King's Business - 1955-03

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HYMNS YOU LOVE---------------- By Phil Kerr

Learn Mòre'***Bible Truth by listening to the RAD IO BIBLE CLASS Dr. M. R. DeHaan p f 'Q g i'p m ] Richard DeHaan Teacher Associate Teacher heard every week over e The ABC Network — Sunday 9 a.m . Mountain Time 8 a.m. in all other time zones e The Mutual Network — Sunday Subject for March: THE PRIESTHOOD OF BELIEVERS Third in the series on “The Tabernacle” Write today for your FREE radio log THE RADIO BIBLE CLASS P.O. Bax 22, Grand Rapids, Michigan 10 a.m. Eastern Time 9 a.m . Central Time 8 a.m . Mountain Time 9 a.m. Pacific Time

Bible Knowledge Spiritual Results with the kind of teaching tools you have a lw a y s w a n ted . . .

When They King Those Golden Kells

Words and Music by Dion De Marbelle T he author’s real name was Dan­ iel A. De Marbelle. Born in France, July 4, 1818, he joined a whaling crew in his youth and roved the seas. After serving in the American navy during the Mexi­ can War (1847) he toured America as a musician and actor with an opera company, later organizing his own theatrical troupe. When Bailey (future partner of P. T. Bar- num) organized his first circus, De Marbelle was the first clown. La­ ter he headed his own circus, but lost everything when fire leveled his tents in Canada. His next ven­ ture was helping Col. Wm. F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) organize his famous W ild West shows. The last years of his life were spent in Elgin, Illinois, where he died December 18, 1903. The Elgin Daily Courier-News described him as follows: “ He could play almost ■ any instrument. He was a prolific writer, having penned scores of fine ballads. He made people laugh, and laughed with them. He was a ventriloquist, and sleight of hand artist. He organized a brass band and sang in the Methodist choir. “ The crowning effort of his life is found in ‘When They Ring Those Golden Bells,’ written in 1887. It contains only one good line of poetry, but the song is clothed in a bewitching, haunting melody which can never die. The rich roy­ alties of his song were all stolen. He lived his last three years in an abandoned schoolhouse or in a do­ nated room over a blacksmith shop. Except for the benevolence of a neighbor he would have starved to death a hundred times. He died in extreme poverty and was buried by the G.A.R.” Over his grave in the Bluff City Cemetery (near Elgin) is a small government-erected marker bear­ ing only the words, “ Drum major, D. A. Marbelle, 6th Mich. Inf.” , (for he played in the regimental band during the Civil War). Two relatives now survive — a grand­ daughter in Elgin and a great- grandson. END.


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Back to the B ible Broadcast uses modern radio com­ munications in presenting the gospel message . , "T h e blood of Jesus clean ses from all s in .’ ’

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