King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


O beloved! God’s Word promises no such concession to the devil. His place for th e thousand years is IN “ the bot­ tom less p it,” where he shall “ deceive the n ation s”^}(M rs. W hite forgot them ) — “ no more till th e thousand years be fulfilled.” (Rev. 2 0 :3 ). Meanwhile th is old e a rth will become a veritable P arad ise, an enlarged edition of the gar­ den of Eden. Israel will function as “ a kingdom of priests, and an holy n a­ tion ,” W ITH THE LORD JESUS KING OP THE WHOLE EARTH. Some dif­ ference! P ra ise His Name, O praise His Name forever! Mrs. W hite was deceived, and all those who are bound w ith her are deceived. May God find a way of escape fo r some. O te ll it o u t on the au tho rity of God’s Word th a t no t one single soul has to w ait for any Investigative Judgm en t to kndw th a t he has “ passed from death to life” ; b u t th a t by faith in th e “FIN ­ ISHED” work of reconciliation w rought by th e Son of God upon th e cross p i Calvary, th e slate will be wiped clean of- sins th a t are past, never again to come in to remembrance. “The blood of Jesu s Christ God’s Son CLEANSETH from all sin.” (1 John 1 :7 ). -If God’s Word does not hold good here, b e tte r bu rn your Bible and be done w ith it. I t is w ritte n :— ‘ “ Buried w ith Him in baptism , where­ in also ye are risen w ith Him th rough th e fa ith of th e operation of God who h a th raised HIM from th e dead. And you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh h a th He quickened tog eth er w ith Him, HAVING FORGIVEN' YOU ALL TRESPASSES; BLOTTING OUT THE HANDWRITING OF ORDINANCES THAT WAS AGAINST US, and took it out of the way, NAILING IT TO H IS , CROSS.” (Col. 2 :12 -14 ). Investigative Judgm en t (?) with nothing to investigate bu t the blood of

I have said th a t “ th e ir m illennium was a farce,” and so it is. L isten :—-(I am again quoting from th e ir Sunday School Quarterly beginning January , 1918). “ In connection w ith Christ and the holy angels, the redeemed saints engage in th e work of examining, the records of th e lives of th e wicked, and determ ining th e ir sentences, as well as those of the fallen angels. This Judgm ent of course takes place in heaven, as th e saints are taken th e re a t th e first resurrection,; and th is Judgm ent continues one thousand years. During th is time, th e ea rth lies desolate, w ith only S atan and his angels to inhabit th e region he has tu rn ed into a w ilderness.” Nothing could su it th e devil b etter th an th a t. T h at is w hat he has been fighting for since he seduced Eve. This old ea rth is th e very goal he seeks, and nothing would su it him b etter th an to be in undisputed possession for th a t one thousand years th a t God has promised to redeem positively ou t of his in te r­ ference, while He chains him (th e devil) up in “ the bottom less p it.” S trange th a t th e devil could p u t such a palpable lie over on anyone w ith an open Bible. L et me quote Mrs. W hite upon th e subject, for she is th e au tho rity fo r th is un scrip tu ral position. “The earth looked like a desolate w ilderness........... H ere is to be th e home of Satan w ith his evil angels for a thou­ sand years. Here he will be confined to wander up and down over th e broken surface of the ea rth .” Wonderful m illennium th a t would be! The saints in heaven poring over tomes of records containing the deeds of th e w icked,' while th e devil grew footsore wandering “ over the broken surface of th e ea rth .” It does not say th a t he grew footsore; bu t th a t would seem to be th e purpose of “ the broken surface.” Plainly he had lost the power to over­ come gravity for th e thousand years.

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