King's Business - 1926-09


September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

they have not yet developed courage and ability enough to organize themselves into a party (or the purpose of attack* lng the Church. It would be better (or the Church if they did have cour­ age enough and ability enough to form an organization. They would not have numerical strength enough, nor would they have ability enough to accomplish anything. If they were organized, they could be, as an organisation, ground into powder instantly. The Church would not be In any danger if there were such an organization. We would then know who the enemies of the Faith are. They would be isolated and would have to stand out boldly, under colors of their own choosing. It would be far better for us, who are defending the Faith, if such a party existed. We could deal effectively and summarily with it. The Real Danger The real danger in the Church is to be found in the fact that the individual goes as near the line as possible, staying just inside of the legal line and yet, in effect, bringing dis­ credit upon the Church, and, indirectly, making an attack upon its Faith, upon its policy and its program. It is the near-violator of the law who is bringing reproach upon the Government. The open offender is more easily dealt with. As Christ said, "The harlots go into the Kingdom of Heaven in advance of the moralists,” because, it is easier to deal with the overt acta of men. It is the respectable ne’er-do- well who creates the danger and the menace, both in the Government and in the Church. The respectable rascal is the dangerous citizen. Remember, there is no organized party in the Church. There are individuals who are disloyal, and, the Commission of Fifteen said that the-remedy for such was to be found in discipline. Your Presbyteries should function. Tbe concluding? portion o f th is Important docum ent w ill appear la the October number o f THE! K ING ’ S BUSINESS. W e are anre that every officer and m any o f the members o f yonr church w ill w ant to have the entire article, and w ill he cla d to send them both the September and October numbers fo r ZSc,— or w ill send the m a caslae as a Special 44O ct-A cquainted ” Offer fo r six m onths fo r SOe b e cln n ln c w ith the September issue. (R ecn la r price S1.Z5 per y e a r). The King’s Business 536-568 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Gentlemen: Enclosed, please find $............ for.......... subscriptions to THE KING’S BUSINESS, as follows: (Check whether fo r September and October, 9 25c, or 6 Mos.— 50c, or 1 year $1.25) Sept One A Oct. 6 Mot. Year 25c 50c 91.25 Name.......................................................... Address.......... .......... - ........................................ ................ Name............. .............................................. Address........................ .......................................................... Name........................................... ................ L b , . Address.............................. ........... .......... .................... •—- Name.............. ............................................. Address.................................... .......................... ——> ...... Name........................................................... Address..........................— ..................................................«. USE THIS SUBSCRIPTION BLANK

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cel.

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