King's Business - 1921-06

Scofield Reference Bible $1.00 Down, $1.00 per Month. Sizes Smaller size. Minion type, 7 *4% inches. Larger size, Brevier type, 8%x5% inches. Smaller Size WHITEPAPER No.


Equals a Course in Bible Study- Helps on th e Page W here Needed OUR EXCLUSIVE OFFER Bibles Sent Anywhere, Postpaid $1.00 Down and $1.00 per Month Send for Free Catalogue B ibles an d Books A g en ts W an te d SCOFIELD NEW TESTAM EN T WITH BOOK OF PSALMS PRICES AND STYLES Nonpareil 16mo. Black-Faced Type (Size, 6%x4% inches) Nos. ,, 701 Cloth, square corners...................... 51.50 702 Keratol, limp, round comers, gilt edges...............£..................... 2.00 703 Keratol, divinity circuit................. 2.50 704 French Morocco, limp, round cor­ ners .......................... •.............. 705 French Morocco, divinity circuit.. 3.75 706 French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather-lined, silk-sewed............. 4.75 “OXFORD INDIA PAPER" EDITION (Size 6%x4% inches) 704x French Morocco, limp, round cor­ ners ................................. 4.00 705x French Morocco, divinity circuit.. 4.50 706x French Morocco, divinity circuit, leather-lined, silk-sewed............... 5.50 707x Persian Morocco, limp, leather- lined. silk-sewed............................ 6.50 708x Persian Morocco, divinity circuit, leather-lined to edge, silk-sewed. 7.00 SEND ORDERS TO NA T IONA L EDUCA T IONA L SOC IETY 433 SOUTH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL.

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Price $ 2.75

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SPECIAL EDITION With Helps Complied by Rev. R. A. Torroy, D. p. How to study the Bible. Including the Best Texts to m i to dealing with different classes of people, and how to uie them White Paper Edition Cloth...................................................... India Paper Edition 65xT 13.25 TO 4.04 National Educational Society, 433 S. Dearborn St., Dept. 3, Chicago, I I L ^ As per your offer please ship me Scofield Number... .................- .................................................Price $ ....... * i ’ am enclosing $1.00 with this order and promise to pay $1.00 each month until paid in full. Payment to be mailed monthly. Name............................•............................................................ Address..................................................................................... •• Thumb ’Index 50c extra. “X" means India Paper. Order by Number. Real Morocco, div. dr., calf lined edge, silk sewed................................ 50T 85xT 15.00

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A Great Bible Tool It indexes, by topic and Bible text, the best you read in hooks, and files clippings almost automatically. THE KING’S BUSINESS—May, 1919, PP. 424 “It is in advance of any other system we know of for enabling one to locate the material he wants when he WanREV.' KEITH U BROOKS, of the Bible Institute “I am using this index and would not know how to get along without it. There Is nothing to compare DR. GRIFFITH THOMAS “During thirty-five years I have tried all sorts of plana without success. I now use Wilson's Index with such satisfaction that I bid others to ‘go and do likewise. We send the Index on approval. Send for circulars. W ILSON INDEX COMPANY Box X E ast H addam . C on n . See review In The King's Business. May, 1919, P. 124

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