King's Business - 1926-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

September 1926

is to make Jesus Christ known, and the Bible tells you how to do it. The Book o f the Ages My friends, this is the Book of the ages. Read it slowly, frequently, prayerfully. It la a mine of wealth, a paradise of glory, and a river of pleasure. It is given you in life, will be opened at the Judgment, and be remembered for­ ever. It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents. “ For ever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled In Heaven.“ Psa. 119:89. To spread the knowledge of God’s Word, my friends, is the ministry that the Gideon Association is performing. To this they have consecrated their genius, and give liberally of their time, their talents and their resources. Every Christian man is eligible to membership either as a regular or an associate member. The dues at present are $5.00 a year. We do not know of a better investment of a small amount of money than for one to engage in this ministry. n “ MEN WOULD TAKE HIS BRIGHT CROWN” Men would take from my Lord the bright crown from His brow, They would give unto Him but the laurels of earth,— But I know that He was when earth’s corners were laid, And beheld Heaven’s Joy when the stars had their birth. Yet He laid by His glory man's sin to atone, The one wonder of all that the ages have known. ’Twas a wonderful gift vouchsafed unto earth When the Lord became flesh, dwelling here among men; Unbelief may reject, but the clear eye of faith Sees in Him glorious things that the world may not ken; Knows in truth that in Him was very God seen When He tarried on earth as the meek Nazarene. Hie who stood before Pilate in low human guise, So despised, so rejected, condemned and alone, Is the Heir of the Ages, the Lord of High Heaven— The True Shepherd who lay down His life for His own. Tho’ the thoughtless may scoff, the malignant may frown, Not to demons nor men will He yield His fair crown. . Oh, the folly of men that would sweep from His brow The bright crown of His God-head, and count Him but man; The fierce hatred of mortals hath never prevailed To obscure His Great Name as the long ages ran,— For the virgin-born Jesus is still Lord of all, And before Him in homage all nations shall fall. % T. C. Horton, Editor-in-Chief “The King's Business," 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, California. Dear Mr. Horton: Enclosed, find $.......................... and list of five names on attached sheet of paper, to which please send The King’s Business for 6 months at the special rate of 80 cents, (or if regular subscription is desired, remit at usual rate of $1.25 in U. S., or $1.50 foreign). Please send me, for securing above, copy of “Scrip­ tural Inspiration vs. Scientific Imagination, * as advertised. Name........ .............................- ................................................. — Address............. ,............... ——........ *............. .................•••-■ — Jennie P. Ames.

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