King's Business - 1926-09

Absentee Post-cards A new sarias pf aigbtaaa graded sbsautaa post­ cards. Beautifully printed in colors. The massages command tbs attention of absentees. Every Bible

Bible Story Readers By LILLIE A. FABIS First Grade Critic Teacher, Training School, College of Education, Ohio University These charming books are primarily designed as supplemental readers in the public schools, but they “fii« P rimer

Childhood Bible Stories NEARLY 2,000,000 COPIES SOLD M h e only series of graded Bible story-books pub- I[bed. ' Beautiful pictures of Bible seenes ere used m ' llbellishing "Childhood Bible Stories."- Beautiful, /tractive, instructive! Remember that good pic- end stories ere stronger than anything else in s Itding the character of children. Excellent for M u and rewards. Children will treasure these alarmingly written and beautifully illustrated sto- i>b. Nearly two million aesorted copies have been »ltd. Yet the circulation is just in its infancy, and Stn present demand conservatively points to a sale ftf several million. SERIES 1 1 For children four end five years of age. 'Each book, sise, 4Vt x$ inches: 82 pages, 18 [jhries, 14 colored illustrations, decorated cover, -tlper. Price, per dosen, 21.20 (assorted, if de- i,ed) ; fewer than dosen, each, 12c. ■B SERIES 2 For children five and six years of age. if Book 1. Our Heavenly Father’ s Protection . i Book 2. Jesus the Helper and Saviour ’t Rook 3. God’ s Gifts *j Book 4. Friendly Helpers. »uSach book, else, 4% x 6 inches; 82 pages, 18 ato­ lls, 14 color illustrations, decorated cover, paper, »[ice, per dosen, $1.20 (assorted, if desired)-; fewer nan dosen, each, 12c. SERIES 8 For children six and seven years of age. Book 1. Creator and Savlonr Book 2. Protector and Guide Book 3. God’ s House and Worship Book 4. Prophet and King [pDach book, size, "5% x 6% inches; 32 pages, 12 Book 1. The Heavenly- Father’ s Care Book 2. The Loving Care of Jesus Book S. Loving Obedience Book 4. Love Shown by Kindness

are delightful* accessories for the Sunday school, and they will be worth-while additions to the home li­ brary. Already in use in public schools in twenty States, and on Reading Circle and Library Lists in five different States. Blchly illustrated in color. Large, clear type ie used. THE PRIMES contains I$8 pages; eighty four- color illustrations. Cloth bound, 80c. THE FIRST BEADEB contains 144 pages ; seven­ ty four-color illustrations. Cloth bound, 90c. H. O. Minnich, Dean of College of Education, Mi­ ami University; President of Ohio State Teachers’ Association) says: "The First Reader Is in every way comparable with your Primer, and I am very pleased, indeed, to say that I believe its service in the public schools as a reading-book for children will be very great in creating a much-needed reverent at­ titude in children.’ ' Bible Hero Stories JOSEPH, DAVID, MOSES, PAUL By J. H. Shonkweiler "Bible Hero Storiea" are prepared for a special need-r-that of a really food Bible story-book selling

school will make a paying investment by systemat­ ically using these cards. Suitable for all depart­ ments of the school. Nos. 886, 387, 368, 368, 370, 871, 372. 378, for use In Beginners and Primary departments. Nos. 374, 375, 876. for Juniors. Nos. 878, 378, 381, for Intermediates and Seniors. Nos. 348, 388, 377, 380, 381, for adulto. Price, per dozen, 20c.; per 100, $1.26. Complete , sample set of eighteen cards, special, 26c. Birthday Post-cards FOB YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS

colored illustrations, deco­ rated cover, paper. Price, per dozen, $1.44 (assorted, if de­ sired) ; less than dozen, each, 16c. SERIES 4 For children seven end eight •years of age. Book 1. Prayer and Praise Book 2. Helper and Friend Book 8. Doing His Work Book 4. Learning His Will Each book, size, ff x 7 |4 inches; 82 pages, 12 beauti­ ful pictures in colors, deco­ rated cover. Paper quarto. Price, per dozen, $1.80 (as­ sorted, if desired); less than dozen lots, each, 18c. SERIES 8 For children eight and nine years of age. Book 1. The Good News Book 2. Good Will to Men Book 8. Christian Heroes Book 4. Daring to Do Bight Each book, size, 6H x 7% inches; 82 pages, 18 stories, 14 colored illus­ trations, decorated cover, paper. Price, per dozen, $2.18 (assorted, if de­ sired) ; less than dozen, each, 22c.




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for a low price and adapted to children of any age. The ancient stories of the Bible are the richest heritage of the race. Fascinating to young or old, this new series, which to date comprises the complete stories (in one book each) of Joseph, David, Moses and Paul, is absolutely faithful to the Bible descrip­ tion of the customs, times and atmosphere of ancient Egypt and Israel, and yet possesses a charm in the telling which brings the striking characters within the realm of every-day experience. Whether read to the child, or he reads them him­ self, he gets the same thrilling enjoyment— the same moral lesson. Junior boys and girls will enjoy them. Each book has thirty-two pages, 6% x 9% inches in sise. Has richly printed, soft-gray color covers, with six full-page illustrations in colors matching the covers. Price: Paper, 18c.; per dozen, |1J0.

Series 880 An excellent new series of flve designs. The greet­ ings are cheerful and peculiarly designed to meet the needs of all Christian workers. Fine for individual use too. The unexcelled messages of greeting are reinforced with appropriate Scripture. The art­ work is tastily done in warm multi-oolors, artistic and appealing to the fullest degree. Price, 20c. per dozen ; $1.26 per 100. Scripture-text Post-cards No. 349 A set of flve splendid designs in landscapes and flowers. Printed in delicate and pleasing colors. Pries, 20c. per dozen; $1.26 per 100.

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(The stories are suitable for children of varying tea from five to ten years.


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