King's Business - 1926-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1926

Evo lu tion Is A theism C lo thed In a Robe of Intellectual Respectability W. M. BOLING *" Member of the Kentucky Legislature

“The Field of Modernism, Materialism and Paganism Has been Well Cultivated, and Has Brought Forth a H a r v e s t of Cynicism, Doubt and Infidelity.”

Mr. Boling is a member of The King's Business Family, and in the letter accomp­ anying this article he says: "1 wish to say that The King's Business is the greatest mag­ azine of the kind 1 have ever seen. I have spent three years in the Kentucky Legislature fighting evolution in tax-supported schools. It is a subject which lies very close to my heart. More power to youl 1 wish every Christian could read your magazine. 1 thank you for emphasizing the acuteness of the sit­ uation in the field of academic instruction. You are bound to prosper, for God is on your side.”

effort to divert the Intellectual activities away from the spiritual and toward the material; the plainly demonstrated design to stimulate the desire to pursue only the corporeal, thereby rendering negligible as far as possible the desire to accentuate spiritual verities— a teaching which we believe produces a superdeveloped intellect and a stunted soul— a hybridized, poorly balanced life sadly deficient in power to get and assimilate the largest things of life, the ultimate result of which is mental hypertrophy uncongenially asso­ ciated with spiritual atrophy. By secularity we also mean a filtering in of katabolistic precepts to be absorbed by growing and plastic minds, thereby producing the spiritually unfit; that insidious and painstaking weaning away process deftly done by sugges­ tion and Inference; that quiet seeping in from academic Institutions of pedagogical osmosis producing soul-paralysis. The years of largest vision and expectancy are the days of youth and adolescence when life presents a virgin field to the tiller of the soil. Youth goes forth buoyant, pliant and curious, anxious to expand and develop, but by the time that it, after much study, work and various contacts, thinks it is equipped to pursue the journey toward the land of its ideals, it wakes one day to find its youthful visions faded, its adolescent convictions undergoing a strange meta­ morphosis, and God afar off in the dusk of doubt. Kat- abolistic processes Introduced in youth’s scholastic years have conquered. The phagocytes of anabolism have per­ ished in the struggle. The virgin field has been cultivated, but it also has been exhausted. Its inherent fertility has been extracted and its potential power aborted. It lies a waste land awaiting rehabilitation where the arduous work of reclamation must needs be done. Yes, the plastic field was cultivated! Materialism, modernism and Paganism were the workers of the field. Yes, the field brought forth a harvest! Cynicism, doubt and infidelity were the fruits. Heritage or Hindrance? Is such a field a heritage or an incumbrance to society? While normal youth is buoyant, fiery and venturesome, it haB invested in it large intellectual and spiritual possibili­ ties. The fervor, warmth and ardor of youth is but the expression of a plastic, restless soul inviting an impression. What will be the result of the metabolistlc processes within that life? Are those who are charged with teach­ ing employing methods of anabolism or methods of kat- abolism? (Continued on page 651)

sum total of the influences or forces within e human body that make for life or death is lied "metabolism.” The processes which make for life are called "anabolism.” The influences which make for death are called “ kata- bolism.” The spiritual nature or real ego of life is likewise sub­ jected to metabolistlc influences. It is purposed in this article to mention a condition which, in the aggregate, mini­ mizes or atrophies spiritual values by preying in a katabo- listic way upon the real inner life, and to call attention to its covert design to withhold proper nourishment from growing souls. We shall also mention in a general way some things which are considered promotive of spiritual healthfulness and power as they work toward development of man’s rational nature— his religious life— by making anaboliBtic contributions to it. In this connection, it is well for ub to remember that the medical world is expending vastly more time, money and patient effort upon preventive medicine than upon thera­ peutics. The medical world has long ago recognized that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This line of activity upon the part of the medical profession should teach the Christian fundamentalist a clear and defi­ nite lesson. He Bhould summon every available, logical and truthful means at his command as allies in establish­ ing ways of prevention rather than expending bo much time and energy upon curative processes after spiritual disinte­ gration has so thoroughly permeated our social and relig­ ious structure. Man is a dual creature— possessing both a corporeal body and a spiritual nature. This is a well estab­ lished and universally accepted truth in all systems of spirit­ ualistic philosophy. Secularity Defined It is conceded— especially to those of the school of "New Thought"__ that not all are willing to accept this dualism of humanity. But we are not attempting to accede to the demands of secularity. By secularity we mean the open and well developed purpose in some quarters to convert the thoughts of life from the sacred to the secular; the patent

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