King's Business - 1926-09

September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE MANIFESTATION OF FAITH (Hebrews 11). 1. Faith’s Worship— “ A more ex­ cellent sacrifice," v. 4. 2. Faith’s Witness— "Enoch pleased God" (translated), v. 5. 3. Faith’s Work— "Noah prepared an ark,” 2 Pet. 2:6; v. 7. 4. Faith’s Walk— “ Abraham went out,” v. 8. 6. Faith’s Waiting— “ He looked for a city,” v. 10. 6. Faith’s Willingness— "Sarah re­ ceived strength," vs. 11, 12. 7. Faith’s Welcome— T h e s e all "were persuaded’’— confessed . . . a better country, vs. 13-16.— Selected. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE 1. To enter heaven without being born again. John 3:3, 5; 1 Pet. 1:23; Titus 3:5. 2. To enter the kingdom any other way than by the door (Jesus is the door.) John 10:7, 9. , 3. To be saved without the shed­ ding of blood. Heb. 9:22. 4. To be saved without believing in Christ. John 14:6. 5. To be saved after this life. Luke 16:26; Eccl. 11:3. 6. To neglect salvation and be saved. Heb. 2:3. 7. To believe in Christ and trust Him and not be saved. Acts 16:31; Isa. 46:22; Mark 16:16; John 1:12. 8. For God to lie. Num. 23:19; Heb. 6:18. — J. R. B. SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS “Blessed w ith all spiritual blessings in Christ.”— (Ephesians) Chapter 1 (v. 4) An- election that cannot be annulled; (v. 5) A relationship that cannot be broken; (v. 6) An acceptance that cannot be questioned; (v. 7) A title that cannot be dis­ puted; (v.7) A forgiveness that cannot be modified; (v. 10) A union that cannot be dis­ solved; (v. 11) An inheritance that cannot fade away; (v. 13) A seal that cannot be dis­ owned; (v. 14) A pledge (mar.) that can­ not be dishonored. Chapter 2 (v. 5) A life that cannot be for­ feited; (v. 14) A peace that cannot be de­ stroyed; (v. 20) A foundation that cannot be removed. —W. B.

WITHOUT THE BIBLE— 1. We know nothing about the be­ ginning of things (Heb. 11:3). 2. We know nothing about the end of things (Rev. 1 :1 ). 3. We know nothing about the true God (Job 11:7, 8 ) . 4. We know nothing about the things of God (1 Cor. 2:9, 10). 6. We know nothing about the sav­ ing work of Christ (John 20:31; 1 John 5:13 ). — P. C. — o— FAITH’S TRIUMPHS In Romans 8 (1) No charge against us.— v. 33. (2) No condemnation upon us.— v. 34. (3) No evil can happen to us.-— v. 28. (4) No good withholden from us.— v. 32. (6) No trial can overcome us.— v. 37. , . • (6) No power can separate us.— vs. 38, 39. (7) No comparison can express the glory that awaits us.— v. 18. — I. E. B. — o— THE BELIEVER’S PLACE I. At the Saviour’s feet, Deut. 33:3. 1. To receive His words, Deut. 33:3. 2. To learn of Him, Luke 10:39. 3. Waiting His pleasure, Psa. 27:14. II. At the Saviour’s side, Psa. 91:1, 2. 1. For safety, Deut. 33:12. 2. For deliverance, Psa. 91:3, 4. 3. For answered prayer, Psa. 91:15. III. Before the Saviour’s face, Psa. 116:9. 1. To worship, 2 Sam. 7:18. 2. To praise, Psa. 98:6. 3. To minister, 1 Sam. 2:18. 4. To fight, 1 Tim. 6:12. — Gospel Message. THE FOUR-FOLD PROTECTION OF THE BELIEVER Rom. 8:34. 1. The Protection of His Propitia­ tion. "It is the Christ that died," 1 John 2:2. .2. The Protection of His Justifica­ tion. "Tea, rather, that is riBen again," Rom. 4:25; "raised for our justification." 3. The Protection of His Advocacy. "Who is even at the right hand of God," 1 John 2:1. 4: The Protection of His Interces­ sion. "Who also maketh intercession for us.’-’ Heb. 7:25. —M. G. D.

These monthly offerings have proven a mine o f help to minis­ ters and Christian w o r k e r s wherever The King’s Business is read. Additional material may also be found in Mr. Horton’s series o f Studies in the Epistles of John, which are appearing regularly, and in Mr. Morgan’s excellent t r e a t m e n t of. the Christian Endeavor Topics. Ask us to send sample copies o f K. B. to your ministerial friends.

FLIES TO SHUN Ex. 8:24. 1. The fly of pride (Isa. 39:1-6). 2. The fly of licentiousness (1 Kings 9:1-6). 3. The fly of self-will (1 Sam. 15: 22 ). 4. The fly of unbelief (Deut. 32: 16). 5. The fly of worldliness (2 Tim. 4: 10 ) . 6. The fly of self-seeking (Gen. 13: 10-13). 7. The fly of unholy alliance (2 Chron. 18:1). — Preacher’s Magazine. PROVISION FOR GOD’S PEOPLE 1. A place of Divine Security for a doubting Christian— in His hand (Isa. 49:16; John 10:28). 2. A place of Strength for a weak Christian— on His shoulders (Ex. 28: 12 ) . 3. A p l a c e of Affection for a troubled Christian— on His heart (Ex. 28:29). 4. A place of Instruction for an un­ instructed Christian— at His f e e t (Luke 8:35; 10:39). 6. A place of Comfort for all Chris­ tians— especially the friendless (Ex. 33:21). . — Selfcted.


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