King's Business - 1926-09


September 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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The Call o f God to The King’ s Business Family We have about 4000 "Defenders of the Faith” who will respond to the call to meet the frightful foe whose program is announced on page 504. But EVERY SUBSCRIBER should enroll, using for that purpose the coupon printed below, and then definitely seek to do all within their power to arouse others and link them up as subscribers also,— that together we may fight the good fight of faith. Take this copy of the magazine and shew it to your friends who have any concern for their children, their homes, their country. Urge them to get the help which will be given them through its pages, even if they have to go without food for a day, if necessary, and spend the time in prayer. Fasting is good for both soul and body. The King’s Business will give itself, definitely, with all its powers, to forcing this enemy to the wall. Every Sen­ ator, every Congressman, every public official of any kind, should have these facts brought home to them, and urged to take a determined position against this deadly and destructive propaganda. Else how could they sing, “ Our fathers' God, to Thee, Author of liberty, to Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright, “ COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM” Herbert Spencer once had a friend who was a Christian. For five years they enjoyed one another’s society, and then Spencer received a letter in which the association was broken off. The thought of the letter was as follows: "Feeling as I do, so very painfully, that my faith is so little the heart-felt faith which should actuate the true Christian, the danger which might accrue from my associa­ tion with one so talented as yourself and so able to make the worst appear the best reason, I must, at however great a sacrifice (and believe me, I feel it to be a great one), cancel the pleasure I have in your association, and request that henceforth we meet no more, or meet as strangers.” The action of this man, though unusual, commends his wisdom and emphasizes anew the warnings of the Wofd of God.— Selected. With freedom’s holy light; Protect us by Thy might, Great God our King.”

The “Best”

of the Newer Books

against Evolution

The Modem Triangle

By S* J. Bole Taking the position that evolution is false science and the heart of destructive Bible criticism. Professor Bole writes a book which deserves circulation among students where there is an effort to replace Bible Christianity by the evicerated Christianity of Modernism. This book is a treasure house and merits placing in the hands of young students, both boys and girls. It will give them the here- withal to withstand the viscious attacks on revealed faith to which they are being subjected in literally hundreds of schools in America at this time. Cloth $1.50 God— or Gorilla By Alfred McCann The Problem o f Origin* By Leander S. Keytar

This book presents a repre­ sentative statement of the point of view of those who oppose the teaching of evolu­ tion. Dr. Keyser, is not an anti-evolutionist from ignor­ ance, for he has read the evo­ lutionists with scrupulous at­ tention and is himself a sci­ entist of good repute. On the basis of the definition of evo­ lution, he supplies an abund­ ance of material in support of his position that every man is compelled today to choose be­ tween creation and evolution —there is no modified third alternative. Cloth $2.00

This book is a very strong answer to Darwinism attacks on the Bible. And it has a striking title, and his argu­ ments are in keeping with the strength of the title. He pre­ sents the matter from every standpoint, quoting scientific truth to combat the guesses of so-called scientists. His indict­ ment covers the entire ground and is fully sustained by his proofs in his arguments. This book will be tremendously useful in uncovering the shal­ low pretenses of those who are connecting man with the jungle. Cloth $3.50

Christianity and False Evolutionism By Alvin S. Zerbe

Tbit book it very systematic and clear on the relation of evolution to Christianity, which he clearly defines, and false evolution which he also defines, and to show the impossibility of a harmony between them. If one can read this comparison and still maintain he can be both a Christian and an evolutionist, we seriously question his mental balance. The authors arguments and proofs are conclusive. Cloth $2.00

The Biblical Story of Creation By Giorgio Bartoli


Professor Bartoli is one of the outstanding scientific men of Italy. His first-hand study of the Bible has con­ vinced him that it is wholly God's Word, without error, as accurate in matters of science and history as in spir­ itual truth. He finds perfect harmony between Genesis and the proved facts of geology, but he believes that God in His Word has revealed scientific information that sci­ entists could never discover. His book studies the manner of creation, disproves evo­ lution, brings together information from the whole Bible on the Cosmic wreck caused by the fall of Satan and hosts of angels with him. It gives a wealth of information from technical and scholarly works that are inaccessible to most readers of the Bible. Cloth $1.25 Ii money doss not accompany order, goods will bo sent C. O. P. If goods are to corns by mail add 10% for postage. i B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Log Angeles, CaL

COUNTRY are in D I R E P E R I L !

A Bold, Base, Blatant, Brutal Enemy is in our midst I Read the article on page 504 and then enroll at once as a Defender o f the Faith, pledg­ ing yourself to fight with all your God-given powers this Satanic propaganda. Arms and am­ munition will be sent you. Name..................—.-................... -..........-r—................. City and Street............. ..................................... . State............ .............. .....................-..... .................... .

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