King's Business - 1926-09

September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Vegetable Life (Gen. 3 :11 ): “ And God said. L et the earth bring forth g ra ss, the herb yielding seed, and the fru it tree yielding fru it, a fter hla k in d ." Animal Life (Gen. 1 :21 ): “ And God created g re a t w hales, and every livin g creature that m o veth ." (Gen. 1 :25 ): “ And God made tbe beast o f the earth a fter hla kind, and cattle a fte r their kind i and every th ing that ereepeth upon the earth a fte r hla kind, and God aaw that It w as g o o d ," Man (G en .1 :27 ): “ So God created man In hla own laaage. In the Image o f God created he him ) m ale and fem ale created he th em ." (Gen. 2 :7 ): “ And the Lord God form ed m an o f the duat o f the ground, and breathed Into hla nostrils the breath o f Ufe? and man became a livin g a o u l." This account of the creation of man is confirmed by the Lord Jesus Christ, in (Matt. 19 :4 ): “ And he answered and said unto them . H ave ye not read, that h e w hich made them at the beginn ing made them m ale and fem a le ?" These statements of the Scripture are confirmed by facts, and one fact outweighs a ton of theory, especially a theory which is today practically dis­ credited and abandoned by the best scholars. The following summary of what evolution has not been able to explain, will be helpful: (1 ) The origin o f species. Evolu­ tion claims that all forms of life, both animal and vegetable, developed from one original cell, which they call a "protoplasm” or “ bioplasm” or "germ plasm.” But it has been equally as unable to show how these different forms of life could have evolved from the original cell, as to explain the cell itself. Even Darwin and Wallace found it necessary to have a God to start with, who presumably created this first cell, placed it in the mud, and then disappeared never to be seen again! (S) No new type or species in animal or vegetable life has ever been discovered. On the contrary, many which have existed in the past have disappeared. (8 ) Not one instance has been known in history or science of the transmutation of species,— that is, of one species giving birth to a different species. * (4 ) Nor has there ever been known a case of voluntary crossing of differ­ ent species. Hybrids are always ster­ ile, and the finest strains of animals degenerate in one or two generations. This is true also, of plant life. The researches of the archaeologist, for in­ stance, prove that different species of animals and plants as we know them today, existed in exactly the same form five or six thousand years ago. The horse, for instance, has always been a horse; the oak tree has always been an oak tree; the lobster has been a lobster, and one certain kind of bac­ teria will always produce exactly the same kind of bacteria. If this were not true, then there would be hopeless confusion. Indeed, as Prof. Townsend says in “ The Collapse of Evolution," “ If the transmutation of species among bioplasts were possible, there would

lngs said he believed the Bible from beginning to end; that the things he did not understand he believed harder than anything else, and he was right because the things he did not under­ stand were the things that were- evi­ dently from God’s mind. No one in eating a beefsteak begins on the bone, but almost everyone be­ gins with the bones of Scripture and pushes the whole thing aside. The man eats his beefsteak and leaves the bones to take care of themselves. A friend tells of his father, a doc­ tor, who frequently had patients boarding at his house for treatment. He remembers one such, a Scotchman, who when convalescent had rare beef­ steak for his breakfast. The boy no­ ticed that the Scotchman ate bone and all and told his father. The doctor said, "Do you eat the bones?" “Why, yes,’’ said he, “ does that do any harm?” “ Why, no,” said the doctor, "if you are able to digest them.” So we may leave the bones for those who are able to digest them. (c) Cannot Believe: ABk the Inquirer, “ Cannot believe whom?" quoting (1 John 5 :10 ): “ He tkat bellevetk not God katk made klm a liar.” (Also Rom. 3 :3 ). Then ask, “ You cannot believe what?” (1 John 5 :10 ): “ H e tkat kellevetk not God katk made klm a liar, because be bellevetk not the record that God g a ve o f hla Son ." (Also John 20:31). Then tèli him why he cannot be­ lieve (John 8:44) : “ How can ye believe which receive honour one o f another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God o n ly ? " (See also 2 Cor. 4:3, 4). You will find that some sin, uncon- fessed, usually hinders belief. God is true. His Word true,— they who deny must be untrue. Use (Isa. 55 :7 ): “ L et the w icked forsak e hla w ay, and the unrighteous man hla thoughts I and let him return un to the Lord, and he w ill have mercy upon him i and to our God, fo r He w ill abundantly p ardon ." God says you can believe (John 1 :7 ): “The sam e came to bear w itn ess o f the Ught, that a ll men through him m igh t believe.” God says you must believe (Heb. 1 1 : 6 ) : “ H e that cometh to God m oat believe that H e Is, and that he la a rew arder o f them that d iligen tly seek h im ." God never told a man to do an im­ possible thing. If you will not believe, your case is hopeless (John 3 :18 ): “ He that beUeveth n ot la condemned already, because he hath not beUeved la the name o f the only begotten Son of G od." (John 3:36). You can use as a final verse (2 Tim. 2 :13 ): “Though w e believe not, y e t he «b id ­ elli fa ith fu l." (d ) Evolutionist: If you are dealing with one who professes to be an evolutionist and therefore unable to accept the state­ ments of Scripture, give him an out­ line of the Biblical account of crea­ tion, as follows (Gen. 1 :1 ): “l a the beginn ing, God created the heaven and the e a rth ."

