Christian [datation
Illustrated by Gladys Bowman
Elmer L. Wilder, Th.D.
Something happened early in the morning of the first day of the week which changed everything—an angel from heaven rolled the stone away from the door of the tomb, and the followers of Christ saw that He had already arisen from the dead. As we roll this stone, which sug gested defeat, away from the door of the tomb, we shall see what hap pened on the first resurrection morn ing. We now read, “ Death conquered.
into the city. The Lord Jesus can use boys and girls, when they have been freed from sin and bad habits. I will place this red cross on the don key’s back and let it remind us of Christ. (A paper pocket on the don key’s side will hold the cross in a vertical position.) The donkey could not talk, but it could lift Christ so others could see Him. God wants us to imitate this little donkey that helped to make Christ known as He entered the city of Jerusalem. If we live according to the will of God, others will see Jesus in us. April 10, 1955 C o m p l e t e D e f e a t OBJECTS: A piece of gray paper 18 inches square, and a piece of light ¡gray paper about 9 inches square. (Round the corners and curve the edges of the large piece to represent a tomb, and the corners and edges of the small piece to represent a stone door for the tomb. Near the center of the large piece draw with a crayon the outline of a doorway. Near the middle of the doorway, be gin close to the top and print down the word “ defeated.” Cut a door-like opening in the small piece about 1^x6 inches, near the middle. Place this piece of paper over the large paper, allowing the word “ defeated” to show through the opening. Remove the small piece of paper, and using the letters in the word “ defeated,” complete the following words: Death, conquer, faith, renewed, acclaimed, victor, defeated, devil. With thumb tacks fasten both pieces to the wall in the position indicated. LESSON: These two pieces of paper on the wall represent Christ’s tomb and the stone for its door. The enemies of Christ had sealed the door to the tomb, fearing that His body might be removed by His disciples. As we open this flap, we read the word “ defeated.” The people of earth thought that Christ had been defeat ed. The disciples felt that they, too, were defeated. Their faces were sad.
April 3, 1955 D u t y a n d D o n k e y
OBJECTS: A little celluloid donkey or one cut from cardboard, covered with brown paper and a red cross cut from cardboard. LESSON: The little donkey that car ried Christ into Jerusalem was more like boys and girls than we at first realize. You know that in the Old Testament times the people were looking forward to the coming of the Lord Jesus as their Sacrifice.
Faith renewed. Acclaimed victor. De feated devil.” The resurrection of Christ pro claimed Him to be victor over death and the grave. We can rejoice with those who on the first resurrection morning realized that Christ was vic torious. April 17, 1955 As You G r o w You S h o w OBJECTS: Two triangles from yellow paper, with eight-inch sides. (Fold one point of each triangle to the cen ter of the opposite side. Fold each of the two other points in like manner, making a smaller triangle. Fold again, making a much smaller tri angle. On the front of the folded tri angles put several black dots. Open each one size, and on one increase the black dots, and on the other di minish them. Unfold again and fol low the same procedure with each. On one the dots increase, and on the other they decrease. Refold before beginning the lesson. LESSON: These two triangles remind me of people. Both of them have black spots which remind us of sin,
In order to show that the people expected Him, animals were killed and offered on the altar of sacri fice. Certain animals were called un clean and could not be eaten or offered at this altar. Donkeys were among those animals that were called unclean. In Exodus 13:13 we are told that the firstborn donkey must be redeemed with a lamb, or have his neck broken. Just as the lamb had to take the place of the donkey, so Someone had to die in the place of people whose lives are not clean. Everyone needs Christ, the Lamb of God, who died for sins. In another way, the donkey was like boys and girls, in that he was tied where two roads met. The devil seeks to tie people at the crossroads, where the broad way leads to destruc tion, and the narrow way leads to life. The donkey was loosed by the servants of God and the words of Christ. This is the way boys and girls are loosed from habits and sins which hold them. Then, too, the donkey was used by Christ. He carried the Saviour
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