King's Business - 1926-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1926

Practical Methods of Personal tjWork FOR DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH T. C . HORTON

ensnared by the various "cults” and "Isms” of the day, and now we will examine some of the excuses offered by those who do not come particularly under any of these classifications, but rather belong to that class of people of whom our Lord said, "They began with one consent to make excuse.” Among the most frequent of these excuses are: . (1 ) NOT NOW Use with one who says “ not now" (Heb. 9 :2 7 ): « It la appointed on to ■ » once to die, b a t a fter th is the Judgment.” (2 Cor. 6 :2 ): “Behold aow la the accepted tlaeei be­ hold b ow la the d ay o f salvation .” (Heb. 3:7, 8 ): “T od ay If y e w ill hear hla voice, harden not your hearts.” Ask, "Can you be sure that you will be in this world for another hour, even?” Use the following: Illustration: An evangelist walking one morning Just outside of the town where he was holding his meetings, saw three young men with axes on their shoulders. He stopped, entered Into conversation with them, and asked If they were Christians. The leader said to him, "Do you see that house over yonder? I have Just fallen heir to that bouse and farm and there Is a mortgage on it. We are going to that piece of tim­ ber over yonder to cut timber, sell It and pay the mortgage. When the mortgage Is paid, I am going to think about being a Christian.” The young men went on, but while they were cutting the timber a tree fell and crushed the young man who had spoken. Better be a Christian now. (2 ) SKEPTICISM Under the general head of "Skepti­ cism” Is Included: (a) Those Who Deny the Existence of God. (b ) Those Who Deny the Authority of the Word of God. (c ) Those Who “ Cannot Believe.” (d ) The Evolutionists (A Popular Fad). (a ) Denying the Existence o f God: Ask the question, "What do you mean when you say you do not believe In the existence of God ? What do you believeT How do you account for. the conditions that exist?” Show a watch and ask U the watch Is not a testimony of a watch-maker; whether a watch could be produced without a mind. Does he not think that a mind demands a mind-maker? Use the following Scripture (Psa. 19:1, 2 ): “ The b M T N i Seclore the a le ry o f O j4 l the flr a iU M it ehew eth hi» l M i T * wwftu

ANOTHER HYMN FOR OUR DEFENDERS On behalf of "Our Family,” and particularly of that Inner circle known as "Defenders, of the Faith," we wish to express our deep appreciation of the splendid hymn which we are (iTlng herewith from the pen of one of our English members, Mr. A. Oardner, of "The Orange,” Broomy Hill, Hereford, England. Those of our readers who enjoyed “ Preach the Word” (December, 1926), the words and music of which were composed by our dear friends, Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Hasler, of Camberley, Surrey, England, will be delighted to have another "Fundamentalist Hymn" for their collection. Paste them in your song book and let us make them, Indeed, "Rallying Calls” to the battle in defense of our homes, our children, and our country. Read and read again the startling announcement on page 604 and we are sure you will agree with Mr. Oardner that the “ deadly poison gas of error fast is spreading” and that It is "no time for resting.” The night cometh and we must do what we can, while we can. “ Scriptural Inspiration vs. Scientific Imagination” The Special Offer (details of which were given in the August number) of a copy of this remarkably helpful book for securing FIVE TRIAL SUB­ SCRIPTIONS AT F I F T Y CENTS EACH, is still good, and we are hold­ ing YOUR copy for YOU! There Is no better way In which to combat the per­ nicious propaganda of these deadly enemies of God and our country than to acquaint your friends with The King’s Business, and at the same time supply yourself with the ammunition which Is contained In "Scriptural In­ spiration vs. Scientific Imagination”— meeting, as it does, the very argu­ ments put forth by this abominable and aggressive Association for the Advancement of Atheism. Prayer Circles Don’t forget about the Prayer Cir­ cles. Ask for a list of subscribers In your locality, and It will be promptly sent. You wlU be able to meet the other members of "Our Family” near you and spend a little time In pleasant and profitable prayer and fellowship for each other, and for us. Then send in your Special Requests for prayer, which we will be glad to print on our page. When your requests are grant­ ed, let us know that, too, that we may Join with you In praise to the prayer- answering God. We have such a cheerful and inspir­ ing letter from O. A. Tatlock, R. F. D. No. 2, Salem, Indiana, whose letter, published In November, 1926, led to

RALLY CALL FOR FUNDA­ MENTALISTS Tune: “ For My Sake and the Gospel’s, G o!” (p. 295, A lexan ­ der’s Hymns No. t ). Awake, ye Fundamentalists! This is no time for resting. The enemy is at the gate, God’s heritage molesting. Awake! the deadly poison gas O f error fast is spreading! No longer rest, give God your best I . For you the foe is heading. * * * Fight on, ye Fundamentalists I In holy war engaging. "Quit you like men” is God’s command; The battle now is raging. Fight with the sword o f God’s own Word, For still Jehovah reigneth! So fight with might; ’tis for the right! The Lord o f hosts sustaineth. * * * Look up, ye Fundamentalists I The day o f victorc dawneth, When past the warfare and the strife, And error’s army mourtieth. Look ont Behold the Victor’s crown, The royal honors meted. The conflict done, the battle won, The enemy defeated! A. G ardner .

The Grange, Broomy Hill, Hereford, England.

the forming of the "D /F Prayer Cir­ cles.” Mr. Tatlock, you remember. Is an Invalid, In great bodily affliction, but "strong In the Lord.” He has a “ Bible Verse Circle” which is open to all who will agree to commit to mem­ ory one verse each day, add a prayer to It and pass It on. Write to Mr. Tatlock and get his plan. He says be has "found that the only way for Christians to grow Is to keep busy. A follower of the Master has to be on the march,” and that Is a truth which needs to be emphasised and reiterated. If we are not advancing we are re­ treating. The command Is "G o !” and the promise, "Lo, I am with you.” But we cannot claim the "L o !” with­ out we have obeyed the "G o !” LESSON TWENTY-SIX We have been considering for some months the best methods of dealing with the unsaved,— "The Indifferent,’ "The Anxious,” those who have been

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