King's Business - 1921-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

polytheism , sacram entarianism , poly­ gamy, drunkenness, licentiousness, the am phitheater, slavery; men were God- haters, inventors of evil, idolaters, m ur­ derers; they spoke in many languages, were of different trib es and races,— all of which conditions obtain— as we have said— today. The early church had to m eet th e intense h atred of th e Jews; th e idolatry of th e Greeks; th e cruelty of th e Rom­ ans; th e luxury and licentiousness of the Corinthians; agnosticism , race and caste prejudice and every other obstacle which confronts us' today. There was an absence of church ma­ chinery, organization, schools, colleges or sem inaries. The command to “ Go— preach” was given to every disciple. It was no t given to a few thousand men w ith special equipment to meet the learned agnosti­ cism and scientific scholars of th e day, — bu t ordinary men and women, as the Holy Ghost empowered them , went everywhere telling w hat th e Lord had done for them . In th e course of tim e th ere grew up church dissensions, apos­ tates, backbiters, etc., b u t in spite of them , w ithin th e lifetim e of P aul th e Gospel had been preached to all nations. There are no problems confronting th e church today th a t did h o t confront th e early church, and we need only to meet those problems in th e same sp irit of self-denial and sacrifice in order to accomplish the same blessed results,— remembering always th a t th e resurrec­ tion of Jesus Christ is th e g reat funda­ m ental tru th . It was th e central theme of every sermon recorded in th e Book of Acts. The resurrection of Jesus Christ in­ volved H is crucifixion. It set th e seal to th e tru th th a t Jesus Christ was very God, and th a t salvation is only th rough th e sacrificial offering of God’s Lamb, for “W ithout th e shedding of blood th ere is no rem ission.” (Heb. 9 :2 2 ). It involved the justification of th e be­

liever, because it testified to H is accept­ ance by God when He appeared w ith His blood-offering in th e Holy of holies. (Heb. 9 :2 4 ). It involved, also, th e outpouring of th e Holy Spirit on th e day of Pentecost, verifying His promise th a t th e Spirit should be given afte r H is departu re (John 14:17; 1 6 :7 ). It involved an endued Church, for the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in every be­ liever, im parting the life of Christ, and empowering him for service. It involved the full inspiration of the Word of God, which testifies to th e fact th a t th is is a lost world, demanding th e fulfillment of th e la st command of our Lord to give the Gospel to every crea­ ture. This book of “The Acts of th e Holy Sp irit” is filled w ith m anifestations of His power, and a careful reading will show His manifest leading, directing and guiding in th e organization of the church; in the qualifying and empower­ ing of the leaders; in th e filling and equipment of w itnesses; in th e develop­ ment of doctrine. He fixed the direction th e Gospel was to tak e in its course from Jerusalem to Rome. He interposed and hindered as in 16:6, 7. He took apos­ tles like P eter and John, and also lay­ men such as Philip, Barnabas, Ananias and Saul. He not only selected and guided th e messengers, b u t equipped and empowered them to speak th e Word of Life. He is manifest in th e call and com­ mission of P au l; in th e m inistry of an ­ gels (5 :19 , 20; 8 :26 ; 12:7-11, 2 3 ); in such seemingly incidental things as th e nam ing of th e stree t in which Ananias would find Saul (Acts 9 :1 1 ). The Holy Spirit is manifested th roughou t th e entire record in His use of th e messengers, and th e giving of a definite message. The apostles on th e ir journeys did ho t lecture on Greek art, or civilization or education. They de­ pended solely on th e Word of God.

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