King's Business - 1926-09


September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

A strong feature of the work has been the home Bible reading courses, consisting of the readings of selected books from many points of view and the taking of tests that the readers may ascertain what has been gained by the readings. Ten courses have been put into print. These courses have found readers in every state of the Union and province of Canada, and even in China, Australia and South America. A series of family-altar Bible studies has been begun, three leaflets having had a circulation of about ten thousand. The Institute makes no charge for services or for its literature. Its cata­ logue and leaflets. Including the Home Bible Reading and the Century Courses, are sent freely to any address upon receipt of the enrollment. Chris­ tian stewardship is relied upon for support. The address is American Home Bible Institute, 837 Allison Street, Washington, D. C. FOURTEEN PASTORS A few days ago fourteen pastors representing (supposedly) some of the most soundly evangelical churches of a certain great city were together. They were asked how many of them (or their churches) were conducting open air services during the summer, and only two hands went up! And yet all were professed followers of the great open air Preacher of Oalilee! Two following His example— twelve apparently Indifferent! Most of them preach to a mere handful of people on the inside, while on the outside the surging throngs pass ceaselessly by, apparently unmindful of any obliga­ tion to God or of their own spiritual welfare. And who cares very much! Would Jesus care? Would He wait complacently inside some little church and expect the people to come in? If God had waited until the world asked for Christ, would He not be waiting still? If Jesus had waited until the multitudes came to Him, would they ever have come? He went to them! The open air season is not yet over. Many weeks remain. What an oppor­ tunity for every evangelical church in America to fill these remaining weeks with such a campaign of thoroughly sound open-air evangelism— lifting up Christ as the "Lamb of God that tak- eth away the sin of the world”— as would draw thousands upon thousands to receive Him as Saviour and Lord! The fields are ripe everywhere. The hour is at hand for a mighty move­ ment of the Spirit of God. If God’s people— whether pastors or laymen— do not act, the hour of gracious visita­ tion may pass forever, and multitudes be lost. There are those who are do­ ing their utmost in their respective communities and cities. Are you do­ ing your utmost in your community or city? For soon "the night cometh when no man can work." Pray for the speedy evangelization of every community in America, and for world-wide evangelization! Pray that you yourself may be revived; also Pray for Church-wide Revival!

tions concerning the situation in Pal­ estine, the legal status, and the gov­ ernment ordinances which are being prepared for regulating the affairs of this community. He further described the character and activities of the World Zionist Organization, and the Vaad Leuml, the National Council of Palestine Jewry, and their relation to the Mandatory Power. Concerning the Arabs, Col. Symes declared that their attitude has changed Bince they recog­ nize that the Mandate regime will not be changed, and it appears that they have given up the policy of non-coop­ eration. The Commission took cognizance of the promise of the government to in­ crease its subsidy for Jewish educa­ tion in Palestine. The examination of the Agudah petition was postponed un­ to the promulgation of the new law with regard to the progress of Jewish communities in Palestine. The re­ ports and the opinions of the members of the Mandates Commission will be referred to the Council of the League of Nations. The Mandates Commis­ sion closed its session on June 28. The Permanent Mandate Commis­ sion expressed its satisfaction with the peaceful situation in Palestine, following its examination of the report of the Palestine government and the explanations of Col. Symes. The re­ port, as well as the explanations of Col. Symes, made a good impression upon the Mandates Commission, states the report. Particular satisfaction was expressed in the fact that the military forces in Palestine have been reduced. ¿Ug. * I I AMERICAN HOME BIBLE INSTITUTE There was recently observed, quietly and by a modest number of persons, the eighth anniversary of the founding of the American Home Bible Institute, Washington, D. C. Founders’ Day was celebrated at the Eckington Pres­ byterian Church, the principal features being an address by Rev. Henry E. Brundage, D.D., on the equipment of the Christian, and a recapitulation by Mr. E. W. Collamore, the president of the Institute, of the results obtained during the life of the organization. Founded February 4th, 1918, by a little group of Christian workers, the work has been carried forward, the organization officered and directed, and the classes mainly taught, by em­ ployes of the Federal government. No central office has been maintained, the homes of the president, secretary and registrar serving that purpose, and no full-time instructors employed. More than one hundred classes and courses of study have been conducted, with a total enrollment exceeding three thousand. A curriculum em­ bracing the courses of study of resi­ dent Bible training schools and pro­ viding for auxiliary courses to meet local needs has been developed by ac­ tual use. A training Bchool for Chris­ tian workers has been conducted, the classes meeting in sections of Wash­ ington, in homes, churches and mis­ sions. Evangelistic conferences and services to the number of about one hundred have been held.

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