King's Business - 1955-03

The Fabulous M iss M eu r s see page 46 THE KING’S BUSINESS MARCH, 1955


This Ole H ou se : F o r the parade , a hit

Dr. Louis T. Talbot presents

I SAW PETRA The finest prophetic film available A "The Lord used this film to speak to hardened sinners who had ridiculed the inspir­ ation of the Word of God . . ." Pastor — Alaska A "A splendid effect . . . to es­ tablish . . . confidence in the promises and warnings of God." Pastor— Plainville, Conn. ^ "Enlightening and extremely interesting . . . a real chal­ lenge." Pastor — Phoenix, Ariz. A "One of the best films I've seen or used." Pastor — Skaneateles, N.Y. A "The best proof of prophecy I've ever seen." Pastor — Los Angeles, Calif. A "Excellent Bible Study." Pastor— ‘Williamsport, Pa. This rose-colored "C ity of the Dead" is one of the most mysteri­ ous ghost cities in existence. See Bible prophecies fulfilled before your eyes — Tyre, Sidon, Ammon, Moab. Produced by Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. OTHER FltMS AVAILABLE: Opportunity Unlimited I Saw Borneo Jungle Indians Gateway to Asia India's Sorrow They Wait for Peace

Ad photo by Matson Photo Sv.

FILM DEPARTMENT Institute of Los Angeles

558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif.


training of youth for the service of our wonderful Lord. Hollywood, C a lif. Paul Myers (First M ate Bob) Haven o f Rest I believe the plan to build a new campus in La Mirada to be a definite answer to prayer. As a pastor, I am thankful that we are going to have an inter-denominational Christian college in Southern California offer­ ing all the academic and social ad­ vantages of the larger schools with the strong spiritual emphasis provid­ ed by an uncompromising faith in the Bible as the Word of God. Long Beach, C a lif. George O. Peek, Pastor North Long Beach Brethren Church Our hearts are challenged by the vision and faith of the Directors of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles in their decision to establish a new cam­ pus for the growing work of B io l a . The future of the Church is largely in the hands of Christian educational institutions. Modern liberalism and unbelief have used educational insti­ tutions dedicated to their opinions as a principal weapon in the promotion of their ideology. If evangelical Christianity is able to capture the rising generation for Christ and make them effective witnesses of the Chris­ tian message, it demands larger and better facilities, more investment and sacrifice, and a greater undergirding of prayer and faith. May the Lord put His seal of ap­ proval on this tremendous advance in the work of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and may its great ac­ complishment in the past be followed by even greater achievement in the future. We shall be praying with you to the end that the Lord may direct in all the decisions that are involved. D allas, T e x. John F. W alvoord, President Dallas Theological Seminary

not help but look upon the proposed move to larger quarters with grateful thanksgiving to the Lord who has given to the Board of Directors the vision and faith to take this step. If the mission fields of the world are to be reached for Christ they must be reached with trained, tried and prov­ en young men and women. It is my earnest prayer that thousands of open-hearted American young people may be the more readily trained for the service of the Lord as a result of this forward step on the part of the Board of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Los Angeles, C a lif. Don Hillis World Gospel Crusade I certainly can understand your desire for more room, and I am glad to know that it was possible for you to secure such adequate facilities. You have our best wishes and our prayers as you make your plans for expansion. We know from experience here at Bob Jones University what it means to be able to “ spread out,” and we are happy that B io l a is going to have the opportunity of enjoying a larger campus. We are interested in the work you are doing, and I trust that the Lord will bless in all the plans and preparations. Greenville, S.C. Bob Jones, J r., President Bob Jones University M y heart rejoiced to hear that you and the Board of Directors of Biola have been able to acquire the 50 acres of ground upon which your new campus will be built. We who are the Good Ship Grace will not only be praying earnestly for this great venture but will per­ sonally help to publicize it to our constituents as well. Surely nothing could be more important than the

Recently the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles announced the purchase of 50 acres just outside the downtown congested area. Plans are now going forward for the im­ mediate construction of a 2 Yz million dol­ lar campus. Here are a few of the letters the school has received from Christian leaders commenting on this forward step for Christian education. I am thrilled to know that B io l a is moving to such spacious quarters, and I shall be praying for God’s blessing upon La Mirada and all of the work that will be going on there. The ministry of B io l a can only be calculated in terms of its results for eternity. Probably millions of people have been touched for Christ by B io l a graduates over the years that God has been using this blessed school. Chicago, III. Robert A . Cook, President Youth for Christ International I was much interested to learn that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has acquired property outside the city, and plans to build a new campus there. Without doubt the demand for education that is thoroughly Chris­ tian will be greatly increased in the days before us, if our Lord tarries; first, because of the increase in popu­ lation and second, because of the ris­ ing tide of evangelism in our coun­ try. Now is the time to prepare for that challenge. God bless you all there. W heaton, III. V . R. Edm an, President Wheaton College As an alumnus of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles, the growth and progress of our school causes me to lift my heart in thanksgiving to God. As a missionary of the Cross, I can­


