King's Business - 1921-06

given out by them, and 1,733 conversions reported as the result of personal work. The amount contributed by the class to missionary work was $1,283.96. The class spent last year studying the Book of Genesis, and are now studying dispensational truths. The song leader is Mr. C. M. Books. Deputations from the class, go out on Sunday afternoons and nights and hold services in some of the outlying districts, and upon the streets. This is a real Men’s Class, with a man’s message, to which all men are welcome. HE PRACTICED THE SCRIPTURES It used to be said of Archbishop Cranmer, “ If you would be sure to have Cranmer do you a good tu rn , you must do him some ill one” ; for though he loved to do good to .all, yet especially he would watch for opportunity to do good to such as had wronged him. Is there not a scarcity of th is kind of Chris­ tian ity in our days? BECOME ANEFFICIENT SACREDSONGPIANIST in c h u rch , S u n d a y S chool a n d e v a n g e lis tic m e e tin g s. S end to d a y fo r d e ta ils of th e CORRESPONDENCE COURSE MODERN METHOD OF SACRED PIANO ACCOMPANIMENT a r ra n g e d a n d p e rs o n a lly s u p e rv is e d b y R o b e rt H a rk n e s s (W o rld -w id e A sso c ia te o f D r. R . A. T o rre y , D r. j . W ilb u r C h a p ­ m an , a n d C h a rle s M. A le x a n d e r). , C om ­ p le te .in s tru c tio n a l c o u rse in T ech n iq u e, M usic M em orizing,, T ra n s p o sitio n , P h r a s ­ in g , C h o rd g ro u p in g , Im p ro v is a tio n , C h o ru s a n d Solo a c c o m p a n im e n t^ etc. U nique, com p lete, re v o lu tio n iz in g . A d ­ d re s s R o b e rt H a rk n e s s , B io la H o tel, Log A n g eles, C alif.

The Men’s Bible Class of the Church of the Open Door (holding its sessions in the Bible Institute Auditorium), taught by Pastor T. C. Horton, is unique in th a t his teaching is confined exclusively to the Bible. No secular addresses are ever given; no banquets or functions or contests for membership of any kind are ever had. It is a real Bible class. The records show th at during 1920 members of this class secured 1,461 new members for the Pocket Testament League and gave away 2,016 of these Pocket Testaments. 99,521 tracts were SICKNESS AS A DOCTOR We learn more tru e divinity by our trials th an by our books. The g reat re­ former said, “P rayer is th e best book in my lib rary .” He m ight have added affliction as the next. Sickness is the best doctor of divinity in all the world; and tria l is the finest exposition of Scrip­ ture. This is so inestimable a m ark of the love of our blessed Lord, th a t we m ight almost desire trouble for the sake of it.— Spurgeon. THE MARK OF CHRIST George Moir, a humble Christian, was told by his wife th a t his countenance in­ d ic a te d the speedy approach of death. “Does it? ” . he replied. “Bring me a glass.” S truck w ith the m arks of death which he saw, he said, “Ah! Death has set its m ark on my body; bu t Christ has set His m ark on my soul.” Can you say it?

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