King's Business - 1921-06

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S thè Lamb th a t has blotted ou t the record against us! I have found th a t any religious sys­ tem th a t requires a vocabulary th a t is not found in th e Word of God to explain its exegesis of th e Scriptures, is a sys­ tem th a t is unsound. No such phrase is found in th e Scriptures as “The In­ vestigative Judgm en t.” Compare Mrs. W hite’s or any other false p rophet’s vocabulary w ith th e Word of God and it is foreign. Their “speech b etray eth ” them . According to the Scriptures, th e Lord Jesu s is now seated a t th e rig h t hand of God th e F ath e r, where He will remain un til H is enemies are made His foot­ stool. (Acts 2:32-35). So long as His enemies are no t pu t under His feet, we may know th a t He is there. When P aul w rote his epistle to th e Hebrews of his day Christ had already entered “ into the holy place, having obtained etern al redemption for us, by H is own blood.” (Heb. 9 :1 2 ). ; How then dare S. D. Adventists put fo rth th e exegesis of verse 22 of th is same chapter th a t they do? W hat are our pastors thinking of not to acquaint themselves w ith th is un- scrip tu ral system th a t is growing w ith leaps and bounds in our m idst? Methinks th a t many pastors will yet have to face those who have been caught in th e tentacles of th is false system who have in days past sa t under th e ir m in­ istry. I have in m ind a n iirse in one of the S. D. A. Sanitarium s, raised in a P res­ byterian fam ily, who one day said to m e:— “O I wish I had your assurance th a t I was saved.” Needless to say th a t I sought to lead her into th a t assurance th a t so filled my h ea rt w ith song even in th e m idst of my extrem e physical misery, b u t to no ap­ p a re n t purpose. I then urged h er to go home and straig h t to h er pastor to see if he could not help to free h er from

611 the g reat bondage of fear by which she was entangled. W hether she ever did I have not since learned. She is bu t one of thousands who have gone out from under th e teach­ ing of our orthodox pulpits all too illy prepared to intelligently combat th e false teachings of th is system. Who will be judged for those who are trapped through th e unfaithfulness o f ' God’s watchmen upon H is watch towers? It does seem to me th a t it is the busi­ ness o f every pastor to inform himself concerning these false religious systems and regu larly w arn those w ithin th e sound of his voice of th e ir soul destroy­ ing dangers. Personally I never once heard a warning note sounded in all th e churches I have attended th roughou t my long Christian life against this system. W hat I know of it has resulted from earnest prayer and a searching of th e Scriptures on my own p art alone. The tim e was when I considered them ortho­ dox, though never in danger of being converted to th e ir position regarding the seventh day S a b b a th ^ fo r th a t was the only point wherein I th en supposed we differed. Month afte r month all by which I judged was w hat I heard and saw as a p atien t in th e ir S anitarium s; and I saw an d heard nothing th a t seemed vitally unsound; 'but th e day came when a copy of Mrs. W hite’s Ex­ periences and Visions published in 1851 was p u t into my hands. W ith beating h ea rt I read it through-—my eyes wide open now. I was ho rro r stricken, and I promised God to do everything in my power to warn others of th e subtleties of th is dangerous system, for God had opened my eyes to its source, and He never wastes any tim e beating around the btish. No stream can rise higher th an its source, and Seventh Day Ad­ ventism can no more rise higher th an its source th an can Spiritism , Christian (? ) Science ( ? ) , Romanism , Russellism , Theosophy or any o ther “ ism” or false prophet religion. The source of Seventh

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