There’s always a bigger fish waiting SPORTS
wanted to finish off the visit. “The wharf is one of my dad’s favourite fishing spots when he’s in Canada,”TomMc- Carthy said. “It was going to be a very quick stop. We were fishing for about an hour, casting out and reeling in. We’d caught a couple of small walleye” Then Tom McCarthy decided he would step over onto the wood jetty and try his luck from there. “It was going to be my last cast. I was look- ing over my shoulder, talking to my mum and my wife, and as I got to the end of my retrieve, I made a figure 8 in the water with my lure for a last chance at a strike.” That is when he got more than he bar- gained for with his last cast. Another small walleye had followed the spinner lure but managed to slip off. Instead of it taking a last go at the lure, something else intruded. “As I made my figure 8, I saw a huge swirl, and then a huge head and set of teeth.” Something slammed down on McCar-
Photo Christiane Menard
WENDOVER | Tom McCarthy was hoping for a nice big walleye when he made a last cast into the Ottawa River. He ended up getting more than he bargained for when something much bigger went after his lure. “We had a bit of a nice surprise,”McCarthy said, recalling the results of morning of fish- ing with his dad, Andrew, and his own son, Lucas, off the Wendover wharf overlooking the Ottawa River. The trio had went down to the wharf early in the morning June 17 for a last day of fish- ing before Andrew McCarthy and his wife, Belinda, headed back home to England. They had spent their holidays visiting their son and his family in Wendover and the fishing outing was how the McCarthy men
thy’s line. He played it as careful as he could, catching a glimpse of the big prehistoric head of a huge muskellunge. “This fish hit my lure, it wasn’t more than a foot away from my feet. I’m sure that it had been lying hidden under the dock.” The muskie and McCarthy fought with each other for between 15 and 20 minutes. He could see the lure was hooked onto the edge of the fish’ mouth. He just had a 10-pound-test line and no steel leader or anything to prevent the big sharp teeth of the muskie from severing the line if it man- aged to get its mouth across the line. “It was trying to get back underneath the dock. It was making heavy lunges.” Andrew McCarthy had the net in position
as his son managed to guide the struggling muskie in towards the dock. “It only just fit in our net. We were origi- nally going for walleye. This was the last thing that I was expecting to take out.” Weighing and photographing the muskie took a few minutes. Then after careful re- moval of the lure from its mouth, back into the river it went. The McCarthys watched it scoot back under the dock to hide. “I think it was very happy to be going back,”Tom McCarthy said, smiling. The muskie weighed in at 44 pounds 15 ounces. McCarthy stands five-foot-eight and he had to strain to hold up his catch for a photo. He estimated it at 55 inches plus a little more.
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ROCKLAND | Le coureur de fond Jonathan Favero de l’École secondaire catholique L’Escale de Rockland a atteint l’objectif qu’il s’était fixé, soit de terminer parmi les huit meilleurs aux championnats provinciaux d’athlétisme OFSAA. Ceux- ci avaient lieu du 6 au 8 juin derniers, à Oshawa. La compétition rassemblait les meilleurs jeunes athlètes des écoles secondaires de l’Ontario. Pour sa part, Jonathan Favero s’est classé huitième à l’épreuve du 1500 mètres, ca- tégorie junior, avec un chrono de 4:05,53 minutes. Rappelons que le jeune athlète s’était qualifié pour la compétition provinciale lors du championnat régional de l’Est, tenu récemment. Jonathan s’est admirablement surpassé alors que son temps à la compé- tition régionale avait été de 4:11,24 min- utes. Également de la partie, l’athlète Joshua Capina prenait le départ à l’épreuve du 400 mètre. Joshua a terminé au 17e rang a cette épreuve avec un temps de 54.90 seconde. Il n’a donc pas pu participer à la finale.
“Rockland prices shown. Please call for Russell prices.” Metro-City Realty Ltd. 2325 St.Joseph Blvd., Orleans, ON w w w . g e r r y r a y m o n d . c a
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