King's Business - 1955-03





P ick ing Up Our Things i lthea and Ardyth, ages 5 and 3 respectively, were having a grand time playing Ding Dong School with 13-month-old Mark as the interested audience. All went well as long as Althea could be the teacher. But suddenly Ar­ dyth wanted to be the teacher, and with this desire the “ fire­ works” started. “You are not big enough to be the teacher, Ardyth. Now be a good little girl and I’ll help you finger-paint.” “ NO,” the pint size girl pro­ tested. “ I be a teacher. I a big girl.” “ If you are the teacher I’ll not play. Gimme my Fluffy Dog book.” “ Dat’s my book, Alwea. Mama, A lw eds hittin’ me.” By the time Mother reached the room a first class pushing and pulling fight had started. “ Let’s have no more of this. Aren’t you ashamed? You’re not acting like Jesus’ girls at all.” “ I don’t care. She’s not big enough to teach. I’m gonna take all my things and go upstairs.” With the amusing yet genuine fury of an indignant child, A l­ thea swept out of the room, her arms loaded with “ things” . After the little girl had cooled off Mother dealt with her about the sin of anger which had over­ come her. As she looked into A l­ thea’s still blazing eyes, Mother was forcibly reminded of a simi­ lar incident not too long ago which involved adults within a certain congregation. Disagree­ ment over a local problem caused heated division and some of the “family” gathered up their “ things,” and went off to sulk. Looking on the situation Moth­ er realized anew how much the testimony of Christ is weakened by immaturity within the fold of God. Refusal to yield in Christian love, and picking up of one’s “ dolls” if one cannot have his way is a solemn sign of lack of growth in spiritual matters

forth rumbled the super-tanks and super-guns and super-efficient bombs and napalm sprayers, crum­ bling and burning homes and lives while the children who did not die whimpered in fear and terror in a destroyed world without love. Th ese s u r v i v i n g ch ildren , who are still homeless, can be “ adopted.” The cost in Korea and in all countries where CCF operates is ten dollars a month and you will receive your child’s name, address, story and picture. You can correspond with your child. Chil­ dren can be “ adopted” in CCF or­ phanages around the world; in the following 28 countries: Austria, Borneo, Brazil, Burma, Finland, Formosa, F ran ce, Free Ch ina, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Indo­ china, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jor­ dan, Korea, Lapland, Lebanon, Macao, Malaya, Mexico, Okina­ wa, Pakistan, Philippines, Puerto Rico, United States and Western Germany. Established' in 1937, Christian Children’s Fund is the largest Protestant orphanage organization in the world.

These two little Korean tots in a CCF orphanage in Korea, taking part in a Christmas play, are just making believe they are the char­ acters they portray. But a year ago it wasn’t make believe for them. It was all real, too real. The loss of their parents and homes, their hunger, the cold, the hunting in garbage cans and sleeping in door­ ways, their misery as two among a million refugees— all this was piti­ fully real. They were two little suffering victims of a war that had ruthlessly taken from them every­ thing a child needs,and left for them—nothing. But orphanage workers rescued them and clothed and fed them and gave them shelter and schooling and love. And taught them about the Star of Bethlehem and about Joseph and Mary and the Christ Child. Christian Children’s Fund has in its Korean orphanages 8,000 happy and well cared for children like these two youngsters. But there are still 50,000 Korean children who are homeless. The destruc­ tion was so complete. Back and

For information write: D r. J. Calvitt C la rke

CHRISTIAN CHILDREN’ S FUND, INC. ___________________________ R I C H M O N D 4 , V I R G I N I A _____________________________

I wish to “ adopt” a boy □ □ girl for one year in (Name country) • I will pay $10 a month ($120 a year). Enclosed is payment for the full year □ first month Q- Please send me the child’s name, story, address and picture. I un­ derstand that I can correspond with the child. Also, that there is no obligation to continue the adoption. I cannot “adopt” a child but want to help by giving $.............. Gi f t s of any amount are .welcome.

, , ,, . , Please send me turther intormation

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ADDRESS............................................................. I....

CITY.......................................-............ ZONE............

STATE......................................................................... Gifts are deductible from income tax. ___________ J



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