M A R C H , 1 9 5 5

A R E T H E S E Y O U R H A N D S ? How many times have you listened to someone weave tapestries of melody and said to yourself, “ If the Lord only gave me such talent?” HE DID! This satisfaction can be yours — playing the A ccordion , P iano or O rgan in Church, Evangelistic Campaigns or with a group of Christians gathered ’round the campfire praising the Lord in song. Whether you live near or far, you can now study under one of America’s ablest Christian instructors right in the comfort of your home. Yet, you develop faster, progress further than you ever dreamed possible. ILLUSTRO GRAPH will prepare you fully for the Ministry of Music. P YOUR TALENT LEARN ACCORD ION , PIANO OR ORGAN A T HOME

PLAY HYMNS R IGHT A W A Y ! Even without previous knowledge of Music, ILLUSTRO GRAPH opens new world of Music to thousands.

"I have in v e s tig a te d various accordion corre­ spondence courses, but yours is the first to offer lessons in the playing of hymns — a vital phase of Christian se rv ic e . Through use of your I L L U S T R O GR APH COURSE it is very simple to grasp the fundamen­ tals of accordion hymn playing." Keith E. Craig, Hartford, Conn.

PLAY MUCH BETTER! If you now know music, the first lessons are not a review. Rather, they will change your whole concept of study. YOU RECEIVE MANY ARRANGE­ MENTS OF HYMNS These arrange­ ments alone are worth many times the low cost of the whole course. But, more than that, you learn to con­ struct your own Tone Poems — de­ velop Sermons in Music. EASY TO REMEMBER With the rev­ olutionary new ILLUSTRO GRAPH method you retain the knowledge with pictures in your mind.

A COMPLETE MUSICAL EDUCA­ TION You learn progressions, breaks, chord changes — to modulate and transpose. MANY ILLUSTRATIONS AND GRAPHS Yours to keep — help you retain knowledge through pictures in your mind. ACCORDIONS AT DISCOUNT If you have no instrument, we offer them on an easy rental plan or low,

"T h a n k you fo r the wonderful opportunity of learning to play hymns on the accordion through your ILLUSTRO GRAPH COURSE.. Thanks be to God for a Gospel minis­ try like this for those wno desire to learn to play hymns, but cannot get instruction in their own cities." T r uma n T om li ns on , Sherman, Texas.

low price.

The Accordion Course is just wonderful. You can play the Hymns right away. You can play much better with the Christian lllustro-Graph. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to develop his talent in Ac­ cordion playing. Florence Wilks, Buffalo, N.Y.

J ^ rerl tfa lin w ill be your instruc­ tor guiding you indi­ vidually. Yo u'll be the only student in your class. Let us prove to you that you can play, and p la y b e tte r RIG H T A W A Y .

I am very excited and completely satisfied with your lllustro-Graph Mu­ sic Course for the piano accordion. I find it is a simple step by step method of in­ struction, yet very com­ plete. I would recom­ mend this course to anyone. Ed Zollner, Oro- ville, Calif.

HERB JAHN Christian Talent Associates


Box 147-B Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, California I am interested in learning. Without cost to me send sample lessons and descriptive brochure proving to me I can play □ accordion □ organ q piano Include catalog o f famous Italian-m ade Accordions and Inform ation about your special offer to your students.

Recently. I ran across your ad and felt this must be it. Truly it was. I have found great sat­ isfaction in being able to l ear n by p l a yi ng Hymns and Gospel songs. Praise God for your work. Hilda Rauch, Wolf Point, Mont.

for sample les­ sons, brochure and catalog of Accordions.

C ity_







Official publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

Vol. 46, No. 3

MARCH, 1955

Established 1910

chancellor LOUIS T . TA LB O T

ARTICLES THIS OLE HOUSE ......................................................................................... 13 LIVING ON THE WRONG SIDE — Vance Havner ............................... 14 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISM — Cults, Part 6 — Louis T. Talbot i 16 CORRECTED VIEWPOINT — Paul H. Sheetz ........................................ 28 THE FABULOUS MISS MEARS — Dorothy C. Haskin ....................... 46 FEATURES FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK ...................................................................... 6 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ............................................................ 7 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ..................... 8 POEMS FOR MARCH ....................................................... 9 READER REACTION .................................................................................... 10 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news .......................... 11 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................... 20 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ........................................... 21 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ............................ 22 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton ............................ 23 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .............................................. 24 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore.. 25 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ................................ 26 ................................................... 30 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ............................................................................. 34 IN CHRIST IS LIFE — What Is Truth? ..................................................... 41 ADVERTISERS' INDEX ........................................................................... 50 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED— Margaret Jacobsen ......... 35 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ............................... 36 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 38 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. W ilder............................................. 44 COVER Since hillbilly musician Stuart Hamblen became a Christian in 1949 he has traveled across America and Canada telling vast audiences about the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. In between his speaking tours he has composed a long list of songs that have gained tremendous popularity. His latest Western spiritual provided our artist with this month's cover theme. For story see page 13.— Art : Marvin Rubin BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis

editor S. H. SUTH ERLAND

managing editor LLO YD H AM ILL

copy editor ROSE HARD IE

editorial assistant LU C Y R. REDMOND advertising manager M ILTON R. SUE circulation manager STELLA K IN TER

business manager J . RUSSELL A LLD ER

editorial board Paul M . A ijian • Charles L. Feinberg M artha S. Hooker « Glenn F. O'Neal * Donald S. Robertson Gerald B. Stanton

Donald G. Davis • James O. Henry > Margaret Jacobsen Chester J, Padgett • Oran H. Smith

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing of special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

"The King's Business." Date of expira­ tion will show plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERT!SING— For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 ^South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS— "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed'to us for consideration.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — “ The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draff, express, or post office money order payable to

from tie e jito ri desk

Miracles in the Prisons of Greece

■ n the State Prisons of Greece ■ a great work has been done as the result of thousands of Greek New Testaments and Bibles contributed by the Million Tes­ taments Campaigns and the American Mission to Greeks. We want to give you the testi­ mony of a dear Greek prisoner in the Rural Prison of Ayias on the Biblical Island of Crete. “ I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what took place in my life as a result of reading your evange­ listic magazine, the ‘Voice of the Gospel.’ You, my beloved brethren, are directly respon­ sible under God for the salva­ tion of my soul. (Hundreds of copies of this monthly Evangel­ ical magazine published by the American Mission to Greeks are distributed in the prisons and hospitals.) You have rescued me from my evil ways and I have been born again. How I’d love to get the magazine regularly. (Maybe someone who reads this would like to subscribe for him at $3 a year.) “ I would love to contribute to this marvelous work that you are doing, but I am poor and destitute. I believe, however, that the Lord will lead others to help so that many prisoners like me may find Christ. Why don’t you send your magazine and the Word of God with it to every prisoner in Greece? I know many more would come to the Lord if you could only reach them with the Gospel. I’d love to have a Bible for myself and at least 100 copies of your magazine and 100 Greek New Testaments for my fellow pris­ oners. (A Bible costs $1.00, and we can get 5 Greek Testaments for $1.00.) Please do pray for me, also, and think of me, your brother in bonds. You have saved me from death through the Gospel of Christ, for which I am deeply grateful.” GEORGE GIGIMES N o te : You may have a definite share in this wonderful ministry among the prisoners of Greece by writing to the American Mission to Greeks, Inc., Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (or to 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto 7, Canada). If you want to know more about this work write for a free copy of the diary of the Second Missionary Journey of the Rev. Spiros Zodhi- ates, General Secretary. On the first page is a picture of him sitting in the ancient prison of Philippi where Paul and Silas were imprisoned. This 61-page book will be sent you free on request.

Divine Guidance A ll Christians are interested in divine guidance. In James 1:5-7 we have some wonderful rays of light from God on this subject. These verses fall into five natural divisions, the first of which is the fact. “ If any of you lack wisdom” — what a statement! What fact in all of life, and particularly the Christian life, is more obvious than that? W e “ lack wisdom” continually, and we stand in need of guidance from a source greater than our own inadequate minds and untrustworthy hearts all the time. Surely with one accord we agree that we are dependent upon God through the H o ly Spirit for wisdom. By ourselves we are like the pilot whose plane crashed because he would not wait for the beam, and so kept crying broken-heartedly, “ If I had on ly had the light!” H ow we m ay obtain this guidance is made plain in the next part of this verse containing the formula. “ Let him ask of God.” What could be simpler than that? A ll profound truths are simple. God makes it easy so that everyone may understand and take advantage of His method of securing guidance. A n y one can ask. That does not require higher education, nor does it demand a distinguished background. The first thing about His formula is to pray. The Lord may use various ways to make His w ay known, but we must begin by asking. An explorer in A frica once hired a native to cut the underbrush in the jungle for him. Soon he began to w orry and said to the African, “ I don’t see any path.” “ Don ’t you worry,” answered the black man, “ Just follow me. I am the path.” That the heavenly Father is qualified for this we find in the next two clauses of verse six which show how adequate is His fulness. “ W h o giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not.” Here is a Father who does not give out stones for bread. He opens His storehouse of wisdom to us, poor sinners saved by grace. Nothing is impossible with Him. Nothing is too hard for Him. W e can do no better than to acknowl­ edge the fulness of His supply. The verse goes on to assure us that there w ill be fulfillment. “ And it shall be given him .” This is the unbreakable promise of our God, who speaks and it comes to pass. W e can rely upon His Word. What a relief to be sure o f something in this day. W e do not know just how He will lead us. W e m ay have need o f patience. Dr. F. B. M eyer tells of crossing the Irish channel one starless night. The captain was asked: “ H ow do you know Holyhead Harbor on so dark a night as this?” The captain answered: “ You see those three lights? The three must line up behind each other as one, and when we see them so united, we know the exact position of the harbor’s mouth.” Dr. M eyer likens these lights to three things he believes must agree when we seek the guidance of God: the inward impulse of the heart, the W ord of God, the outward circum ­ stances. W ell, whatever the way, “ it shall be given.” There is but one condition we must fulfill and that is faith. “ But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think he shall receive any thing of the Lord.” God w ill not be mocked by us. He is not putting at our disposal the riches of His grace and wisdom if we are not sure we want them. The “ wavering” mentioned here is often the result of unyieldedness o f the heart and will to God. As we search our hearts, we must be sure we want to go the way the Lord directs us; that we desire His way, not ours, out of any difficulty. If we want H im to lead us all the way, any time, any­ where, we will be able to “ ask in faith.”



