suffer little ch ild ren to come unto me, and forbid them no t: for of such is th e kingdom of God.” If all th e boys and girls would love Jesus, p retty soon th e whole world would love Him. When we are helping others, and especially when we tell others about Jesus and H is love, we are pleasing Him. P rayer. Lesson Story.—When Jesus was a boy he lived in a town called N azareth, bu t la te r on He w ith His p aren ts moved away from th a t place. One tim e when Jesu s had grown up into young man­ hood, He visited his old home town of N azareth,' and m et many of the people He knew. The people here knew Him as th e carp en ter’s son. When Sunday came where do you suppose Jesus went? Yes, to church. You see Jesus loved God His Heavenly F a th e r very much and He loved to go to church, God’s house. In those days th e Bible was handed to different ones, and on th is day, it was handed to Jesus, and He stood up and read from th e Bible. Jesus ta u g h t th e people by H is life. And if

589 we are going to please Jesus we must do all we can to help others, and th e very best way to help others is to tell them about Jesus, because when people know Jesus as th e ir Saviour, they have someone to help them while living down here on earth , and best of all, to live in heaven w ith Jesus forever. Our Bible story for today tells us th a t whenever we help someone in th e name of Jesus, which means because we love Jesus, it is ju s t th e same as though we had helped Jesus Himself. Jesus came to help all, for everybody in th e world needs Jesus to help them and save them from th eir sins. When Jesus finished His work on earth , He went back to heaven to g et a beautiful home ready for each.person in th e world who loves Him and follows Him as th e sheep follow the shepherd, for Jesus is our Shepherd if we love Him. Then some day He is coming back in g reat glory and bringing many angels w ith Him, and it will be a glorious sight. Many people will be very happy when they see Jesus coming, b u t many others will be afraid of Him and will stand trem b­ ling before Him. A t th is tim e Jesus will come to judge th e people, and He will separate th e good ones, those who believed in Jesus and did th e things th a t were pleasing to Him, from the wicked ones, those who would no t be­ lieve in Him. The good ones belong to Jesus, and He will tu rn to them and call them blessed, and invite them into th e beautiful place He has all ready for them . O w hat a happy day and how glad will be all those who followed Jesus in th e ir life here on earth . Then Jesus will tu rn to th e wicked ones and ask them to go away from Him, for they cannot stay w ith Him now be­ cause they would not love Him and serve Him on earth , and they can no t live w ith H im in heavem. O w hat a sad day for those people, for they will have to live w ith Satan, be­ cause they followed him, and would not

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