King's Business - 1926-09


nnouncement s s s It gives the editor of The King's Business great pleasure to announce that Mr. Charles E. Hurlburt . . the Founder and former General Director of the Africa Inland Mission . . has been called by the Board of Directors to become the Superintendent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles . . . . . . Mr. Hurlburt has been my personal friend for thirty- five years, and I am confident that his wide and varied ex­ perience as a teacher and leader in Christian work qualifies him in an unusual way for this position . . . I know of no other man in the United States who is so well qualified to give direction to the varied activities of the Institute as Mr. Hurlburt . . Inasmuch as I have contemplated for some time laying down the heavy burdens in connection with the editorship of this magazine, the knowledge that Mr. Hurlburt will have supervision of it gives me the assurance that the magazine will be conducted in the future in harm- , ony with the principles and ideals which have controlled it in the past . . In this new field of service, Mr. Hurlburt will have my daily prayer, as he has had for many years, and I covet for him the prayers of The King's Business Family that the blessing of God may rest richly upon him.

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