improving outcomes for patients with septic shock Congratulations to Royal North Shore’s Intensive Care Clinical Research Manager Dr Naomi Hammond, who’s been awarded a hotly-contested National Health and Medical Research Council investigator grant.
Dr Hammond will receive more than $500,000 for her program of research, to investigate the role of fludrocortisone and hydrocortisone steroids in the treatment of patients with septic shock. Dr Hammond said steroids have been used to treat septic shock for decades, and while hydrocortisone has been shown to help save lives, adding fludrocortisone may improve patient outcomes. “This approach is not currently recommended in international guidelines and not consistently adopted in clinical practice,” she said. “The research program, which will be coordinated through The George Institute for Global Health, will undertake a series of studies to help inform a definitive trial of hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone. “The studies will also help determine the optimal dose of fludrocortisone in patient care. “The research will be conducted in the Intensive Care Unit at Royal North Shore Hospital, and through the Australian and New
Dr Naomi Hammond
Zealand Intensive Care Society Network. “We will also be collaborating with the Asia Pacific Sepsis Alliance, with plans for a future trial in that region. “Sepsis and septic shock are leading causes of morbidity and mortality globally, claiming approximately 11 million lives each year. “Our program of research will investigate a simple, inexpensive treatment which has the potential to reduce disease and the number of lives lost to this condition. “This research is particularly important for low and middle-income countries where the burden of sepsis is disproportionally high.”
Boots on the ground this steptember As Steptember approaches, NSLHD News is catching up with some of our top performers who share their secrets to success. This edition we hear from Assistant Chief Radiographer at Royal North Shore, Emily Hodgins. You can sign up at with the code ‘ NSLHD2020 ’. The top fundraiser from each facility will win a Samsung Smartwatch.
How many years have you been doing Steptember? Last year was my first year doing Steptember. How many steps do you aim for each day? I tried to make sure I completed at least 10,000 steps each day. There were a few days I didn’t quite get there. What is your favourite way to get your steps up? Last year I walked either before or after work on my own, but this year I will have my beautiful adopted Greyhound Cooper to keep me company
I raised $1190 last year with some very generous donations from family and friends. It’s a great cause, one that many are eager to support. Who or what inspired you to take part? It was promoted within the RNS Radiology Department by a few eager radiographers, and around 10 teams were formed. Radiology had some fun with it, giving out in- house prizes for best weekly performers which encouraged some healthy competition. A bake sale was also organised with all proceeds going to the charity. What is your stepping and fundraising goal for this year? This year I’d love for the
Radiology department to get involved again. It’s a great morale booster, particularly during these trying times. If we can beat last year’s result, that would be amazing!
How much money have you raised throughout Steptember?
Emily and Cooper
6 NSLHDNEWS | ISSUE 13| 17 JULY 2020
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