King's Business - 1921-06


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Day Adventism was clearly superna­ tu ra l; b u t th a t source was no t th e Holy Spirit, nor any holy spirit-—Any one who knows his Bible ought not to have any difficulty upon th a t score. Mrs. W hite’s control was no angel sent from God; bu t an angel sent by the devil to pose as an “ angel of lig h t” ; of th a t I am perfectly su re.” Try th is sp irit by th e Word of God, and the whole system is shown up for ju s t w hat it is. My h e a rt aches for those who have been deceived, and have become en­ snared in the bondage of th is system. B u t God is able to deliver to the. u tte r­ most any who .will tu rn to Him and to H is Word alone for help. I can very well und erstand how Dr. H inson felt when he said (page 834 Sept. R. B .) :— “Oh, I am sick of being calm and collected as I talk. I am tired

of being logical and argum entative. And yesterday I wished I could cry and beg of you no t to go away from Jesu s Christ.” When God opened my eyes to th e tru e origin of th is system which held, as in a vise, those whom I had grown to love, it seemed as though my h ea rt would break ; and when it was borne in upon me th a t I was helpless to help them , my agony of sp irit was by so much th e more increased. The one hopeful service is the ounce of prevention; and th is service I shall endeavor to render as God opens a door of u tteran ce to me. God bless you, B ro ther Brooks, giving you grace to w arn those in danger w ith a h ea rt filled w ith th e love of God for those who are perishing. (Eph. 4 :1 5 ). Yours in th e service of th e Lor'd Jesus, (Mrs.) Jessie Sage Robertson.

T H E W H Y A N D W H E R E FO R E How is the phenomenal growth of The King’s Business from .4700 sub­ scribers in August, 1918, to 28,000 in March, 1921, to he accounted for? Many, including some well known publishers, have written, asking us the secret of this growth. It is a well known fact that Bible study magazines have always had hard sledding, and that The King’s Business should make such gains with­ out throwing in a fountain pfen or an Ingersoll watch with each subscription is a matter of surprise to many. Thè reasons are just three. % 1. The Word of God has been our one foundation. We determined to hew to this line regardless of who might be hit by the flying chips. 2. We have had many praying people back of us. Counting on God, we have moved forward. 3. We resolved we would not use a galley of type to express a spoonful of thought. Many magazines are unread because they give such wordy evi­ dence of the fact that they have nothing to say. Why so many words when the truth can he pounded home with fewer hut more powerful blows? The distinguishing feature of The King’s Business is that we print the1pith and point of the whole thing. • Life is short, the Lord is coming, and most people have a lot to do. They want the truth, but they have no time to dig it out from under a thousand useless sentences. Our slogan is, “ Cut it out’-’ (if possible). Why do we thus give away the secrets of our success ?• It is a hint to our subscribers. These are talking points for The King’s Business. Ask your friends if they want the very cream of Bible helps. Tell them where they can get it at the least price.-^—K. L. B.

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