King's Business - 1926-09

September 1926


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

gether, spending some time on hoard one of the Japanese boats in port. Observation and consultation with the Captain in his approach to both offi­ cers and men greatly encouraged us and enlarged our heart for men of the sea. It is near the close of the day; a mammoth European oil tanker is tied to the dock. The only noise is that which comes from the powerful pumps as they force the oil through their large pipes.. On board we learn that most of the deck force are Russians. Going forward we find a few of the men reading, some mending, others playing cards. We offer some litera­ ture and open a conversation and a few moments later words of anger come flying from lips of many. This is not our first experience of this sort, so we are not hasty to leave. As soon as they cool down we explain that many of their accusations are because of misunderstanding of what God teaches; because of Ignorance; with some, we tell them, because of hidden sin. They may accept God’s love or His wrath. It’s Christ or hell for every man. We make our own choice. This is only one division of the crew. From here we go to the cook house on shore. When vessels are loading kerosene or gasoline the sailors’ meals are cooked on shore in a cook house provided and equipped by the oil companies. Here we ex­ pected a similar reception, but fear of this does not lower our responsibility to our Lord nor to thp people support­ ing us, so we go and listen to their conversation for a few moments, which is largely political and rebellious. We ask a question; “ What is the root of all this trouble, misery and sorrow?" Receiving no answer we give one word, SIN. When we launch out on a Gos­ pel message, telling of God’s program. At the close we invite men to Him, and offer our literature and it is re­ ceived gladly. It’s the same old condi­ tion. Sin brings sorrow, Christ brings happiness. There are two classes of men: Those who want to know Him and those who don't. “ This is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, but men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil." But Jesus said, "I am the light of the world; He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." Reader, pray for us. David Cant« Supt.—Our City Mission for Man in the Canter of Los Angelas. Meetings con­ tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day Prayer Meeting. IHESE are truly d a y s in which it is very e a s y to f a i n t and grow cold and disheartened, as we see lawlessness prevailing on every hand, the exaltation of man, and the rejection of the message of the cross, with the substitution of another gospel, which the apostle hastens to assure us is not another. Many faithful servants of Christ are having doors shut to them for still m BIOLA HALL

page, and just recently we saw the re­ sult of our labor. A returned mis­ sionary and one of the men of our Bible class accompanied us. The mis­ sionary gave the message and the Mex­ ican gave his testimony, after which we spoke a few words and gave the in­ vitation. Before we had time to ask for the raising of hands, one right after another raised their hand, until there were thirteen men who signified there and then their acceptance of Christ as Saviour and Lord. We then asked them to come and kneel down beside us, and everyone came forward without any urging. It was indeed a great Joy to hear these men offer their thanks unto their new found Saviour. After a few words of instruction each one offered a prayer. This is hut another proof of the hunger that exists in the human heart. A few weeks ago in another railroad camp we entered into conversation with two young men. Others in the next room, hearing us talk about the Oospel, also came in, and as we talked with them we found out that they had a fairly good knowledge of the Oospel already. We were felt led to extend the invitation, and six more men ac­ cepted the Saviour. We find often­ times when we least expect it that the desired results follow the preaching of the Word. We scarcely have an outdoor meet­ ing at the Plaza without having some splendid results. Just recently on one Sunday five accepted, and on another two more accepted. Yes, friends, it pays, and the Oospel is still the power of Ood unto salvation to all that be­ lieve, and we are more and more en­ couraged to press the battle into the enemy’s camp. Our men in Mexico report good suc­ cess in giving out the Word, reaching many places where never a message has been given. So in spite of the decrees of the Mexican government our men are pressing on with the mes­ sage. The need is indeed great in Mexico, and we as a people ought to pray that the doors now open in Mex­ ico may not be closed against the Gos­ pel, for that is the only hope of a na­ tion. So we covet your prayers for our work here among the Mexicans, and the work down there. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! I P SEAMEN’S DEPARTMENT Claud* H. Pear»on, Supt.—Our Worker* board ail ve**el* in the port of San Pedro, holding Gospel Service* and Distributing Literature. “ Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.” 1 Those. 5:11. 1ERE is much in the Word of G o d for encouragement and comfort, resulting from the assembling or coming together of God’s children. We were greatly encouraged and in­ structed through the visit of one of Dur Shore Links of the Merchant Ser­ vice Officers Christian Association. Our visitor was Captain Price, of the Japan 9eamen’s Mission in Kobe. Captain Price is truly a veteran, having spent forty years on the seas, twenty-five of them In Japanese graters. We visited the docks to-

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