King's Business - 1926-09

September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


“ YOUTH’S ADVENTURE” This book, by Allan A. Hunter, with Foreword by Harry Emerson Fosdick, is a sample of the many pub­ lications with attractive titles which now flood the market, but which are aimed to strike at the funda­ mental foundations of our civic life. The “ Youth Movement,” which is being nurtured by the enemies of our country, has a strong grip upon the students in schools and universities, and the evi­ dent purpose of this volume is to attract the young peo­ ple by its specious arguments into a world-wide organ­ ization of revolt against what it terms ‘ ‘ tradition and “ dogma” and in support of a “ new social order. While Mr. Hunter does not go to the extreme length of some in discrediting the historic church, two references which he makes to our Lord will be sufficient to give his estimate of Him. For instance, “ Jesus knew nothing of our mechanical civilization!’ ’ And, again, “ On one occasion Jesus seems to have had a temporary emotional stir-up against a Greek!” ■ Each of the eight chapters is followed by a list of “ Suggested Reading,” naming fifty two books, all along the Modernist line and, therefore, calculated to assist in the effort to wean young people from faith in the Word of God. , Mr. Fosdick's “ Foreword” is characteristic. He says: “ It seems to be a book of very considerable sig­ nificance,” —a typical “ Fosdickian” expression, which would “ seem” to indicate that his intellect is full of “ seems” or, perhaps, “ seams!” for he “ seems” to have a wonderful vision of himself, standing on a ped­ estal on top of the new Rockefeller Building, where the world will be invited to come and “ worship.” Mr. Fosdick may mean well, but he lacks two essential things: To know and believe God’s Word, and to know human nature. I f he would spend one year in such a school, he might then be able to say not “ it seems” thus and so, but “ I know.” (Rom. 7 :18; 2 Tim. 1 :12).

found the things which are mighty. • • • That no flesh should glory in His presence.” How necessary, then, that we should remember that earthly “ degrees” will not count in that judgment. The Judge will be Jesus Christ (John 5:22-27), and His “ decree” will stand (1 Cor, 3:14, 15): “ If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss." It is our privilege to decide here whether it shall be for us “ wood, hay, stubble” —or “ gold, silver, pre­ cious stones.” Our Lord can use any one, anywhere, who will surrender themselves for service. Love should dominate us; love for Him who gave Himself for us; love for our fellows that they too may hear the good, glad message so dear to us. Pity them! Pray for them! Seek to sow the Gospel seed that will save them,—looking forward with joyful anticipation to the day of all days when the books will be open, remembering that neither God nor man can change the record therein, but that it is the privilege of every believer to have a record which shall assure the decree of “ Gold, silver, precious stones!” “ Go, labor on! spend and be spent!

Thy joy to do the Father’s will; It Is the way the Master went; Should not the servant tread it still? “ Toil on! faint not! keep watch and pray! ■Be wise the erring soul to win! Go forth into the world’s highway! Compel the wanderers to come in! “ Toil on, and in thy toil rejoice! For toil, comes rest; for exile, home! Soon thou shalt hear the Bridegroom’s voice, The midnight peal, ‘Behold, I come!’ ’’ — Sel.

Alfe i t i


not be hoped for. That is the chief element in the Jewish question, for the international money power is Jewish. “ They have overplayed their hand, as they always do. It is destined, It seems, that such influences should always overplay their hands at a crit­ ical moment. Their setback in Great Britain and the United States occurred just as they thought they were sitting on top of the world. “ The Jewish question is here, and too many are afraid to study It. Neither the Jews nor the others benefit by concealment. At first I was blamed for bringing the question into the light, but public opinion now approves what I did.” We wonder if Mr. Ford reads the Scriptures. The Jew can never be eliminated if the Bible is true— and it is.

Henry Ford feels that in the past he may have been too severe in criticisms of the Jews, according to an Interview with Farm & Fireside. Asked if he believes the Jews a men­ ace to America, Ford is quoted: “ No, they are not a menace. On the whole they are a good influence. They are so much smarter than the boob Gentiles that it makes them hustle to keep up. That is where the good comes in. It serves people right if they let the Jews work them.” Ford emphasized that he had no prejudice against Jews as such.' Jews are employed not only in his manufac­ turing plants but by Dearborn Pub­ lishing Co. itself. He admitted he now felt some of the articles about Jews in the Dearborn Independent “ had been too severe.” “ What I oppose most is the inter­ national Jewish money power in every

war,” said Ford. “ No matter what happens to the nations in a war, the money power always wins. No war starts without it, every war stops when it says so. That is what I oppose— a power that has no country and can order young men of all countries out to death. “ Most people who talk about world peace never penetrate to the cause of w a r. Pacifist organizations and others are just dabbling about the sur­ face. As long as the international money power constitutes the invisible government of backward nations and has so strong a hand upon politics of the greater nationals, peace is impos­ sible. “ Profits of the international money power are not produced by peaceful industry, but by war; until we dig these influences out and expose them and neutralize them, world peace can­

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