Efficient Control The Operating Console is intuitively designed and easy for the operator to use. The additional remote con- troller on the patient table enhances the efficiency with the inclusion of X-ray control and the real-time image capture function. Efficient Management System Our proprietary EM-View software is a one-click system for image acquisition, procesing and viewing & management. And it is truly DICOM3 compatible for seamless integration with PACS.
Wide Focal Zone Our wide focal zone makes shock- wave focusing more efficient, even though the patient moves slightly during the procedure. Thus, this function is beneficial for the operator as well as the patient when it comes to time-saving during the procedure.
Ultrasound Option
The ASADAL-M1 can also utilize ultrasound to target the stone location, especially useful for radio- lucent stones. Our customized isocentric ultrasound holder is easy to use for the efficient focusing.
One Click Control
ASADAL-M1 Eelectro Magnetic Type ESWL System
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