WFIMC 2025 Yearbook

The 2023 Cliburn Junior Artists ©The Cliburn

Sion, Switzerland

Concours Tibor Junior (Tibor Varga Competiton) Tibor Junior Competition, which occurs every other year, is offering an opportunity for young musicians to experience a professional and friendly competition environment. Next competition in 2026. Age: 14-17 Balys Dvarionas Competition for Young Pianists and Violinists The uninhibited spirit of playing music and the joy of meeting talented new people create an aura of the true artistry at the Balys Dvarionas Competition. Next competition in 2028. Age groups tbc. International Franz Liszt Competition for Young Pianists International Louis Spohr Competition for Young Violinists Franz Liszt University of Music in Weimar hosts international competitions every year, among them two important junior competitions. Next Competitions planned for 2026 (violin) and 2027 (Piano). Age groups tbc International Mozart Competition for Young Musicians A comprehensive music competition for youngsters, focussing not only on virtuosity, but also placing great importance to their understanding and interpretation of classical music style. Dates: 9 -21 Sep, 2025 Age groups: 12 and under, 13-16, (17-23)

Vilnius, Lithuania

Weimar, Germany

Zhuhai, China

This section is in progress and will be gradually expanded on the WFIMC website throughout the year 2025.


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