King's Business - 1955-03

A R E T H E S E Y O U R H A N D S ? How many times have you listened to someone weave tapestries of melody and said to yourself, “ If the Lord only gave me such talent?” HE DID! This satisfaction can be yours — playing the A ccordion , P iano or O rgan in Church, Evangelistic Campaigns or with a group of Christians gathered ’round the campfire praising the Lord in song. Whether you live near or far, you can now study under one of America’s ablest Christian instructors right in the comfort of your home. Yet, you develop faster, progress further than you ever dreamed possible. ILLUSTRO GRAPH will prepare you fully for the Ministry of Music. P YOUR TALENT LEARN ACCORD ION , PIANO OR ORGAN A T HOME

PLAY HYMNS R IGHT A W A Y ! Even without previous knowledge of Music, ILLUSTRO GRAPH opens new world of Music to thousands.

"I have in v e s tig a te d various accordion corre­ spondence courses, but yours is the first to offer lessons in the playing of hymns — a vital phase of Christian se rv ic e . Through use of your I L L U S T R O GR APH COURSE it is very simple to grasp the fundamen­ tals of accordion hymn playing." Keith E. Craig, Hartford, Conn.

PLAY MUCH BETTER! If you now know music, the first lessons are not a review. Rather, they will change your whole concept of study. YOU RECEIVE MANY ARRANGE­ MENTS OF HYMNS These arrange­ ments alone are worth many times the low cost of the whole course. But, more than that, you learn to con­ struct your own Tone Poems — de­ velop Sermons in Music. EASY TO REMEMBER With the rev­ olutionary new ILLUSTRO GRAPH method you retain the knowledge with pictures in your mind.

A COMPLETE MUSICAL EDUCA­ TION You learn progressions, breaks, chord changes — to modulate and transpose. MANY ILLUSTRATIONS AND GRAPHS Yours to keep — help you retain knowledge through pictures in your mind. ACCORDIONS AT DISCOUNT If you have no instrument, we offer them on an easy rental plan or low,

"T h a n k you fo r the wonderful opportunity of learning to play hymns on the accordion through your ILLUSTRO GRAPH COURSE.. Thanks be to God for a Gospel minis­ try like this for those wno desire to learn to play hymns, but cannot get instruction in their own cities." T r uma n T om li ns on , Sherman, Texas.

low price.

The Accordion Course is just wonderful. You can play the Hymns right away. You can play much better with the Christian lllustro-Graph. I recommend this course to anyone who wants to develop his talent in Ac­ cordion playing. Florence Wilks, Buffalo, N.Y.

J ^ rerl tfa lin w ill be your instruc­ tor guiding you indi­ vidually. Yo u'll be the only student in your class. Let us prove to you that you can play, and p la y b e tte r RIG H T A W A Y .

I am very excited and completely satisfied with your lllustro-Graph Mu­ sic Course for the piano accordion. I find it is a simple step by step method of in­ struction, yet very com­ plete. I would recom­ mend this course to anyone. Ed Zollner, Oro- ville, Calif.

HERB JAHN Christian Talent Associates


Box 147-B Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, California I am interested in learning. Without cost to me send sample lessons and descriptive brochure proving to me I can play □ accordion □ organ q piano Include catalog o f famous Italian-m ade Accordions and Inform ation about your special offer to your students.

Recently. I ran across your ad and felt this must be it. Truly it was. I have found great sat­ isfaction in being able to l ear n by p l a yi ng Hymns and Gospel songs. Praise God for your work. Hilda Rauch, Wolf Point, Mont.

for sample les­ sons, brochure and catalog of Accordions.

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