Increase Attendance

HYMNS YOU LOVE---------------- By Phil Kerr

Learn Mòre'***Bible Truth by listening to the RAD IO BIBLE CLASS Dr. M. R. DeHaan p f 'Q g i'p m ] Richard DeHaan Teacher Associate Teacher heard every week over e The ABC Network — Sunday 9 a.m . Mountain Time 8 a.m. in all other time zones e The Mutual Network — Sunday Subject for March: THE PRIESTHOOD OF BELIEVERS Third in the series on “The Tabernacle” Write today for your FREE radio log THE RADIO BIBLE CLASS P.O. Bax 22, Grand Rapids, Michigan 10 a.m. Eastern Time 9 a.m . Central Time 8 a.m . Mountain Time 9 a.m. Pacific Time

Bible Knowledge Spiritual Results with the kind of teaching tools you have a lw a y s w a n ted . . .

When They King Those Golden Kells

Words and Music by Dion De Marbelle T he author’s real name was Dan­ iel A. De Marbelle. Born in France, July 4, 1818, he joined a whaling crew in his youth and roved the seas. After serving in the American navy during the Mexi­ can War (1847) he toured America as a musician and actor with an opera company, later organizing his own theatrical troupe. When Bailey (future partner of P. T. Bar- num) organized his first circus, De Marbelle was the first clown. La­ ter he headed his own circus, but lost everything when fire leveled his tents in Canada. His next ven­ ture was helping Col. Wm. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) organize his famous W ild West shows. The last years of his life were spent in Elgin, Illinois, where he died December 18, 1903. The Elgin Daily Courier-News described him as follows: “ He could play almost ■ any instrument. He was a prolific writer, having penned scores of fine ballads. He made people laugh, and laughed with them. He was a ventriloquist, and sleight of hand artist. He organized a brass band and sang in the Methodist choir. “ The crowning effort of his life is found in ‘When They Ring Those Golden Bells,’ written in 1887. It contains only one good line of poetry, but the song is clothed in a bewitching, haunting melody which can never die. The rich roy­ alties of his song were all stolen. He lived his last three years in an abandoned schoolhouse or in a do­ nated room over a blacksmith shop. Except for the benevolence of a neighbor he would have starved to death a hundred times. He died in extreme poverty and was buried by the G.A.R.” Over his grave in the Bluff City Cemetery (near Elgin) is a small government-erected marker bear­ ing only the words, “ Drum major, D. A. Marbelle, 6th Mich. Inf.” , (for he played in the regimental band during the Civil War). Two relatives now survive — a grand­ daughter in Elgin and a great- grandson. END.


