King's Business - 1926-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1926

They will extend their efforts into FOREIGN LANDS and seek to undo the work of the missionaries. Here, again, they have ACTIVE ALLIES in the Modernist missionaries who have sown the seed of unbelief in the inerrant Word of God. They will undertake to “ ABROGATE ALL LAWS EN­ FORCING CHRISTIAN MORALS!" and “ OVERTHROW the RELIGIOUS TERRORISM that today FRUSTRATES their PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!” Here we have the underlying reason and motive for the whole movement, so aptly summed up by Paul in the first chapter of Romans: “ When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; bat became vain in their imagina­ tions, and their foolish heart was darkened. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. * * * And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. Being filled with all unrighteousness. • • • Who knowing the Judgment o f God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” A man has a right to be an atheist, but an atheist cannot be counted as a good citizen of these United States, for cit­ izenship demands loyalty to the laws of the land. The Pres­ ident, when he takes the oath of office, presses his lips to the Bible. But the atheist spits upon it. A man has a right to be a Modernist, if he chooses to be, but no man who has been ordained as a minister of the Gospel, and has taken solemn vows to defend the doctrines of the denomination to which he belongs, has any right to violate his pledge and still remain in the pulpit and take the money of the people. Modernism has given birth to this new atheistic move­ ment, for the atheists have simply taken advantage of the attacks of the Modernists upon the Bible in Church and School and are striking while the iron is hot. Unless the situation is sensed and this damnable propa­ ganda met with the truth, this generation may witness sim­ ilar Beenes to those which followed the awful,'revolt against God and the Bible in the days of the French Revolution. Are Christians Asleep? Can it be possible that the citizens of these United States are asleep that they allow this enormity? These enemies of our country have sensed the significance of this event in the opening paragraph which has been quoted, and which we repeat: “ THAT WHICH HAD BEEN DECLARED UNLIKELY— and EVEN IMPOSSIBLE— HAS COME TO PASS! A SOV­ EREIGN STATE has PLACED the STAMP of LEGALITY upon an ATHEISTIC MOVEMENT! The FORMER UNI­ VERSAL OUTLAW NOW PLIES HIS TRADE— NOT ONLY WITHOUT FEAR of the POLICE and the COURTS— BUT WITH THE ASSURANCE of THEIR P R O T E C T I O N AGAINST THOSE WHO WOULD MOLEST THEM!” Atheism, of course, has always existed, but it has re­ mained for this enlightened Twentieth Century to place the stamp of approval of a “ sovereign state” upon it! No won­ der that they are triumphantly broadcasting the great vic­ tory which they have won over the forces of righteousness, and are encouraged to renewed zeal in their determination to overthrow Christianity and civilization itself. TJiere is a battle on hand! God calls! The church calls! The Holy Spirit calls! If we love our country, our church, our children, our homes,— let us rally to the standard, lift up the blood stained banner of the cross, and fight the good fight of faith! Use the coupon on page 552!

a tew thousand dollars would more than offset as many MILLIONS spent by the CHURCHES. . “ Something should be done, and if we succeed, will be done, to prevent our fellow men in foreign lands from indoc­ trination with the false philosophy of the Christian reli­ gion.” Schools Active Allies of Atheism “ The Christians are discovering, now that it is too late, that the youth of our country are drifting beyond their reach, and that the schools in their courses are fighting for Atheism. “ Dr. Irwin Erdman, of Columbia University, teaches his students that *man is a mere accident,’ that ‘immortality is a sheer illusion’, and that ‘there is practically no evidence for the existence of God.' “ Everett Dean Martin, director of Cooper Union in New York City, has the largest class in philosophy in the world. He teaches his students that ‘religion is primarily a defense mechanism’ subjective in its organism. “ Prof. John B. Watson, of Johns Hopkins, teaches that ‘freedom of the will has been knocked into a cocked hat,’ and that ‘the soul-consciousness, God and immortality are merely mistakes of the older psychology.’ “ Christianity is wholly corrupt, rotten and abominable. It deserves no more respect than a pile of garbage. It is more than sick. It is a cancerous growth on the body social, and needs to be excised by the sharp knife o f Atheism. “ Radical treatment is required, and the A. A. A. A. believes in striking at the root of the evil— in ridding the world of the God idea.” Sample of Statements in an A . A . A . A . “Tract” Bible is full of lies and deceptions. The Apostle Paul was a liar. Bible upholds cheating, theft and robbery. Bible sustains adultery and prostitution. Bible upholds murder. - Bible favors injustice to women and children. Bible upholds cruelty to animals. Bible sanctions human sacrifice and cannibalism. Bible teaches that God prospers robbers. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God: Their com­ ment on this is: “ Can It be possible that a sane person can believe that a good and wise God inspired the Bible with all its lies, filth and blasphemous stuff?” We have given a few only of the most outstanding state­ ments that “ adorn” ( ! ) the pages of this atheistic litera­ ture, but it is all equally blasphemous. We would urge upon every member of The King’s Busi­ ness Family, that they read and read again, until they are thoroughly familiar with the avowed program of this organ­ isation, as outlined in the extracts which we have given. Note that it Includes an active propaganda by means of LECTURES, DEBATES, DISCUSSIONS, and a MASS PRO­ DUCTION of ATHEISTIC LITERATURE at PRICES which will ENABLE their POOREST MEMBER to BROADCAST IT everywhere! Then read again some of the statements which they make as to the Bible, and judge what the effect will be of placing such literature in the hands of our young people. They have already been able to organize Atheistic So­ cieties in some of the colleges, and declare that this will be one of the things for which they will earnestly strive, the WAY HAVING* BEEN PAVED FOR THEM BY THE TEACHERS AND PROFESSORS! (Note carefully what they have to say upon this subject.)

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