King's Business - 1926-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1926

ThisBibleNeededinEveryChristianHomi Makes Meaning Clear—Saves Time T HOMPSON’S Chain Reference Bible is new an

system In which the prophecies con­ cerning the four great empires are viewed under the different periods. (Thynne & Jarvis ) 2 5c The Glorious Names o f Jesus, by Amos R. Wells. There can scarcely be a more fruitful or suggestive sub­ ject for meditation than that which Dr. Wells has chosen for his latest book. It is, moreover, one that never palls, never wearies, never grows old. We are all familiar with the “ Glorious Names.” . They are, as It were, bars In the music of the ages, and It Is helpful to have Dr. Wells' comments upon them, In one continued strain. (Revell) 60c. His Joyous Experience, by Norman B. Harrison. An exposition of the Book of Philipplans— the “ Christian’s Joy Book,” or "The Christ Life Book.” The title chosen by Mr. Harrison is unique but > true. When one has mas­ tered the Letter to the Philipplans, Jesus Christ becomes a reality and the heart Is warmed in a new way to love and live for Him. The author’s analy­ sis of the four wonderful chapters gives the reader a new revelation. He has produced a suggestive chart for each chapter which is very helpful. In fact, all the helps are sound, Scrip­ tural, spiritual and inspiring. We can­ not commend too heartily this volume. Every preacher, teacher and Bible stu­ dent should have it, and it should be in every Christian home (Moody Colp. Assn.) Paper 60c; cloth 75c (net) Moffatt’s Translation of the Old Tes­ tament: a Review, by Dr. Leander S. Keyser. The simplest and heartiest commendation of this review is to quote Dr. Keyser’s comments on Dr. Moffatt’s translation of the Twenty- Third Psalm. He says: “ Think of this: 'My road may run through a glen of gloom’ as a substitute for 'Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow 'Of death.’ Note the banal­ ity of the sentence, ‘Thy club, thy staff— they give me courage’ ; instead of ‘Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.’ We leave it to the reader’s in­ tuition to judge whether, if such tame, awkward English and such a cluttered form had been used in former transla­ tions of this peerless Psalm, it ever would have spoken peace and comfort to sorrowing souls.” This little pamph­ let is a reprint from Dr. Keyser’s book, "The Doctrines of Modernism," which we cordially commend. (B. I. Col- portage Assn.) 10c each, 12 for $1.00 Rev. Britton Ross, Pastor of the Eastland Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee, will be able to fill a few engagements for evangelistic services for the autumn of 1926. Mr. Rpss was the first-student of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles and has certain­ ly made good. ” He is an out and out Fundamentalist, and the pastor of the largest church in Nashville. On page 464 of the August King’s Business is an article by Mr. Ross, together with a picture of his church and of Mr. Ross himself. Read the article, look into his face, and then— if you need an evangelist, communicate with him. m EVANGELIST BRITTON ROSS

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SCHOOL FOR TRAINING CHRISTIAN LEADERS (INTERDSNOMIMATIONAL) Prepares Young Women for Christian Leadership Th« course et Instruction tndudoo: Bible Study. Church History. Christies Mis­ sions. rrrnhiloiT end Pedagogy. Orgenlration and Administration rfbUM O Ms- cation. Pageantry, The Art of Mofy MU ml Worship and Music. Hyglane and Health. Pnotleol Experience Is Church and Mission Work. Under the auspices of Woomn's Branch, NEW YORK CITY MISSION SOCIETY Miss Elisabeth Billings. First Directress Mrs. A. F. Schauffler. Honorary Chairman of the Boord of Managers Mn. Stephan Baker. Chairman School Committee For further Information address MISS GERTRUDE WALES, Dooo


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