King's Business - 1926-09

September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


a faraway town in Western India. Written with unusual freshness, it re­ veals the author’s possession of a sav­ ing grace of humour. A most enter­ taining record and a missionary docu­ ment of real value. (Revell) $1.60 In Sunny Nigeria, by Albert D. Hel- ser. This volume is a pioneer in its field. It gives information about a land and a people of whom the world knows but little. The author is one of the two pioneers to the Bura peo­ ple, and possesses first hand knowl­ edge. We welcome this account and view of Buraland. A real addition to a missionary library. (Revell) $1.50 The God of the Lucky, and Other Sermons, by Rev. Samuel W. Purvis. D.D. Seventy-five sermons which were published in the Evening Bulletin of Philadelphia each Saturday under the title "The Saturday Sermon.” They were written for busy people in every walk of life. The author knows hu­ manity and presides over a church in the center of a great city and writes with real sympathy and understand­ ing. (National Pub. Co., Philadelphia) $1.26. Searchlights from the Word, by G. Campbell Morgan, D.D. A unique book with a message from every one of the 1180 chapters of the Bible, en­ ticing the reader to read the entire chapter, though the theme is taken from a single verse. The outlines are brief, pregnant with thought, unmarred by superfluous phrases, crammed with suggestive material suited to the use of ministers and other Christian workers. Dr. Morgan is the author of many books, and his name alone is sufficient to attract a buyer (Revell) $3.75 The Sunday School Teacher and the Book, by William Francis Berger, A. M., author of "The Sunday School Teacher as a Soul-winner.” A fervent plea for making the Bible the irre­ proachable, unassalled foundation of the work of the Sunday School teacher. While fully alive to the benefits accru­ ing from lesson helps, and a knowl­ edge of sound literature of every kind, the author maintains vigorously that the one great fount of inspiration, knowledge and spiritual Incentive for the teacher and trainer of young peo­ ple is the Book of books. He pleads for a literal saturation of the mind of the teacher with a knowledge of its contents that they may understand the principles of redemption as set forth in the whole Bible and know how to lead souls to Jesus Christ. (Revell) $1.25 BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS A Harmony o f the Visions of Daniel, by E. P. Cachemaille, M.A. The au­ thor says he has sought to aid prophe­ tic students (for whom the book is especially designed) by a harmonising


Any book reviewed or adver­ tised in the columns of The King’s Business may be ob­ tained at Biola Book Room, 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

What some outstanding leaders In Christian thought have to say regard­ ing this epoch-making book: Dr. John Marvin Dean, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Pasadena, Cali­ fornia: “ "The Leaven of the Sadducees’ by Ernest Gordon is the most timely of recent books on controversial matters. It is a boon to the churches. Its au­ thor has made a splendid, balanced, Illuminating contribution to the Gos­ pel of Christ. He exposes the dishon­ est beginnings of Unitarianism and its present questionable methods. All Christian leaders should read this book!” Rev. Louis H. Bauman, D.D., Pastor First Brethi^n Church, Long Beach, California: « The Leaven of the Sadducees’ is by all oddB the heaviest charge of dy­ namite ever placed underneath Unitar­ ianism, and its counterpart, Moderh- lsm. Out of their own mouths Ernest Gordon brings forth their utter con­ demnation. He uncovers the hypocrisy of their ‘Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man’ stuff. He ruth­ lessly exhibits the fruit of the twin trees, and when any man who still honors God and His Son, Jesus Christ, beholds that fruit he instantly reaches for the axe. __ “ Only the man who has steeled his heart against God and His divine reve­ lation can read this book without be­ ing convinced that the Unitarianism which comes to us in the guise of Modernism has gone far beyond the limits of either faith or reason; and that, unless the world is prepared for a return to paganism, or—what is worse— the awful darkness of Athe­ ism, with the horrible aftermath that always attends it, then men must re­ turn to a real faith in a living God and the divine revelation of Him in Jesus Christ. “ Otherwise, there is nothing ahead but the judgments of a God made an­ gry by the constant insults that Uni- tarianism and Modernism have cast upon Him, His holy Son, and His holy Word.” Rev. Robert L. Selle, Pastor Peo­ ple’s M. E. Church, Tustin, California (formerly Conference Evangelist, Ok­ lahoma, and Chaplain of Oklahoma House of Representatives): “ ‘The Leaven of the Sadducees,’ a new 260 page book just off the press of the Bible Institute Colportage Asso­ ciation, Chicago, written by Ernest Gordon, a well known writer, is a cur­ rent book which every evangelical minister should read. It is in every way a modern classic against Modern­ ism. The times in which we live call

toY just such a book, and Mr. Gordon has given it to the public for just such a time as this. I have read it myself with great profit, and heartily com­ mend it to earnest, truth-seeking peo­ ple everywhere.” Rev. James P. Welliver, Secretary and Director of Northern Gospel Mis­ sion, Virginia, Minnesota:' “ ‘The Leaven of the Sadducees,’ by Ernest Gordon, is an expose of the in­ side of the Unitarian-Modernist game which— while it is no surprise to some of us who have been ‘hereBy-hunters’ for these many years— is still remark­ able. If the thousands of men who are hesitating to take any stand for the truth could read ‘The Leaven of the Sadducees’ they would either act, or come under awful condemnation and accounting.” Chas. E. H u rl hu rt, General Director Emeritus of the Africa Inland Mission, and Superintendent of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles: “ ‘The Leaven of the Sadducees, or Old and New Apostasies,’ by Ernest Gordon. Without extremism or sensa­ tionalism this great son of a great father states co’ d facts of history, quoting book and page, to show how Unitarianism has worked and is work­ ing in our Sunday Schools, churches, seminaries and Christian colleges to eliminate the Christ of God from them, and now the propaganda has reached our mission training schools and the mission fields. “ Fair men who read this book, if not held by narrow prejudice, see the need of Btrong fortification and able protest against the encroachment of this sub­ tle power. “ Ignorance of these facts is crim­ inal'. To know them and be silent is disloyalty to Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. Every loyal Christian worker should read this book." — o— The Potter and the Clay, by D. H. Dolman, M.A. Author of “ Christ in the Tabernacle." The theme of this little volume is Isaiah 64:8, and it is dedicated to “ thousands of God’s chil­ dren who long for a more Intimate fel­ lowship with the Heavenly Father.” (B. I. Colportage Association) Our Parish in India, by Isabell Brown Rose, of the American Marathi Mission, Sholapur, India. An au­ thentic narrative of two years spent in

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