King's Business - 1921-06

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ous teacher can act as though these dis­ coveries have never been made? Is your church recognizing these discoveries? Are you aw are th a t about all the great experts iu New Testament problems view Jesus as he is accepted by the Uni- tarian Faith?” Remarkable—if true— but IT’S A LIE. Aren’t you sometimes amused at the conceit of infidel preach­ ers? This naan may be sincere in his belief that there are no scholars except Unitarians— nevertheless he is the dev­ il’s dupe. What’s the m atter with Ireland did you ask? You could put four Irelands within the boundaries of California and have almost room enough left for Scot­ land, yet according to a Catholic ency­ clopedia of 1910, Ireland had 543 con­ vents and 3,088 priests. God alone knows the number of deluded women and girls hidden away in these institutions, de­ prived of their God-given right to home, husband and children. And think of nearly nine celibate priests to the square mile! What more need be said? Because a P resbyterian m inister in New Zealand determined he would be true to the teachings of the Word of God in spite of th e “ higher authorities,” the Presbytery got together and voted him out of business regardless of the wishes of his members, something after the manner in which the Michigan Bap­ tist Convention recently “excommunica­ ted” some churches for the same offense. What has led in Michigan to the organization of independent evangelical Baptist churches, has also ;resulted the same way in New Zealand. The Presbyterian congregation which was unceremoniously robbed of its pastor, immediately organized “The United Evangelical Church in New Zealand.” The lines are being drawn everywhere, and it is becoming more evident th at the people want the Bible and will not stand for the “steam roller” method much longer. Candidates for the m inistry are becom­ ing distressingly fewer. And Is it any wonder when theological seminaries offer them nothing better than the th in soup of German rationalism?” There is but one

Boston scientist has been trying to prove th a t the Garden of Eden was located in Ohio. Southern California residents are up in arms a t the audacity of the man. Exchange remarks th a t “when Eve had eaten the forbidden fruit she for the first tim e perceived her nakedness.” The suggestion is then ISffered th at it is high time some of this fruit was passed around among the ladies again. Forsythe Journal, reporting an after­ noon gathering of the Ladies Aid society, states th a t “Mrs. Miller read an article on ‘Personal Devils.’ ” The next sentence says, “Seventeen were present.” Sounds like a spiritualistic seance! Advertisement in Cleveland newspaper: “South End Spiritual Mission—Old T ime Dance and Musical Entertainm ent next Saturday Evening at the Mission Hall.” T hat’s one way to prepare for the next world—but which one? San Francisco pastor announces Sun­ day topic—“Does the .Age Need Another Ingersoll?” Another! No, we have plenty of ’em, and many of them in Christian pulpits. His prayer meeting subject shows where this pastor stands. “Tuesday a t 8 P. M.—Psychology of Mod­ ern and Classic Drama.” Friend of ours takes us to task be­ cause we have been rath er severe on a certain higher critic whose writings have misled hundreds of young theological stu­ dents, for this teacher was “such a dear, loving man.” And th a t’s the danger of it all, for many false teachers have gen­ tle personalities and an attractive way of presenting error. Poison with sugar coating on it, goes down much easier but it kills ju st the same. Look out for those sugar-coated fellows. Display advertisement in Dallas, Tex­ as, paper, inserted by the pastor ■of the F irst Unitarian Church, attem pts to give the world some real information: “DO YOU KNOW THAT The Biblical scholars of Harvard, Yale, Chicago Uni­ versities, and all the great centers of European education, have given us th eir patient, thorough and unbiased study of the b irth stories of Jesus, and the result has been such th a t no church or religi­

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