King's Business - 1955-03

BOO K REVIEWS All recommended books may be obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.


jpï äi/Hijimg Yndk YOUTH SINGS

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D. Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

personality formation, and spiritual training of the student with insight into both the nature of the child and the revelation of God. This is an inspiring and thought- provoking book for the pastor and the educator in public and private schools. These lectures were delivered as the Calvin Foundation Lectures for 1954, but the basic themes are broad enough to be helpful and challenging to anyone who wants to see Chris­ tians conformed to the image of Christ and Christ made Lord in every area of life. 139 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. Subtitled A Popular Account of the Life and T imes of John Calvin, this reprinted life of the great reformer by a Dutch author, while not one of the great biographies, presents a vivid account of his life. Unlike most of Calvin’s biographers, Penning does not dwell upon his subject’s theology but carries the reader rapidly forward through the conflicts in his life. This excellent work, printed in easily-read clear type, will supply a distinct need in our day. Rev. B. S. Bennington is responsible for the English trans­ lation. 392 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. Here is a reprint of a standard text­ book on the prophecy of Isaiah by a thoroughly conservative Old Testa­ ment scholar. A study of Isaiah, either individual or class, using Rob­ inson as a guide would be a long remembered experience. Problems are frankly faced, and the answers to higher criticism’s “ findings” are scholarly and thorough. In addition to index and questions on each chap­ ter, a valuable appendix lists familiar phrases from Isaiah by chapter and verse. 175 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. Genius of G eneva By L. Penning The B o oh of Isaiah By George L. Robinson The B elig iou s B od ie s o f Am erica By F. E. Mayer The Professor of Systematic Theo­ logy, Concordia Seminary (Luther­ an), St. Louis, Missouri, is the able CONTINUED ►

The Fall and R ise of Isra el By William L. Hull

The reader will find here a sub­ stantial sketch of the history of the Jewish people from the Babylonian captivity of the sixth century B.C. to the establishment of the modern state of Israel in our own days. The work is splendidly documented and is a mine of information on the subject of Israel, especially in more recent years. The author is a Gentile, a Christian engaged in missionary work in Palestine, presently editor of the Christian Voice in Israel. The full Messianic kingdom-age to follow the return of Christ to the earth is not given a prominent place in the work. 424 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. The G rea test Gift P ictu re S tories of Jesu s By Mary Miller Harold Copping has supplied the colored prints for the picture stories which carry through the life of our Lord and several episodes in the lives and work of the apostles after His ascension. Children will love the stories, illustrated as they are, and teachers and mothers will find the book useful for the story hour. 127 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Com­ pany, Westwood, N.J.; $2.50. This author is professor of educa­ tion and psychology at the Free Uni­ versity of Amsterdam in the Nether­ lands, advisor to the National De­ partment of Justice, and has been president of the International Asso­ ciation for Christian Education. Writing on the principles which un­ dergird Christian Education, he speaks from the standpoint of the Christian school movement as well as the essential spiritual training of the child. He defines the goal of Chris­ tian Education as “ the forming of man into an independent personality serving God according to His Word, able and willing to employ all his God-given talents to the honor of God and for the well-being of his fellow-creatures, in every area of life in which man is placed by God.” Dr. Waterink discusses discipline, character formation, cultural and Ba sie Concepts In Christian P eda g og y By Jan Waterink

►Complete, spiral bound book with 128 favorite hymns and choruses. ►Topical and alphabetical indexes. ►Low cost . . . your budget can provide a book for everyone. TWO SIZES: Large size, 5y2"x7%", 35c ea., 3 for $1.00 P R A I S E B O O K P U B L I C A T I O N S Dept. 73, Mound, Minnesota AT YOUR FAVORITE BOOKSTORE 60c ea., 3 for $1.75 Pocket size, 4V2” x6",

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