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M A R C H , 1 9 5 5





P ick ing Up Our Things i lthea and Ardyth, ages 5 and 3 respectively, were having a grand time playing Ding Dong School with 13-month-old Mark as the interested audience. All went well as long as Althea could be the teacher. But suddenly Ar­ dyth wanted to be the teacher, and with this desire the “ fire­ works” started. “You are not big enough to be the teacher, Ardyth. Now be a good little girl and I’ll help you finger-paint.” “ NO,” the pint size girl pro­ tested. “ I be a teacher. I a big girl.” “ If you are the teacher I’ll not play. Gimme my Fluffy Dog book.” “ Dat’s my book, Alwea. Mama, A lw eds hittin’ me.” By the time Mother reached the room a first class pushing and pulling fight had started. “ Let’s have no more of this. Aren’t you ashamed? You’re not acting like Jesus’ girls at all.” “ I don’t care. She’s not big enough to teach. I’m gonna take all my things and go upstairs.” With the amusing yet genuine fury of an indignant child, A l­ thea swept out of the room, her arms loaded with “ things” . After the little girl had cooled off Mother dealt with her about the sin of anger which had over­ come her. As she looked into A l­ thea’s still blazing eyes, Mother was forcibly reminded of a simi­ lar incident not too long ago which involved adults within a certain congregation. Disagree­ ment over a local problem caused heated division and some of the “family” gathered up their “ things,” and went off to sulk. Looking on the situation Moth­ er realized anew how much the testimony of Christ is weakened by immaturity within the fold of God. Refusal to yield in Christian love, and picking up of one’s “ dolls” if one cannot have his way is a solemn sign of lack of growth in spiritual matters

forth rumbled the super-tanks and super-guns and super-efficient bombs and napalm sprayers, crum­ bling and burning homes and lives while the children who did not die whimpered in fear and terror in a destroyed world without love. Th ese s u r v i v i n g ch ildren , who are still homeless, can be “ adopted.” The cost in Korea and in all countries where CCF operates is ten dollars a month and you will receive your child’s name, address, story and picture. You can correspond with your child. Chil­ dren can be “ adopted” in CCF or­ phanages around the world; in the following 28 countries: Austria, Borneo, Brazil, Burma, Finland, Formosa, F ran ce, Free Ch ina, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indo­ china, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jor­ dan, Korea, Lapland, Lebanon, Macao, Malaya, Mexico, Okina­ wa, Pakistan, Philippines, Puerto Rico, United States and Western Germany. Established' in 1937, Christian Children’s Fund is the largest Protestant orphanage organization in the world.

These two little Korean tots in a CCF orphanage in Korea, taking part in a Christmas play, are just making believe they are the char­ acters they portray. But a year ago it wasn’t make believe for them. It was all real, too real. The loss of their parents and homes, their hunger, the cold, the hunting in garbage cans and sleeping in door­ ways, their misery as two among a million refugees— all this was piti­ fully real. They were two little suffering victims of a war that had ruthlessly taken from them every­ thing a child needs,and left for them—nothing. But orphanage workers rescued them and clothed and fed them and gave them shelter and schooling and love. And taught them about the Star of Bethlehem and about Joseph and Mary and the Christ Child. Christian Children’s Fund has in its Korean orphanages 8,000 happy and well cared for children like these two youngsters. But there are still 50,000 Korean children who are homeless. The destruc­ tion was so complete. Back and

For information write: D r. J. Calvitt C la rke

CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’ S FUND, INC. ___________________________ R I C H M O N D 4 , V I R G I N I A _____________________________

I wish to “ adopt” a boy □ □ girl for one year in (Name country) • I will pay $10 a month ($120 a year). Enclosed is payment for the full year □ first month Q- Please send me the child’s name, story, address and picture. I un­ derstand that I can correspond with the child. Also, that there is no obligation to continue the adoption. I cannot “adopt” a child but want to help by giving $.............. Gi f t s of any amount are .welcome.

, , ,, . , Please send me turther intormation

NAME.................... ......................................................

ADDRESS............................................................. I....

CITY.......................................-............ ZONE............

STATE......................................................................... Gifts are deductible from income tax. ___________ J



Poems fo r March


P r a y e r f o r jp a ti en ce by Kay L.. Halliwill

Lord, help me not to rim ahead of Thee; But, to await fulfillment patiently Of plans which Thine omniscience hath devised— E’en though concealed from my weak finite eyes, Help me endure this trial, nor seek escape From difficulties which in time may make More adequate my service, Lord, for Thee, And turn this valley into victory. The burden of the wasted years, That lies beyond the reach of tears; Remorse for that which might have been, So great neglect the crowning sin. The past returns to mock each day, With fears and doubts that come to stay. The life that was not lived for God, Cruel memory makes a chastening rod. Despair breeds doubt, and doubt des- pair, Yet must this day past failures bear? Through Christ, God pardons to for- Let faith be stronger than regret! The past is buried when confessed, From God’s forgiveness springs His best; New hope dissolves dead memory, Once more build for eternity. ^Jhe 'lAJaited. 'M ean by Blanton W . Jones

I just can’t praise the Lord

enough that all of my life’s saving's are invested in Moody Bible Institute Annuities! ”

“ RAILROADING IS A GREAT BUSINESS . . says Mr. M. of Missouri, “ but it doesn’t begin to compare with the greatest business in the world—that of winning lost souls for Christ.” As a telegrapher and station agent, Mr. M. tapped out all kinds of messages, but he says that none were as important or urgent as the spreading of the G O S P E L message . for which he has invested his life’s savings!