«D a y unto day utterefh apeech, and night unto night aheweth k n ow led ge." (Rom. 1:19-22): “ Becnuae that which m ay be known of God la neanlfoat In them i fo r God hath ahewed It nnto them . « F o r the Invisible thlnga o f him from the creation o f the world are clearly aeen, being nnderatood by the thlnga that are made» even hla eternal power and God-head | ao that they are w lthont excuaei “ Becanae that» when they knew God, they glorified him not aa God» neither were th an k fn li ba t became vain la their ■maglnatlona. and their foollah heart waa darkened. . «P rofeaalng themaelvea to be wine, they became toola ." Illustration: An old farmer, who bad been an in­ fidel, appeared at prayer-meeting, and testified that the day before he had had his atheism "harrered” out of him In about two minutes. He had been standing behind a pretty lively team, when they were startled by a rifle shot and started to run. He fell from the harrow and was dragged across the field, hanging on for dear life. When he finally succeeded in getting up and found himself alive, he found also that his atheism had all been harrowed out. (b) Denying the Authority of the Word of God: Ask “ Have you read the Bible? Can you Quote a passage of Scripture from the Bible and tell where it is? Do you know how many books there are in the Bible, and who wrote them?” You will find nine times out of ten that none of these questions can be answered. Then ask: “ Do you think it is fair to deny the Word of God if you have never been a student of it? The Bible claims to be the Word of God. Can you prove that it is not?“ If he says that the Bible is contra­ dictory and absurd, ask him to name some of the contradictions or absurdi­ ties, and then use (1 Cor. 1:18), (1 Cor. 2:14) and (2 Cor. 4 :3 ) to show how the natural man is opposed to the Word of God because his nature is a sinful and rebellious one. Then use (Dan. 12 :10 ): “ Many ahall be purified, and made white, and tried! hut the w icked ahall do w ick ed ly: and none o f the w icked ahaU under»tand i ’ but the w lae ahall under'- stand.” (Rom. 11:38, 34 ): m O, the depth o f the riches both o f the w isdom and know ledge o f Godl H ow un­ searchable arc hla Judgments and hla w ays past finding out! “F o r who hath known the mind o f the L o r d ! or who hath been hla coun sellor?" Also (2 Thess. 2:10-12). The following little Bible reading will prove helpful in this connection: The Testimony of the Word: Matt. 5:18; 24:35; Rom. 3:3, 4; Luke 24: 27-44. The Testimony of Christ: John 14: 26; 16:12, 13; 8:47. The Testimony of the World: John 7:46. The Testimony of the Apostles: 1 Thess. 2:13; 2 Pet. 1 :2 1 . If we did not find these difficulties in the Word of God we would have reason for doubting that it was from God. * No one ceases to be interested in the world of nature because God’s works are full of mysteries that it is impossi­ ble for any one to explain. Josh Bill-

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