King's Business - 1926-09


September 1926

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

pmoiimimiiomiiiimiomtiimmaiimiiiiiiiDimiiiiiiiioimiiiimiamiiiiiiiuomiiiiHiiiamiiimiiioNHimiiiioiiiimiimaiiNiHimiaiiiimiiiiioiii i a E C h r i s t i a n E n d e a v o r Top i c s Commen t s by Rev. V. V. Morgan g iliniamiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiotiiHiiiuiioimiiHiiiiDiniiiMiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiaimiiimiioiiiiiiiiimaiiiimiiiiiaiiimiiiiiioiiiimiiiiiaiminiiiiioiiië i i □

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gathered for worship,” and b so used 110 times (Matt. 16:18; 18:17; Eph. 5:26-27; etc.). The English word “ church” is derived from a Greek word which means belonging to the Lord. The church, then, is a company of called out people. They are called out from the world (John 15:19; Acts 16:14; Eph. 4:17; 1 John 2:15-17). (1 Pet. 1:18, 19; Eph. 5:24-26; Rom.

until we reach His image, by stead­ fastly and constantly gazing upon Him (ActB 4:13). Kph. 4:7, 12-16. By the ministry of the Hbly Spirit we are made like Him. We come to know Him through the study of the Word of God, for He is revealed on every page by figure, type, symbol, prophecy or direct statement, so the better we know Him the more like Him we will become.

SEPTEMBER 5, 1926 Christian Ideals and How to Reach Them Phil. 3:12-14; 4:8, 9 (Consecration Mseting) Since all virtues and excellencies reach their highest possible perfection in Christ Jesus, He is the totality of all Christian Ideals, consequently He is set before us in the third chapter

16:16). Separated from sin, belonging to God, worshipers of Go d , redeemed by, belonging to and controlled by Christ (H. S. Miller). The church is a religious assembly selected and called out of the world by the doctrine of the Gospel, to worship the t r u e God in Christ, according to His Word (Cruden). A church is a company of believ­ ers called out from the world, voluntar­ ily joined together and m e e t i n g at stated times, among whom the Word of God is preached, discipline is admin­ istered, and the or­ dinances observed (Pardington). The Protestant d o c t r i n e of the church is that the church m a y exist without a visible form, because it is both invisible and visible. The invis­ ible church is com­ posed of all who are really u n i t e d to Christ (1 Cor. 1:2; 12:12, 13, 27, 28; Col. 1:24; 1 Pet. 2:9, 10). It is not

of Philippians as the noblest goal of the Christian. To win Him, to be found in Him, to know Him, to be conformed un­ to Him, to fulfill His purpose in our salvation— what an ideal, what a goal! The highest ideal is Christ Himself. He has always been the ideal of the paintei, t h e sculptor, t h e student, the philo­ sopher,. t h e noble, the true, the holy and the lovely. He is the O n e alto­ gether lovely. So the holiest aspira­ tion, the h i g h e s t ambition a n d the noblest ideal is to be like Him. T h e following Scriptures help us to k n o w how we may be like Him: Phil. 3:7-14. This is possible only by the abandonment of all things (vs. 7-9), with the conscious­ ness that the aim of knowledge is t o know Him (vs. 10, 11), with the glor­ ious goal to appre­ hend, or lay hold on, that purpose of Christ in l a y i n g

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SEPTEMBER 12, 1926 What is the Church and What Should It Be Doing? Eph. 2:17-22; Matt. 28:16-20 The Greek word translated “ church” is found in the New Testament 114 times (not counting Acts 2:27. See R. V.). It means called out. At first it referred to “ a company of citizens called out from their homes into some public place.” As such, it is trans­ lated “ assembly” three times (Acts 19:32, 39, 41). It is once used with reference to the Jewish church (Acts 7:38 ). In the Christian sense it means “ an assembly of Christians

an external organization. Its mem­ bers are known to God, though they cannot always be infallibly detected by the human eye, and many of them are in heaven or are yet to be born. The visible church consists of all who pro­ fess to be united to Christ (Davis’ Diet.). The church should be doing the work assigned or committed to it by its great Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. “ To the Intent that now unto the prin­ cipalities and p o w e r s in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, accord­ ing to the eternal purpose which He (Continued on page 642)

hold on or apprehending us (vs. 12- 31), meanwhile forgetting the victor­ ies and defeats of the past, and earn­ estly pressing forward in the race to win the prize (v. 14). Phil. 4:8, 9. By right thinking— dwelling upon Him, being occupied with Him, with our thoughts constant­ ly going out toward Him. Gal. 2:20. By reckoning that we are dead (Rom. 6:6-11), and realizing that He indwells us, imparting to us His own life, by letting Him live out his life through us. Note carefully John 16)5 and Rom. 8:4. 2 Cor. 8 :18 . We are changed from one radiant degree of glory to another,

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