King's Business - 1926-09

September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


GOSPEL POSTER USED IN CHINA Herewith is shown a reproduction of one of a series of lithographed posters. Dimensions of the original are 30x40 inches. They are printed in brilliant colors, and displayed in conspicuous places by the Chinese Evangelistic Bands. These attractive displays have been the means of making the Gospel story known to countless thousands who otherwise might not have heard its universal invitation. The title reads: “ Believers Obtain Salvation.” The large characters to the right under the title comprise the wonderful message of John 3:16. The smaller characters at the left read: “ These words have been taken from the Holy Scriptures of the Christian religion. All who read are invited to visit a Gospel Hall and investigate. If you will purchase a complete New Tes­ tament and read it, you will be able to understand more perfectly this im­ portant teaching.” Additional titles and texts include: "There is Hope,” 1 Peter 2:24; “ The Free Gift of Eter­ nal Life,” Romans 6:23, and many others. Will you not pray, with regard to the Gospel work being conducted un­ der the direction of Dr. Keller: “ Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?” He surely would have you pray for it. And it may be He would have you use some of the material means with which He has entrusted you as His steward, for the advancement of this work. Eternal destinies depend upon your response!

the colored porters as he Btood waiting for the conductor’s “ All aboard!” The conversation was not very long, but God had prepared the heart of this colored porter to receive the message, and e’er the train pulled out we had the privilege of seeing an actual ex­ perience of one other putting his hand in the hand of the Lord Jesus, with a word to this effect, “ I certainly will take you as my personal Saviour now.” Never can we appreciate bow won­ derfully God opens the doors and pre­ pares the hearts of people for the mes­ sage, but we can rejoice throughout the ages of Eternity that He is pleased to use each one of us,if we yield our­ selves to Him. Pray for this work that other shops may be opened and that soon clear across this country railroad men, ninety per cent of whom never darken the church door, may have the oppor­ tunity of hearing the Gospel. And again we say, “ Brethren, pray for us." (Continued on page 638)

WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. Reynold*, Supt.— Meeting* held in Shop*, Factories, Car-barn*, and Fire Engine Houses in Lo* Angeles.

I have been helped. I have run after, and mixed in with bo many different cults and isms, but found no peace for. my soul until I found the Bible class where God’s Word is rightly divided. I now have the assurance of my salva­ tion, and know how to tell others how to be saved.” “ Because we have seen the glory of God in wondrous answer to prayer in the Bible class, I cannot afford to miss a single lesson. Believing that I shall have many more prayers to be an­ swered, if the Lord tarries, I want to bring them to the Lord through prayerful Christians. Prayer changes things.” “ All my life I had been taught that I had to work my way to heaven, and I have made a miserable failure of it, and have been constantly unhappy. But at the Bible class recently I have learned that justification by faith is the only means of salvation, and now the peace that passeth understanding is mine, and His joy floods my soul.”

RECENT t r i p over the Union Pacific to Salt Lake furnished the Shop Depart­ ment with one of the most interesting, as well as one

of their largest opportunities for a real definite service that we have had. Both the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent of this de­ partment look upon it as being with­ out question the greatest trip we have ever made over these lines, from the first stop until the last. Special meetings were held in the following places: Las Vegas, Nevada; Lyndall, Utah; Salt Lake City; Mil­ ford, Utah; Caliente, Nevada; Yermo and Kelso, Calif. One of the many items of interest is as follows: As the train pulled into a Nevada town for a stop of some fifteen minutes, the Spirit of God di­ rected the worker to speak to one of

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