Seoul Edition 2023

be that I like to write as the character, not a narrator. I did it as only one character in my first book but for this second book, I have learned so much and am making it more so the reader understands the conflict from each character. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books? I also take ideas from conversations during my motorcycle rides around the United States, from other ghost hunters,

to help explain, get their interests, or to have fun. I used many different subjects.

use my ghost hunting experiences as a sequel to the second.

How long does it take you to write a book? And what is your work schedule when you’re writing? For many generations, girls would play the game of ¨Lost Trail¨. During a high school class reunion, someone asked if anyone had found other people from our lives that have played a game like this. No one did and we discussed

When did you write your first book and how old were you? I started writing 5 years ago and this is my retirement plan. I like to paint a picture with my words and to discuss the internal struggle the characters are going through. I have traveled the world both as a teacher with students and privately with my current husband.

“ I started writing five years ago and this is my retirement plan. I like to paint a picture with my words and to discuss the internal struggle the characters are going through. I have traveled the world both as a teacher with students and privately with my current husband.” -Nancy McCarville

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? My activities when I am not working or writing are playing or training my labrador retrievers. I have a Harley Davidson motorcycle and every summer I travel to other states by myself. I love the wind therapy it gives me. I also am an avid old movie buff.

and quiet everyday situations that I can spin in my mind. I write in first person at the current time because I have a sarcastic sense of humor and I want to use that in my writing. I believe it helps connect with readers. I have a third book in mind already as I finish my second. I want to use my experience in the catacombs of Paris and

that someone needs to document this. I have always loved to tell stories, especially ghost stories so I decided to do both. Tell about Lost Trail and turn it into a ghost story.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk? My writing quirk would


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