There Are Two Good Reasons for His Satisfaction with Moody Annuities . . . 1. Generous Income . . . He knows that he is assured of a generous, un­ changing income as long as he lives. His savings are secure, because they are backed by all the resources of Moody Bible Institute. 2. Peace of Mind . . . He knows that his savings are doing business for God now, and will continue to work through the Institute and its many soul-winning ministries—long after he has >!s gone to be with the Lord.

2 ) ia H o q u i fa e by Martha Snell Nicholson

u jlk ,

m a il c o u p o n t o d a y -------------------------------------------

Dept. K27-1 W R ITE: Carl J . Frixen, D epartm ent o f Stew a rdsh ip MOOD Y BIBLE INS T I TUTE 8 2 0 N . L a S a lle S tre e t • C h icag o 1 0 , Illin o is □ Please send me double dividends , the story of the Moody Annuity Plan. □ Please send folder, You Can Take It With You , relating to stewardship and wills.

I cannot carry it, dear Lord. This crushing, devasting load! M y child, can any burden be Too heavy for the Son of God?

F R E E B O O K L E T The interesting booklet, DOUBLE DIVIDENDS, gives complete information, including rate return, tax savings and details concerning special types of annuity agreements. Send for your FREE copy—there is no obli­ gation.


This load was of my making, Lord, Why shouldst Thou carry it for me? The cross was of thy making too, And yet I bore its- weight for thee.

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City ____

__ Zone

-State _


M A R C H , 1 9 5 5



Sirs: We want to take this opportunity to thank you for the nice write-up you gave us in the February issue. You packed a lot into a limited space. We are sure that many of your read­ ers will appreciate this article giving a little sketch of The Old Rugged Cross and its writer. However, we must call your attention to the fact that there was a mistake in giving our home address. Our Reed City is in Michigan, not Iowa. Los Angeles, C a lif. Rev. George Bennard Our editorial faces are justifiably red and we have dutifully marked ourselves F in geography. — ED. Sirs: You say George Bennard’s age is a military secret. ’Tain’t so. Phil Kerr’s book Music in Evangelism gives Ben­ nard’s birthdate as 1873 — which would Hitike him 81 or 82. Youngstown, Ohio Bill Kent CULT ARTICLES Sirs: I have been reading with interest your recent articles on cults. When we know Christ as our personal Sav­ iour, it is not hard to see a cult for what it is, but for the unsaved it is easy to be led into further darkness. I will be looking forward to more articles on cults. Newport, W ash. M rs. Arthur J . Bergan Sirs: The article on Christian Science is fine. I like your objective approach, even while reporting and evaluating some of the most outrageous of this Sirs: Congratulations on so ably portray­ ing the soul-inspiring beauty of “ Souls in Conflict” in your Billy Graham souvenir issue (see Dec. ’54 K.B.). Council, Idaho M atilda Moser A TOUCHDOWN Sirs: Thank you for running my poems in the January magazine. It’s a great thrill to feel that I am still “ in the ministry” although retired from the pastorate. It made me feel like a player getting up off the side lines and getting into the game and mak­ ing a touchdown. I Inglewood, C a lif. cult’s beliefs. M ankato, M inn. M axine Nelson SOULS IN CONFLICT


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A monthly column of names in the news

A Hollywood publicity man a fort­ night ago noted that the surest way to become a Christian hero nowadays is to have a shady past. By his own admission Jim Vaus falls well within the shady past category. To his cred­ it: stealing money from a Bible school, stealing property from the U.S. govemmtent and generously ped­ dling it to a church, hand-in-glove henchman of underworld hoodlum Micky Cohen. Vaus, who became Chris­ tian in 1949, is the hero in the new motion picture, Wiretapper, that is being released across the nation this month. Produced by Great Commis­ sion Films {Mr. Texas, Souls In Con­ flict), the picture is the life story of Vaus. Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. (Jack Wyrtzen, Director) celebrates its 15th anniversary this March 3 at a rally in New York’s Madison Square Garden with Billy Graham as speaker. In its beginnings the program was a youth broadcast over a small Brook­ lyn station. Today it is heard over 40 stations. Baptist Sunday school children will have something new in program ma­ terial this year. The Baptist General Conference of America is using recorded missionary talks in their 425 Sunday schools during the Conference’s post- Easter “ Loyalty-to-Christ Tour.” Re­ cordings include music and sound- effects from the foreign fields. Evangelist Merv Rosell's American Crusade Team will conduct city-wide crusades and jungle missionary con­ ferences in South America this spring. During the South American tour Ros- ell will be on hand for the Interna­ tional Youth for Christ Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Old-time Baptist parson J. Whitcomb Brougher, Sr. took time out from his 20,000-mile-a-year travel schedule re­ cently to celebrate his 85th birthday in Glendale, Calif. The spry old preacher confided to guests that he was going to keep right on preaching until the people stopped asking him. The prospects for such a retirement seemed somewhat dim. During 1954 he preached 100 Sunday sermons and spoke at 176 weekday meetings. Friends say he keeps young by prac­ ticing the advice of his popular book, Life and Laughter.

throughout the w e s t ... the B I B L E INSTITUTE H O U R • Heart searching messages • Thrilling testimonies • Outstanding features • Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FR E E STATION LOG WRITE TO


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Based squarely on the Bible, these lessons give the teacher many opportunities to present the claims of the Gospel. You may not only expect gpsmmmm — but also anticipate — the Holy Spirit to turn ~ your pupils to Christ.

