King's Business - 1926-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1926

^ O u JeU F a i t h ’s D e a d l i e s t En em y

F R A N K B A R R E T Minister of the Friends' Church Leesburg, Ohio

and would even mis-quote the lan­ guage of the silent dead, "buried in the rocky strata of the earth," in order to wreck the faith of Charles Darwin and the millions of his de­ luded scientific descendants. “ For God doth know that the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, is not so.” And "when God said, 'Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,’ He was unscientific.” Are not these fair specimens of some of the devil’s modern colossal evolu­ tionary lies? * Every one knows that theye was resident unbelief enough in his first recorded lie to pass the death sentence on our first parents and their descend­ ants, now covering the wide earth. "Through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin; and so death passed unto all men." But when Darwin "took of the fruit” of the evolutionary tree, it barred his way back into life; for when he "did eat," the effect was to destroy his belief in the Genesis account of crea­ tion; and this destroyed his faith in the supernatural inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. And finally, of course, his faith in the Deity of Jesus Christ was wrecked. Then "the door was shut." "For if ye believe not that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." "There is none other name given under heaven or among men whereby we must be saved." As touching the Jews, it will be observed that the devil did not at­ tempt to destroy their faith in the Scriptures in order to have them reject Jesus; but he was cyafty enough to lead them to so interpret the prophe­ cies as to cause them to expect a dif­ ferent kind of Messiah. And the same devil is planning the same fate for the Modernistic unbelievers. He has led them to have Jesus Christ tried at the bar of evolution, and multitudes are crying "crucify His Deity.” Even college and university presidents are passing oy "wagging their heads and saying: ‘Let Him now come down to the stature of a man and we will be­ lieve on Him.’ " Effects o f Evolutionary Teaching Parents well know that it is impos­ sible to brace their children against the undue influence of the religious opinions of Modernistic instructors. These teachers are often masters in mathematics, letters, and the various

ORTY centuries have not dimmed the fame of Abra­ ham. “ I will make thy name great," is fulfilled prophecy.

Abraham was not a warrior; he founded no cities; he commanded no courts; he builded no pyramids; but "Abraham believed Ood, and it was counted unto him for righteousness;" and "righteousness exalteth a nation” — even the righteousness of one man. Does not the righteousness of Joseph exalt and illumine the darkness of all ancient Egypt? DoeB not the faith and consequent righteousness of Dan­ iel light up the whole Babylonian em­ pire? Does not the faith and right­ eousness of Paul shine like an arc light over the ancient pagan world? "He shall bring forth thy righteous­ ness as the light"— that is, “ the right­ eousness of faith.” The inspired rec­ ord is simply confirmed when Jesus says: "This is the work of Ood, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." Unbelief— the Root Sin The antithesis of this great truth is found in. unbelief and disobedience. Indeed, as every one knows, unbelief is disobedience— a sin upon which has always fallen divine ¿retribution. The "carcasses" of the unbelieving Israel­ ites, strewn wide over the Arabian desert, bear a silent and everlasting testimony to this sad truth. So do the wailings of the unbelieving Jews, still rising from the ends of the earth. "Now all these things happened unto them for ensampleB; and they are written for our admonition." But what will happen to the present gen­ eration of countless unbelievers if the admonition is unheeded? "For except ye believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins." No wonder that Jesus was grieved at the lingering unbelief in His imme­ diate disciples. When they scrambled for the first places in His kingdom, grievous as this was, they were not severely rebuked; but when they could not cast out "a dumb spirit" because of their unbelief, He uses these severe words: "O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me." When Peter cursed and swore and denied Him, bad as this was, Jesus simply "turned and looked upon him.” But when he was sinking into the sea he was rebuked

The writer o f this article presents the pernicious e f­ fects o f the evolutionary the­ ory in the school, the church and the nation, in an orig­ inal way. As he so aptly questions : " Why do Mod­ ernistic teachers i n s i s t on soundness in the Sciences and heresy in the Scrip­ tures? They tell the class that the facts o f time, space, matter', force, motion, heat, light, etc., are fundamental to philosophy and must be believed to begin with. Then they virtually tell the same class that the doctrine o f Su­ pernatural Inspiration, Mir­ acles, the Virgin Birth, the Deity o f Christ, etc., are myths, legends and supersti­ tions, and are not to be be­ lieved. Are the fundamentals o f science more necessary for the student’s mind, than the fundamentals o f Scrip­ ture for his immortal soul?”

in these words: . "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Even after Jesus’ resurrection “ He upbraided them with their unbelief." And in His vision of the future, He uses these pathetic words: "Never­ theless when the Son of man cometh shall he find faith on the ekrth?" He knew that "evil men and seducers would wax worse and worse," but what grieved Him was to foresee the world’s faith wrecked, which would set men adrift to "wax worse and worse." What happened in Germany after the rationalists had struggled for more than a century to wreck the empire’s faith? The Genesis of Evolution Another thing: If Jesus Christ could foresee the unbelief and apos­ tasy of this present age, He could fore­ see the cause of it. Every one knew that the devil took just one "beast of the field" to wreck the faith of our first parents. But Jesus Christ knew that this same subtle devil would take every beast on the face of the earth,

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