King's Business - 1926-09


1927 1927 An Unaqoalad Sailing Proposition for C. E. Societies, Bible Classes, Ladies’ Aid Societies, and Other Church Organisations - Christian Service Calendar -

Our 1987 production Is ons 1» which ws tsks lust pride. It undeniably surpasses any we h yet published. The front cover pictures Plockhorst’ s famous mssterpisoe of Mary, Joseph and_Je in Crypt. The scene is sublimely executed, and is a masterpiece of the printer s art. Printed heavy ¡paper stock, in seven colors. The twelve monthly sheets are beautifully illustrated with sac art pictures in multi-colors, truly reproducing some of the world s most famous paintings. The illustration shown on this circular gives some idea of the excellent judgment that has been n in selecting the beautiful pictures that are to be found on every page. These pictures are ami the highest conceptions in religious art, and can not help but be a refining influence in every hoi Five interesting features which distinguish our ‘ Christian Servioe Calendar arj: • I. The titles of the International Sunday-school lessons for the fifty-two weeks of the year are giv also location of the lessons. |—---- j------------------------------------------------_ -------- .------ - --------- — -— l 2 . The Daily Beading for each Saturday is the Golden Text for the following Sunday s lesson. 8. The Christian Endeavor Topics (Senior and Junior) for each Sunday are listed. •, . 4. Selected Scripture readings for every day of the year. A special Scripture theme is assigned each month. March, comfort and praise; April, integrity; July, love, etc, 6. Sayings of Jesus printed in red—Wednesdays. IDEAL METHOD FOR RAISING FUNDS The Scripture calendar has solved the financial problem of thousands of churches and Sunday schj more effectively and easily than any other method ever tried. Every group that bee undertakes sell it has enthusiastically commended the plan. It is an ideal way, for the reason that each one o earned in the transaction is immensely benefited by it. The worker is rendering a corviee to both church and the person to whom he sells the calendar. The church is supplied ,a: to carry on its work, while the purchaser is receiving something the* will be a source of pleasure j entire year “ The Christian Service Calendar” is so artistica designed that it can not fall to foster a lore for the truly beautiful and noble in art. Mostimp tent*of all, through its selected readings, it brings God’ s message daily to many homes that wise be destitute* of it. The calendars sell with practically no effort. Families who year are anxious to reorder the next, and never fail to advertise them among their “ 1. auaintancea It is nothing for one group to sell from three to five hundred in one »eeeou- A* ^ «re *£. attiactive profit on tins sale of even one hundred, that on three or four hundred neU the church a W substantial sum. START RIGHT NOW It is none too soon to decide now to sell the calendars. Our urgent advice is to P1“ * itrinr the matter at once to the attention of your Bible classes and the various church organise»« j nntline vour selline campaign without delay. The successful salesman readily recognizes the val of ^being flr.t°

2.30 6.86 9.60 17.00 38.00 46.00 70.00

................ 3.00 ................ 7.50 _______ _ 16.00


I t 8 $ . 46. 8 ».

Calendars..... ............... 30.00 Calendars----- -------------------------------------------- SS S2 Calendars. — 90.00 Calendars!!!” ....”-.....--..-------------------------------- 160.00

■isa, 10s i d y . Inches.

New Series--Children’s Scripture Text Birthday Post-cards

Graded Birthday Post-cards

s r v j a j a i r f t i s w r a n a & ' i a

five numbers, Sunday-school officers Sneeds* There are cards for theP Cradle Roll, Beginners, Irim i^ ,1’'junior,'^nthrmedfate and Senior grades.* Artistically don. in color, by the four color offset p r o « « . M 861. Seventh Tear (boy). Mo. 361Vi* Seventh Year (girl). 368. Eighth Tear (girl). 369>/t. Eighth Tear (boy). CRADLE ROLL No. 846. First Tear (boy or No. 868. girl). No. 240. Second Tear (boy). No. 246y,. Second Tear (girl). No. 247. Third Year (girl). No. No. No. 863. No. 264. JUNIOR DEPARTMENT No. 263. Ninth Tear (girl). T h i r t e e n t h Tear (boy). F o n r t e e n t h Tsar (girl). F o u r t e e n t h Tear (boy).

Fifteenth Year (girl). Fifteenth Tear (boy). Sixteenth Tear (boy). Sixteenth Tear (girl). Seventeenth T e a r (girl). Seventeenth T e a r (boy). Eighteenth T e a r (bey). Eighteenth T e a r (girl).

No. 266. No. 866.

Series 396 V

' A series of Birthday Post-cards in beautiful col prepared especially for children. Five attract designs. Price, 20c. per dosen; $1.86 per 100 Birthday Post-cards for Youn People and Adults ■arias 389 These cards are produced by offset presses in tistic colors. Five beautiful designs. Prias, per dosen; $1.26 per 100.

Ninth Hear (boy). Tenth Tear (boy). Tenth Tear (girl). Eleventh Tear (girl). Eleventh Tsar (boy).

Mo. 264. No. 866.

No. 2 4 7 Third Tear (boy), BEGINNERS DEPARTMENT No. 346. Fourth Tear (girl). No. 841Vf. Fourth Tear (boy). No. 849. Fifth Tsar (bey). No. 849)4* Fifth Tear (girl), PRIMARY d b p a b t m b n t No. 260. Sixth Tsar (girl). Me. 860Vi. Sixth Tear (bey).

267. 268.

No No

266. 367. 268.

No. No. NO.


No. 269. No. 270. Ne. Ne. 871. 872.

INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT No. 269. Twelfth Tear (boy). -Ho. 860. Twelfth Tear (girl). He. 861. T h i r t e e n t h Year (girl). Price, 86c. per dosen; $8.00 per 100.


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