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, Dir. Chr. Ed.


Stuart Hamblen: Street beggars & Moslems.

S tuart Hamblen and a friend had been hunting bear in California’s high Sierras. The area was rugged. Th ey had ridden their horses down from the hard granite ridges and were working their way through fallen timber when they came into a clear­ ing. In the clearing was a miner’ s cabin. It was an old one. The door had blown loose from its hinges. A lean, hungry hound dog, too weak to bark, was sprawled in the doorway. Inside, on a bunk bed, lay a dead miner. Hamblen’s hunting partner suggested the old house would make a good theme for a song. The idea was evidently a fairly good one. Stuart Hamblen’s This Ole House is still selling at a brisk pace. Rosemary Clooney’s record of it has sold over two-million, M A R C H , 1 9 5 5

an almost unheard of achievement. The song has held a high spot on the Hit Parade for more than 22 weeks and even in England it is number four in the popular field. Stuart Hamblen has been writing songs for 25 years but it wasn’t until he became a Christian (dur­ ing the 1949 Billy Graham campaign in Los Angeles) that his songs gained world-wide popularity. His It Is N o Secret has been translated into 32 languages and today is even being sung b y Mohammedans and street beggars in India. Hamblen doesn’t think much of the way his new song is sometimes sung in popular circles. He has found that when he sings it with the feeling he meant it to have his audiences often weep. END. 13

No one can live a complete C h r is tian life until three m ighty events

are behind him in his own experience . These m ighty events are the

c ru c ifix io n and the resurrection and the coming of the Ho ly Sp irit

P eter preached his Pentecost ser­ mon against the backdrop of three tremendous events, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the coming of the Spirit. He speaks of all three in his message. No man can give a complete Christian message, anymore than he can live a complete Christian life, until all three of these mighty events are behind him in his own experience. There is such a thing as living on the wrong side of either or all three. Consider the matter of living on the wrong side of Calvary. A ll sin­ ners, of course, are on the wrong side of Calvary in their own experience because they have never come to that fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. Sometimes when a prairie fire breaks out they meet the menace by burning off a stretch of ground ahead so that the hungry flames are stopped when they reach the area already burned over. Calvary has been burned over. Sin and Satan did their worst there. Sinners on the Wrong Side of Calvary The problem of sin was dealt with once and for all and until man ac­ cepts the provision of God made on the Cross, He is on the wrong side of Calvary for without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Our Saviour was given the name Jesus because He would save His people from their sins. And the way He did it is not found in Peter’s state­ ment in verse 22: “ Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you

are gospel-ignorant. The average church-member does not know what the gospel is. Jesus did not come pri­ marily to preach the gospel. He came that there might be a gospel to preach, as Dr. Dale said. The gospel is that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again the third day, according to the Scriptures. That is the gospel and we don’t work up to it, we start with it. The early church did not worship a memory or make a living showing shrines where Jesus did this and said that, as visitors are today shown the innumerable places where George Washington slept. They had a living Saviour. We are not to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps trying to imitate a Galilean teacher. That is like watching a play. We are transported out of this world but presently the curtain comes down and we come to and find we are back in the midst of things as they are. Trying to re­ capture the Galilean experience is a discouraging business. A Personal Salvation, Not Remote Control We need to get on this side of Cal­ vary. Something was done there that enables us to share His life today. It is not inspiration or imitation but identification. “ Christ liveth in me” is different from my trying to live like Jesus. He came not to take my part but my place and He did that for both sinner and saint. He died for us. He lives in us. We are not operated by remote

by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him, as ye your­ selves also know.” It is found in the next verse: “ Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and fore­ knowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.” I am thinking of those today who try to be Christians on the wrong side of the Cross. We are not like the disciples who followed our Lord in Galilee. They lived on the other side of Calvary. What was normal for them is not a norm for us today. I have heard it said: “ Start out with what you can believe about Jesus. Follow Him as a teacher if you can­ not receive Him as Saviour and you will end up saying with Thomas, “My Lord and my God.” Now of course God will meet any man who seeks Him. It does not take a seeking Saviour and a seeking sin­ ner long to meet. But it is not preach­ ing the gospel to tell a man merely to follow “ Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a man” . There is a rash of novels today based on the life of Christ and we are conjuring up an imaginary Jesus of Galilee and a lot of dear people are trying to follow Him by way of the Sermon on the Mount and the Golden Rule. But He gave these messages to the disciples and not to the world. The message for today is the gospel. Gospel-ignorant Americans I hear a lot about Americans be­ ing gospel-hardened. Actually they



