King's Business - 1926-09

T T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1926


he might have Just one more opportu­ nity for service, but it was too late— he died. Saved? Yes, but he could lay no trophies at the feet of the One who died for him. We believe he would be very happy could he know that his failure was the means of keep­ ing some one else in the circle of God’s will. Another man worked earnestly for God during the short time he was spared after he became a Christian. He was from the east, and alone in the city. When we spoke to him, he said he believed in a Creator, but tjiat God did not need Jesus to help Him save the world. We told him of God’s love and our need of a Saviour, but it seemed useless. One day he said, "I would give anything in the world if I could believe as you do." We assured him he could, and again showed him the way of life, but to no avail. We continued to call regularly for many weeks. One Sunday afternoon we visited him, but said nothing about the Lord except that we were praying for him. As we left he said, "Oh, I do want to do what is right. I do want to be Baved." We went back and asked if he would follow in prayer, repeating the sentences after us. He said, "Yes." We prayed, but he was silent. When we finished, he prayed, and in the name of Christ, the One whom he said he could not believe in. At the close he said, with a shining face, “ I know Jesus is my Saviour." He immediately began to testify for his Lord to every one who came to his bedside. He wrote letters to his family and friends, and even Bent his testimony to the edi­ tor of his home paper, that all might know what the Lord had done for him. The last time we saw him, he was too weak to speak, but he looked up with a bright smile, and the light of heaven ‘was in his eyed. It was well with his soul. The Members Have Something to Say About the Bible Classes “ I wash for a living, and have a large basket of clothes stacked high at home, but the clothes must wait until the Bible class is over, and then my work will be easier. ‘My strength cometh from the Lord.’ I come to the Bible class to get real food for my soul." "The doctrine of the ‘ blessed hope’ — Our Lord’s Return, that has been so emphatically taught in the Bible class, sustains me and makes me calm in the midst of confusion. I am now con­ stantly looking for the glorious ap­ pearing of the Great God and our Saviour, Jesus Christ." "It is impossible for the Bible teacher ever to know on this earth how much she has helped me. My words fall to express how wonderfully

BIBLE WOMEN’S WORK Mr«. Lyman S te w a r t, Supt.— Twenty-five Women Engaged in Houae to Houee Peraonal Work. Bible Claeaee and Soul Winning Cluba. The Euodia Club UR work among the High School girls this past year has been a m o s t blessed and Joyous service. L a s t Fall we opened up a number ot new classes in very hard territory, and for some time the work looked, from a human standpoint, as though It were impossible. But it has been blessed to Just stand to one side and watch the Lord work, and more and more we have come to the realisation "that of ourselves we can do nothing, but that through Him all things are possible." We want to tell you of one class in particular of about thirty or more girls. Over half the membership of this class are Catholfcs, and a great many of the other girls had never been to a Sunday School. From the very first meeting these girls were ex­ ceptionally interested in the lessons, and anxious for real Bible study. The second week the class met, two of the Catholic girls stayed after the others had gone, and gave their hearts to the Lord. It was a real Joy to see the change in these girls the next week,— so anxious to know Him better, to live better lives for Him, and eagerly studying their Bibles. All through the year this class has proved a real evan­ gelistic class, for very seldom did we have a lesson without one or more conversions, and when we closed the class for the summer months practi­ cally every girl had accepted the Lord Jesus as her personal Saviour. One of our other classes has been a great Joy in a little different way. This class consisted mostly of Christian girlB, but we never bad a class more eager for real deep Bible study than these girls. It was so refreshing, week after week, to spend thia time with these dear girls, opening up God’s Word to them. This class got the vision of reaching out for the unsaved girl at school, and winning her for the Lord. We believe that most of the girls in this class had the Joy of doing real soul winning work during this past year. Each one had a definite prayer list of unsaved girls and prayed regu­ larly for them, and God certainly hon­ ored their prayers, for many were brought into the class and there ac­ cepted the Lord. During the six years that we have been teaching Bible Classes among High School girls, the one outstanding thing has been the large number of transformed lives among the girls of the classes, and a few of these have resulted in whole families being

The stories appearing in this de­ partment o f The King's Business f r o m month to month relate actual experiences. Should not our hearts be stirred as we read these evidences o f the Lord’s gracious moving upon hearts? And is not this the work of re­ conciliation committed to every one o f God’s childrent W h a t better investment o f your ma­ terial means, backed up by daily prayer, than in this great evan­ gelistic work for God!

brought to the Lord. We wonder if many realize the great value of this work among the High School girls. Just for Instance: In one of our larg­ est classes, two-thirds of the girls came from homes where there was no Bible. These girls were given Bibles, and later when we called in the homes we were happily surprised to find that quite a number of the members of the family were also reading the Bible. In these homes we had the blessed privi­ lege of opening up the Word and mak­ ing it plainer to them, and it was such a Joy to find how Interested they were, and the many questions they asked. Telling the Good News in the General Hospital The Great Commission is, "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gos­ pel to every creature." This was of course impossible for one Individual Bible woman. But there are people from almost every nation in the world at the General Hospital, and God has given us the privilege of going there. There are many forms of service; one of the most important is bedside visitation, where we give out litera­ ture and talk to the sick about their salvation. Whenever we speak, especially to young people, we feel Impelled to tell them of the man who failed because he postponed doing God’s will. When a young man, God called him to the ministry, but he loved business and wanted to make money. He went into business and prospered, but God con­ tinued to call. "Yes," he would an­ swer, "after a while." But he must make more money first. The calls came less often, and finally he left God out of his life. Then he lost both money and health, and was taken to the hospital. There he came back to God and prayed earnestly that

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