King's Business - 1926-09

September 1926

m m ? i T T M a ’ S R T T S T N E S S

Bibl e Ins t i tut e Happenings Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

Alfred Hill, Class of 1924, who is well known to many of the graduates, and an infant boy and girl. Funeral ser­ vices were held at the Moody Memor­ ial Church on June 29th. Mr. Hill is extended the sympathy and assured the prayers of his friends in this bereavement. Julius Raplee writes to friends a very interesting account of his work in the Orinoco River Mission, Caru- nano, Venezuela, among the Spanish speaking people. The Lord is evidently using him greatly. He is quite happy in the work. Former students will remem­ ber Mr. Raplee’s pleasant disposition and happy smile. A picture enclosed in the letter reveals that the smile not worn oft. He writes on the back of the picture, “ Happy in the Lord. Dr. Ralph Atkinson and family are spending their vacation in and near Seattle. The Associate Dean attended the National Convention of Young People’s Christian Union of the United Presbyterian Church. He took the op­ portunity to bring the greetings of B. I. to the hundreds of young people in attendance, and to extend to the dele- gates from the Bast an invitation to visit the “ City of the Angels” and es­ pecially, while there, the Bible Insti­ tute. — o— Elfreda E. Stein, an Institute grad­ uate who for eight years has been Sec­ retary to Keith L. Brooks of the Cor­ respondence School, recently left the employ of the Institute to accept a Civil Service Position in Los Angeles. Mrs. Melvin Palmer (formerly Mae McIntyre) who was in Mr. Brooks’ em­ ploy at one time for five years, has re­ turned to Mr. Brooks’ office. Miss Stein’s address is 435 S. Fickett, Los Angeles, Calif. Rev. K. Owen White, ’ 22, P. G., ’ 24, and quite recently a graduate of the Southern Baptist Seminary of Louis­ ville, Ky., was married July 14th to Miss Pearl Woodworth, ’ 24, at Ocean Beach. Mr. White has accepted a call to the First Baptist Church, Santa Monica. He has been supplying the pulpit there since the close of his sem­ inary year and will begin work as the regular pastor August 1st. Congratu­ lations. Mr. Jose Medellin, a young man who came from Mexico last year to attend the Bible Institute, was taken to a tubercular sanitarium May 18th, but was unable to resist the disease and passed on to be with the Lord June 30th. He was a young man of fine Christian character, and we had hoped that he would be able to go back to his country and make known the good

Frank Faucette, ’ 22, President of the Alumni Association this past year, is preaching this summer as pastor of a church in Montana1. He has been greatly blessed in his work and ex­ pects to go to Princeton Seminary this Fall. — o— The many friends of Rev. Ward Booth, ’ 17, will be pleased to know that after some years of illness he is now able to resume his pulpit work. The experience of his affliction will, under God, prove a help In his min­ istry. Ivan C. Ellis, of the class of 1926, was ordained to the ministry at the Atherton Baptist Church at Los Ange- les on the evening of June 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis expect to sail in the early fall for China, where they will work under the China Inland Mission. — o— Edythe Haines, '20, who arrived home last Spring from Central Amer­ ica on furlough because of illness, has been spending the summer in the Glen­ dale Sanitarium. Word comes that she is so much improved that she has been allowed to go to her home in Santa Monica. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gaylord have been serving under the Home Mission Board of the Presbyterian Church at Pinckneyville, Illinois, during the summer months. Mr. Gaylord has been studying at Xenia Theological Semi­ nary, St. Louis, the past two school years. — o— William Makaehu left for his old home in the Hawaiian Islands July 15th. During the earlier part of the summer he was busy in evangelistic work in the state, but feels that he is called of God to work with his own people in the Islands. We shall follow him and his work with our prayers. Congratulations and Best Wishes! Mr. W. W. Robison, Ashland, Ore. announces the marriage of his daugh­ ter, Edith Mary, ’ 26, to Mr. Sumner C. Getter; ’ 25, on Tuesday, the twenty- ninth of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-six, Ashland, Oregon. At home after July tenth, Portland, Ore. — o— Erik Horn, ’ 25, speaks in a recent letter of the quite serious illness of his father. He reports, however, that there has been a very gratifying im­ provement. It will be some time, how­ ever, before he is able to undertake the responsibilities of business. Eric is at present in charge of the business and will be for some time. Sad word has come concerning the death of Mrs. Alfred Hill in Chicago on June 25th. She leaves her husband,

AROUND THE WORLD WITH K. B. FOLK Harry O. Anderson, ’ 15, spent a few days at the Institute recently, between dates of evangelistic meetings. — o— Miss Esther McDuff, missionary to Japan, in America on furlough, spent a few days at the Institute recently.. — o— Miss Doris Klint, ’ 25, has been spending her vacation attending the Young People’s Conference at Mount Hermon. — o— Miss Vcva Wight, ’ 18, attended the Summer Conference, June 21st to July 9th. She is enjoying her work with the Indians at Sherman Institute, Riv­ erside. — o— Mr. H. E. Widmer, ’23, is sailing from New York Aug. 28th on the Lan- castria for the Holy Land. He ex­ pects to visit London, Switzerland, Egypt and Palestine. — o— Miss Ruth McCahan, ’ 23, of the Bo­ livia Indian Mission, is spending her furlough in Beaumont, Calif. She was renewing acquaintance with Institute friends at the Summer Conference. — o-— Daisy Hendrix, ’ 24, has been spend­ ing the past year at Wheaton College. She is going this fall to Caldwell Col­ lege, Caldwell, Idaho, but hopes to spend her last two years in Wheaton. — o— Mr. Fred J. Greene, ’ 25, Post Grad­ uate ’ 26, has been very busy this sum­ mer in home m i s s i o n work, with Mr. L. P. Sanford of the Northwestern Missionary Workers, Libby, Montana. — o— E. Edwin Paulson, ’ 23, has been student pastor of a Presbyterian Church in Minnesota this summer. He plans to return to Princeton Seminary in the fall, where his address will be 315 Hodge Hall. Mrs. Berlyn Stokeley, formerly Edith Menzer, ’ 14, has been very ill in the sanitarium at Redlands, Calif. The last word indicates some improve­ ment. She will appreciate an interest in our prayers. — o— Miss Aurora Pfleuger, ’ 24, one ,Qf the twelve members of the Saunders party, to China, stopped in Los Angeles on her way East to spend her furlough. She was met in Los Angeles by her mother. The approaching marriage of Vic­ tor F o r d , ’ 24, senior in Louisville Southern Baptist Seminary, and Miss Mynna Turkington, has been an­ nounced. This happy event is to occur in September.

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