King's Business - 1955-03

S U N D A Y S C H O O L continued pie so that they would want to serve him always. Rehoboam then went to the young men to ask them the same question. They replied that he should be much more severe with the people than his father had been. Rather than accepting the good advice of the older and more experienced men, Rehoboam did the thing that his young friends suggested. From this time on God’s people, the children of Israel, were split into two separate kingdoms, each with its own king. The selfish choice of one man, King -Rehoboam, completely changed the lives of all of the Jewish people. His words and actions were guided by the advice of his friends rather than by prayer to God. Sometimes boys and girls speak and act in a selfish manner that causes them to be unhappy and that causes much un­ happiness in their homes, their neighbor­ hoods and their schools. Even in God’s house we often find that selfishness keeps children from showing their love for their Lord as they should. God’s Word says, “ [We] speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things” (Eph. 4:15). Roys and girls who allow the Lord Jesus to control their sp eech and their a c tio n s and then- thoughts are showing those who watch their lives that they are truly growing up in Him. April 24, 1955 Principles of National Righteousness 2 Chron. 15:1-12 Pointers on the Lesson This week’s lesson points out in vivid illustration the principles that ought to operate in any nation. In fact the prin­ ciples here set forth ought to operate in the lives of individuals. In summary we have no right to expect that God will bless a nation or individuals who ignore Him. The Prophecy of Azariah vv. 1-7 The prophet- Azariah is mentioned no­ where else on the sacred page. He was sent to minister to Asa, the third king in Judah since the division of Israel. He went to meet Asa as he was re tu r n in g from his triumphant pursuit of the Ethi­ opians. He reminded the king of the rea­ son for his success and urged continuance in dependency upon God. W e note that the prophet’s message was given while the Spirit of God was upon him. It ap­ pears that the Holy Spirit came upon men and departed from them according to His pleasure in Old Testament times, whereas since Pentecost He abides contin­ ually with those who belong to the Church. The prophet reminded Asa that divine blessing was dependent upon a cooperative and godly attitude (v. 2). There were times when Israel had been without the true God, not because God wanted to forsake them, but because Israel did not give place for God in their life (v. 3). The gracious character of God is shown in that whenever Israel turned to God, He was always ready to turn unto them (v. 4). The prophet further


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