King's Business - 1955-03

B O O K R E V IE W S continued author of this massive work. Intro­ ductory sections on the European background, the formal and material principles, and theological emphases prepare the reader for the studies forming the bulk of the book. Ex­ haustive treatment is accorded East­ ern Orthodoxy in its several national branches and the Roman Catholic Church. Lutheranism and the Re­ formed bodies are followed by Arminian groups, all carefully de­ lineated. The rest of the denomina­ tions fall into the following cate­ gories: unionizing churches, the en­ thusiastic or inner light bodies, the millennial groups, anthropocentric and anti-trinitarian bodies, egocen­ tric and healing cults and esoteric and miscellaneous groups. A valuable section is included under “ Inter­ denominational Trends and Organi­ zations,” where such diverse move­ ments as neo-orthodoxy, modernism, the American Council of Christian Churches, and the National Associa­ tion of Evangelicals come in for dis­ cussion. Some errors are to be found, for example, the statement that “ Edinburgh University is still the stronghold of Calvinistic Presbyterian theology and in its Evangelical Quar­ terly wields a world-wide influence’ (p. 225). The quarterly is quite in­ dependent of the university. Biblio­ graphies are provided on all groups. The owner of this book will turn to it frequently for reference and will be grateful for the help it affords. 587 pages; cloth; Concordia Publish­ ing House, St. Louis, Mo.; $8.50. In these 28 devotional topics the president of Wheaton College brings to the child of God the resources of the Word in a wide range of human conditions, all beginning with the letter “ D”—Delighted to Meet You, Dearth, Decrease, Dedication, Deeds, Defense, Deference, Defiance, etc. Each homily has a Scripture text and a poem. Many fresh illustrations and quotations may be dug from this mine. Here is a book to read for bless­ ing and assurance when one awakens in the night and cannot go to sleep. It will drive one to his Bible in the morning, if not before! 268 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.00. The Delights o f Life By V. Raymond Edman

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