King's Business - 1955-03

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'Training Youth to Live Since 1919'

John Brown University Si loam Springs, Arkansas Education for "Head, Heart and Hand" Brown Military Academy San Diego 9, California Junior High — Senior High — Junior College Junior School — 1st thru 6th grades Southern California Military Academy Long Beach 6, California Pre-Kindergarten thru 9th grade Brown School For Girls Glendora, California 1st Grade thru High School WRITE INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION NEW BAPTIST RECORD SYSTEM A BETTER W AY TO KEEP YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL UP-TO-DATE AND GROWING Ti/niie ¿on *?nee SeunfUeo, BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL PUBLICATIONS 1732 Walton St., Denver 2, Colo., Dept. K 35 m m / x u i r- fMESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission (Formerly Chicago Hebrew Mission) Laboring in many cities of the U.S. and State of Israel. Would you like to reach the Jews of your city? We can help you. Write today to: Milton B. Lindberg — or — Archie A . MacKinney 7448 N. Damen A ve., Chicago 45, III.

A monthly column of names in the news

A Hollywood publicity man a fort­ night ago noted that the surest way to become a Christian hero nowadays is to have a shady past. By his own admission Jim Vaus falls well within the shady past category. To his cred­ it: stealing money from a Bible school, stealing property from the U.S. govemmtent and generously ped­ dling it to a church, hand-in-glove henchman of underworld hoodlum Micky Cohen. Vaus, who became Chris­ tian in 1949, is the hero in the new motion picture, Wiretapper, that is being released across the nation this month. Produced by Great Commis­ sion Films {Mr. Texas, Souls In Con­ flict), the picture is the life story of Vaus. Word of Life Fellowship, Inc. (Jack Wyrtzen, Director) celebrates its 15th anniversary this March 3 at a rally in New York’s Madison Square Garden with Billy Graham as speaker. In its beginnings the program was a youth broadcast over a small Brook­ lyn station. Today it is heard over 40 stations. Baptist Sunday school children will have something new in program ma­ terial this year. The Baptist General Conference of America is using recorded missionary talks in their 425 Sunday schools during the Conference’s post- Easter “ Loyalty-to-Christ Tour.” Re­ cordings include music and sound- effects from the foreign fields. Evangelist Merv Rosell's American Crusade Team will conduct city-wide crusades and jungle missionary con­ ferences in South America this spring. During the South American tour Ros- ell will be on hand for the Interna­ tional Youth for Christ Congress in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Old-time Baptist parson J. Whitcomb Brougher, Sr. took time out from his 20,000-mile-a-year travel schedule re­ cently to celebrate his 85th birthday in Glendale, Calif. The spry old preacher confided to guests that he was going to keep right on preaching until the people stopped asking him. The prospects for such a retirement seemed somewhat dim. During 1954 he preached 100 Sunday sermons and spoke at 176 weekday meetings. Friends say he keeps young by prac­ ticing the advice of his popular book, Life and Laughter.

throughout the w e s t ... the B I B L E INSTITUTE H O U R • Heart searching messages • Thrilling testimonies • Outstanding features • Inspiring music MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MUTUAL DON LEE NETWORK FOR FR E E STATION LOG WRITE TO


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