Seoul Edition 2023

Human as we are, the urge for a healthier lifestyle hits us on a whim. While exercise and diet are on top of the list, we tend to forget there is another wonder drug that doesn’t need any prescription and is within our control–sleep.



T’S A NO-BRAINER that getting sleep makes us feel better in several ways like

to not getting enough sleep like diabetes, weight-gain, accidents, depression, anxiety and more. Though there are sleeping pills that help with the problem, it’s not a perfect remedy either as experts say that it doesn’t target the right areas of the brain cycle during sleep either plus the long- term effects of relying heavily on sleeping pills is still a big mystery, ultimately, nothing beats going all-natural. Though the main causes of being sleep- deprived also involves on the advancements of the world and how it is affecting our daily lifestyle like 24-hour groceries, working on night-shifts and just the need to catch-up on dozens of unfinished business. The definitive solution experts say is to reset the natural sleep-wake cycle. This involves training the bodies to sleep at similar hours every night and waking up at the same time each day which means getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep is a must and not something to just brush off. So think again of sacrificing those Vitamin Zzzs. After all, a sound mind is a sound body.

it makes us feel energized, alert, and in a happier mood. In general, sleep or a good night’s rest keeps our immune systems up and running in a normal, healthier state. According to time. com, sleep is more powerful than any drug in its ability to restore and rejuvenate the human brain and body. So think of sleep as a spa that balances your overall humanity and sanity. Getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep can improve concentration, and memory skills, and maintain the fat- burning systems that regulate our weight. Yet despite all the 101 things on why having adequate hours of sleep is important, getting enough sleep is a hard- to-swallow pill as we tend to push off our bedtime and think feeling drowsy throughout the day is a pain in the arse but a harmless consequence. It has gotten so bad that not catching a shut-eye is already considered a public health epidemic. A lot of issues and diseases are already connected

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