f Calvary

by Vance Havner

to fishing. Christians who are living on the wrong side of Pentecost usually live in fear and not a few revert to their old ways. Peter had been called to bigger business than fishing: “ Fol­ low me and I will make you fishers of men.” Too many of us are doing trivial things when we could do tre­ mendous things for God. Dr. Graham Scroggie said: “ The trouble and tragedy is that the church has been content to live between Easter and Pentecost, on the right side of justi­ fication but on the wrong side of sanctification; on the right side of pardon but on the wrong side of power.” The disciples of John mentioned in Acts 19 who had not so much as heard whether there was any Holy Ghost are not the only ones of that variety. If the Holy Spirit ceased His operations today some Christians and churches would never know the dif­ ference. That is why some carry on with strange fire instead of super­ natural fire, painted fire instead of Pentecostal fire. That is why we re­ sort to stunts and shows and enter­ tainment and high pressure promo­ tion. Pentecost was its own publicity. A Christian is a believer trusting Christ as Saviour, resting in the fin­ ished work of Calvary. He is a dis­ ciple following a risen Lord. He is a witness filled with the Spirit. He is on the right side of Calvary, of Easter and of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost there were 120 Chris­ tians who had an experience of all three. There was a preacher who preached all three: “ Him . . . ye have crucified” . . . there was Calvary; “Whom God hath raised up” . . . there was the resurrection; “ He hath shed forth this” . . . there was Pente­ cost (Acts 2:23, 24, 33). No wonder the congregation cried, “What shall we do?” Is not this the pattern for true re­ vival? Let a handful of men and women living on the right side of Calvary, .Easter and Pentecost, pro­ claim all three and men will first ask “What meaneth this?” and pres­ ently they will inquire, “What shall we do?” END.

many are on the wrong side of Cal­ vary and have not been saved from the penalty of sin. Too many others are on the wrong side of Easter and have not been delivered from the power of sin. Some have gone to church for years but have never dreamed that they died and rose with Christ and that, just as He never went back to the grave, so they should not return to sin and the world but be living witnesses to the power of His resurrection. With regard to our departed loved ones we often live on the wrong side of Easter, sorrowing as those who have no hope. To be with Christ is far better. They are not “ lost” if we know where they are. We do not look for them in a grave for we seek not the living among the dead. “Death can hide but not divide; Thou art but on Christ’s other side. Thou art with Christ and Christ with me; United still in Christ are we!” Let us live on the right side of Eas­ ter! We need not visit His tomb with the spices of formal respect. We need to be out on the highways, not weep­ ing but witnessing, for He is not dead but risen. Living Between Easter and Pentecost Finally, consider the tragedy of living on the wrong side of Pentecost. The disciples were poor witnesses be­ tween Easter and Pentecost. They were hidden behind closed doors for fear and Peter led them in a return Y o u r Praye r Requests Each morning at eight the editor­ ial staff of King's Business magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heartcry of thousands. Should you have a re­ quest we would count it a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

control from Galilee. No man is a Christian until he accepts the finished work of the Cross and rests his soul upon it. We are not saved by what happened in Galilee but by what took place on Golgotha. We are on this side of Calvary. There is also such a thing as living on the wrong side of Easter. I know that Easter is not a Bible word but we use it for convenience. Thomas was on the right side of the resur­ rection chronologically but on the wrong side experientially when he demanded visible signs before he would believe. He knew that Jesus was dead. He did not believe that He was alive again. The world today knows that Christ died . . . that is a fact of history. But the world does not believe that He rose again. The Emmaus disciples had heard a report of the resurrection but they had not seen the Lord. He was a report, not a reality, and that is the trouble with a lot of us today. What is factual has not become actual. One cannot live on the memory of a dead Christ. Christianity does not honor a corpse; it hails a conqueror. We do not seek the living among the dead. The angel at the tomb said to the women, “ Tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you.” He is not behind us in a grave, He is ahead of us. A Once-a-Week Religion There are Christians who believe doctrinally that our Lord arose, but in experience they live on the wrong side of Easter as though He were still in the grave. They pay Him formal tribute on Sunday but on Monday they live as though He were a corpse in Galilee. They honor Him on Easter and live the rest of the year as though He were a fairy tale. But we share the resurrection with Him. That is the significance of bap­ tism. “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4). We are dead to sin but alive unto God. How many church- members ever understand that? Too


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