Case for Investment - Callanwolde Fine Arts Center 2023

Impact of the Arts

For school-age students: Fosters critical thinking and problem solving . Helps with the development of communication and language skills . Increases decision - making and risk - taking abilities . Proven relationship between arts integration and achievement test scores . Helps develop cross - cultural understanding . Self - expression and creativity build confidence , as well as a sense of individual identity . Improved behavior and self - discipline . Enhanced cognitive development .

The arts bring people together physically — at galleries , museums , performance spaces — and culturally , through its capacity to tell a community ’ s shared story , to inspire reflection , and form connections that transcend differences . “ Place ” is a term used in public health and urban planning to describe the physical , social , economic , and environmental characteristics of a particular location or community that influence the health and well - being of its residents . Callanwolde fits this description and is consistently described by program participants as the place where they feel special and have a sense of belonging . While studies show the arts have a profound impact on communities . There is a growing body of research and data that supports the advantages for students , and the health benefits in the lives of veterans , and seniors .

For seniors: Improved cognitive function and memory . Enhanced emotional well - being . Fosters social engagement . Physical health benefits . Sense of accomplishment and purpose . Contributes to positive aging experience .

For veterans:

Reduced PTSD symptoms . Improved mental health . Enhanced quality of life . Fosters coping and resilience .

Creates a sense of community and social support . Relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety Decrease in isolation and loneliness .



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